Senate Floor Speech
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
March 22, 2004 -- Page: S2862


MRS. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, today I am pleased to introduce the Community Savings and Investment Act of 2004. This will create jobs, expand economic activity, and help to revitalize distressed urban and rural communities. It will accomplish this by providing tax relief for community-focused banks and helping to generate financial opportunities in low-income areas.

As we address the challenges many of our communities face and search for ways to help those looking to improve their standard of living, we must properly leverage the tax laws to encourage economic development. Most people and communities do not want handouts. They want the chance to find solutions and make it on their own. However, to do this they need financial resources.

The lifeblood of any economic development is capital. Too often it is difficult for people, especially those in distressed areas, to access financial resources and other banking services. Providing community banking will lead to much-needed investments in communities, allowing people to purchase homes, start new businesses, and revitalize their neighborhoods.

The Community Savings and Investment Act will improve access to banking services by lowering taxes for community banks. It also provides incentives for banks to serve distressed communities by excluding any resulting income from taxation. By lowering the costs for banks to operate in communities, we can unleash powerful new forces for economic development.

This initiative will make a significant difference in the lives of thousands of families and communities across this Nation. As we seek ways to further strengthen our economy, I urge the Senate to pass this common-sense approach.