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Federal Requirements

Title of
File format
August 2004  OMB Memo: FY04 Reporting Instructions for the FISMA
.pdf file 
August 2004 Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-12
Subject: Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors
.html webpage 
June 2004 1. Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. SUBJECT: Development of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) -7 Critical Infrastructure Protection Plans to Protect Federal Critical Infrastructures and Key Resources
2.HSPD-7 Subject: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization and Protection
3. CIP Instructions - Attachment B: Format of Internal Department/Agency CIP Plan
all 3 files are .pdf files
December 2003 OMB Memo: E-authentication Guidance for Federal Agencies
.pdf file
December 2003 Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-7
Subject: Critical Infrastructure
Identification, Prioritization, and Protection

.html webpage
September 2003 OMB Guidance to Assist Agencies With Certification and Accreditation Efforts
.pdf file
December 2002 Electronic Government Act of 2002
.pdf file
December 2002 Cyber Security R&D Act
.pdf file
December 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (Title III of E-Gov)
.pdf file
October 2002 Guidance on Homeland Security Information Issued - DOJ - Action to Safeguard Information Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction and Other Sensitive Documents Related to Homeland Security
.html webpage
September 12, 2002 Handling and Reporting Computer Security Incidents (memorandum)
.html webpage
November 26, 2001 OMB Guidance to Federal Agencies on Data Availability and Encryption
.pdf file
October 16,
Executive Order: Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age
.html webpage
August 15,
MEMORANDUM to Chief Information Officers and Program Officials   FROM: Dan Chenok   SUBJECT: Guidance on the Release of Security Act Reports
.txt file
Memorandum from the Director of OMB, "Guidance on Implementing the Government Information Security Reform Act".
.pdf format
Department of The Treasury - Fiscal Service - Electronic Authentication Policy - Policies and practices for the use of electronic transactions and authentication techniques in Federal payments and collections.
.txt file
Defense Authorization Act which contains the Government Information Security Reform (formerly S1993).
To view the FULL copy of the Defense Authorization Act go to: NOTE: You will be leaving CSRC and NIST webserver when you click on one of the two links below.
  • in .pdf format about 2100KB - depending on your modem speed it may take a while to open, contains 1,281 pages and the Government section begins on page 652 (Section X, Subtitle G)
  • in text format about 1,600KB - may take a minute or two to open in your browser.
.pdf files
or text file
OMB Guidance on Implementing the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. To view the OMB memorandum. (.html page)
To view the Global and National Commerce Act.(.pdf file)
.html webpage
& .pdf file
This site contains a copy of a June 22, 2000 memorandum from OMB Director Jacob J. Lew on the subject of privacy policies and data collection on Federal websites.
.html webpage
OMB issues Federal Register Notice on Procedures and Guidance for the Implementation of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (.pdf file) [Federal Register, Vol. 65, No. 85, Tuesday, May 2, 2000].
.pdf file
The President sent a memo to the heads of Departments and Agencies on renewing their efforts to safeguard their computer systems against denial-of-service attacks on the Internet.
Text file
The Director of the OMB issues guidance to Federal agencies on Incorporating and Funding Security in Information Systems Investments.
.html webpage
The President's Chief of Staff sent a memo to the heads of Federal Department's and Agencies on computer security.
.html webpage
Privacy Policies on Federal Web Sites
.pdf file
Security of Federal Automated Information Resources (memorandum from Jacob J. Lew, Director)
.pdf file
"Critical Infrastructure Protection."
.pdf file
OMB Circular A-130, Revised .pdf file
or web page
November 2000 Appendix III to OMB Circular No. A-130 .pdf file or web page
1987 Computer Security Act of 1987
(has been superceded by Federal
Information Security Management Act of 2002
(Title III of E-Gov))

For policies and other guidance applicable to National Security Systems, please see http://www.nstissc.gov.


Last updated: August 31, 2004
Page created: February 3, 2000
