Upcoming NIST Computer / Network Security Events:

October 6-7, 2004 : Common Criteria Users' Forum (CCUF)

Crowne Plaza Hotel located at 14th and K Street, NW, Washington, DC.
      NIST, with co-sponsorship from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Partnership's Coordinating Committee, will hold a Common Criteria Users' Forum (CCUF) at Crowne Plaza Hotel located at 14th and K Street, NW, Washington, DC. The CCUF complement and supplements two studies that address issues related to the use of the Common Criteria and to the U.S. NIAP process that implements Common Criteria. These studies are: 1) the ongoing NIAP Review (sponsored by DoD & DHS) and 2) the completed National Cyber Security Partnership Technical Standards Task Force Report on Common Criteria. Common Criteria related stakeholders, including customers, vendors, Common Criteria evaluators and NIAP representatives, are invited to attend the Common Criteria Users' Forum.