Manufacturing Extension Partnership, National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Products & Services: Human Resources

Job Design & Analysis
Performance Management
Training & Development

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership recognizes the impact that people, culture, and skills have on the competitive abilities of small and medium-sized manufacturers in the United States. NIST MEP works with its centers across the country to provide expert advice and service to manufacturers seeking improved company performance through use of an integrated approach to modernization, including consideration of the "people context" at each stage of the engagement.

This section of The MEP Source provides information related to effective people practices. The NIST effort is designed to serve those in the system with two distinct sets of responsibilities: manufacturing specialists who work externally to address the workforce and workplace needs of SMEs and their employees; and internally, building the capacity of MEP center staff and the effectiveness of center people practices.

The contacts for the Human Resources/Workforce Practice Area is Linda Fowler ( There is also a Human Resources Practice Area Project Team, consisting of MEP Center representatives who help make decisions regarding the development of Human Resources products, services and delivery practices for the MEP system.

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Job Design & Analysis  

Job design involves structuring job elements, duties, and tasks to achieve effective job performance and optimal employee satisfaction. Streamlined organizations and shrinking labor pools mean making the most of a given workforce. Effective HR departments help line managers match employee skills to job requirements. In some cases, successful placement may involve rewriting a job description or creating a position to fit a talented employee.

Job analysis is the systematic study of an organization's jobs to obtain information to determine the compensable factors of a job. It involves gathering data about a job to determine and define its “compensable factors” by finding out what the employee does, how and why the job is done, and the skills required for the work.  

Job analysis provides organizations with information from which they can draft job descriptions and conduct job evaluation, the process of determining the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes. Job analysis is the initial step in assembling a wage and salary administration program because it defines the content of an organization's jobs on which to base wages and salaries.

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Performance Management

People-centered management is key to a small manufacturer’s success.  Over the last two decades, numerous studies have shown that organizations across industries have demonstrated enormous economic gains obtained through treating and managing their people right.  The returns from managing people in ways that build high commitment, involvement, and learning are typically on the order of 30 to 50 percent. 

 How can MEP help you establish and sustain these people practices along with managing your company performance and profits?  First of all, we help you see an important source of your competitive leverage is the culture and capabilities of your people.  Success comes from successfully implementing strategy, not just from having one.  This implementation capability is largely dependent on the firm’s people, how they are treated, their skills and knowledge, and their efforts on behalf of the organization.   MEP can help you get started down the path of successful organizations. 

 What are some of the systems producing profits through people?  These include, for example, selective hiring of new people to make sure they have right skills to do their jobs well.  MEP can help you assess the performance needs of your current workforce as well as help you find ways to close the performance gaps so that your workforce is adaptable to rapid change and has broad knowledge about the production system.  Most importantly, we work with you to align your business strategy with all of your people practices in order to improve your company’s competitive success. 

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Training & Development

Training is the educational process that delivers the knowledge and skill workers need to do their jobs. By helping a company keep pace with internal needs and external changes, training can play a vital role in an organization's agenda. A well-designed training program produces knowledgeable, motivated, and efficient employees. These qualities help to stabilize the company's workforce, lower absenteeism, increase productivity, and reduce operating costs.

The following concepts related to Training and Development are presented in this section:

01. The Changing World of Corporate Training
02. SME Reluctance to Train
03. Making Sure Training is the Right Solution
04. Types of Training & Training Resources
05. Selecting the Correct Training Delivery Method
06. Needs Assessment (a.k.a. Front End Analysis)
07. Training Development and Instructional Design
08. The Impact of Quality Systems Standards on Training
09. Supply Chain Impact on Training in SME’s
10. Training Evaluation
11. Structured On-the-job Training
12. Alternatives to Training
13. Non-conventional Training Resources
14. Adult Learning Theory
15. Learning Theories 

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small image to create spaceCreated: 03/28/2003 Last Updated: 03/28/2003

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