ATP Proposal Preparation Kit, February 2004

Exhibit 11:

Complete answers to all questions must be provided for each foreign-owned company participating in the proposed ATP project. Submit additional documentation, if necessary.

Proposal Number:
Name of Submitting Organizations:
1. Is the foreign-owned company incorporated in the United States, or is the LLC, partnership, or sole proprietorship with foreign ownership organized in the United States? (NOTE: A company, LLC, partnership, or sole proprietorship is considered foreign owned if it is majority owned or controlled by a non-U.S. entity, and the non-U.S. entity, or its ultimate parent, if any, is incorporated outside the United States.)
checkbox No. You are ineligible for an ATP award. Do not continue.
checkbox Yes. Please continue.
2. Name of foreign-owned company and U.S. address where research for the project will be conducted.
3. Name of ultimate foreign parent, address, and country of incorporation. Also provide percentage of ownership.
4. What is the type of participation of the foreign-owned company?
checkbox Single company checkbox Joint venture lead company checkbox Joint venture participant
5. What is the role of the foreign-owned company? (Check all that apply)
checkbox Key contributor to the high-risk tasks of the project
checkbox Minor contributor to the high-risk tasks of the project
checkbox Supplier of materials, equipment, or software services
checkbox Manufacturer
checkbox Other. Please explain.
6. What skills, capabilities, and resources does the foreign-owned company bring to the project? How will the company’s role affect project milestones and the plan for commercialization?
7. Provide a brief description (including location, square footage, special equipment) of the facility or facilities where project activities will be carried out.
8. How many employees will be dedicated to the project?
9. Provide the names, titles, and main responsibilities of key project staff.
10. Will there be any activities performed outside the United States?
checkbox No.


  1. Please be specific and explain below what the activities are in terms of project tasks, when they will be performed, and where they will be performed. Explain impact to the project if activities were required to be performed in the United States. Describe the process used to determine whether or not a U.S.-based organization could perform the work.
  2. State dollar amount of the total activity.
11. Does the foreign-owned company expect to develop any new products or apply any new processes to its product lines incorporating the ATP supported technology?
checkbox No.


  1. For each new product or process, when will it first occur?
  2. Where?
  3. If in the United States, which facility?
  4. Which U.S. product line?
  5. Other? Please explain.
12. a. Provide investments that the foreign-owned company has made in research, development, manufacturing, distribution, sales, and marketing during the past 3 years.
b. State approximate dollar value.
13. Describe the relationship between the foreign-owned company and its ultimate foreign parent. Include financial arrangements, intercompany research agreements, and intellectual property arrangements.

Return to Table of Contents or go to Exhibit 12.

Date created: January 25, 2004
Last updated: February 10, 2004

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