
February 5, 2002
CONTACT: Lisette Mondello

Says small businesses are strength of economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison today told women entrepreneurs that growing America's businesses would strengthen the economy and create more opportunities for women.

She recognized the advances of women in business and the importance of continued growth. "Women are starting businesses, earning executive positions and creating jobs at increasing rates," she said to the National Association of Women Business Owners at their annual Public Policy Days.

She discussed legislative achievements impacting women-owned businesses and highlighted the top priorities for this Congress. "Our top three priorities in Congress are national security, homeland defense and stimulating the economy," Senator Hutchison told the group. "Encouraging entrepreneurship and growing small businesses will strengthen our economy and create long-term, sustainable growth."

A former small business owner herself, Senator Hutchison is a strong advocate for business owners and supported small business legislation signed into law last year that increased access to investment capital. "Seventy-one percent of women-owned business are small businesses," Senator Hutchison said. "By growing and supporting those ventures, we are creating economic independence for women." She also endorsed the historic 2001 tax relief package that included broad tax cuts and repealed the estate tax, benefitting small, family-owned businesses by allowing them to be more easily passed through generations.

The Senator focused on the importance of education for young women and highlighted the recently enacted education bill that included three provisions she introduced, including a "report card" that updates parents on the performance of their children's school, a "transition to teaching" program that broadens the pool of available teachers and provisions for single-sex schools and classrooms.

Senator Hutchison stressed the need to train women to compete in the new economy. "We've done well in the fields of law, medicine and others, but we need to encourage our young women to also study the fields of business, math and science," she said. "We need to equip women with the tools, training and technology they need to succeed in today's economy."

She said she would continue to fight for a sound economic stimulus bill that will spur business growth and create jobs. "We cannot afford for our economy to waiver or crater in any way," she said. "A strong economy is critical for success in the war on terrorism."
