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Photo of Lusaka student in the classroom




Development Challenges

The Zambian education system has seriously deteriorated over the last twenty years due to economic decline, lack of resources and institutional inefficiencies. Information required for sound policy and management decisions is rarely available when needed.

Although the population grows at an annual rate of about 3.2%, the number of Zambian children enrolled in school has only marginally increased since 1990. Of those that enter Grade 1, only about two-thirds complete school through Grade 7. The persistence of girls in attending school is lower than that of boys, in general, and, in rural areas, is much lower than that of boys. The stagnation of school enrollment is due to a number of long-standing problems including inadequate numbers of schools and long distances between homes and school facilities.

School infrastructure has also deteriorated. Furniture, textbooks and learning materials in most schools are in very short supply or non-existent. Zambia's HIV/AIDS crisis further undermines the educational system by significantly increasing teacher absences and attrition rates and causing dramatic increases in the number of school-age orphans. Finally, girls -- who have traditionally been disadvantaged in education -- are falling further behind their male counterparts. USAID/Zambia's basic education strategy with the Government of Zambia is aimed at improving the quality of basic education, access to that education, and learning performance, especially among girls. This is done through a series of targeted programs in education and health and nutrition delivered through Zambia's schools.

A complementary set of activities will build capacity in the Ministry of Education to monitor pupil performance and apply the information to improve education, as well as to develop private sector capacity to improve education and promote community involvement in the provision of basic education.

Activities and Partners

Improved quality of learning environments:

Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) USAID support for IRI is to increase access to basic education for out-of-school children. USAID provides Technical Assistance (TA) to Education Broadcasting Services (EBS) writers and producers to develop high-quality IRI that is broadcast to IRI centers throughout the country. Although the main focus of the assistance has been on quality programming, partnerships for supporting the program across the country are also encouraged and facilitated. Arrangements between Peace Corps and the Ministry of Education (MOE) have been made for Peace Corps volunteers to work with their communities in forming and facilitating IRI centers; USAID has facilitated the use of other voluntary support including the use of a volunteer's expertise to help develop HIV/AIDS radio programming; and EBS and faith-based organizations to support IRI in their communities as the need arises.

Plans are currently underway to enhance the quality of IRI programming from Grade 1-5, to increase training of IRI mentors (untrained teacher volunteers) to use participatory approaches to teach HIV/AIDS and lifeskills concepts for behavior change, and to adapt IRI programming for use in community schools and regular government primary schools. Thus far, about 20,000 children have accessed basic education through the IRI program. Assessments of IRI pupil performance show that they are learning and are enthusiastic about the opportunity.

Community Sensitization and Mobilization Campaign (CSMC) The CSMC activity supports the MOE's aim for greater access to basic education, especially for girls, orphans, and out-of-school children through the active participation of communities in the education of their children. Technical assistance and resources help the MOE to sensitize and mobilize communities around the issue of education for all of their children, especially regarding the education of their girls, orphans and other vulnerable children, the enrollment of their out-of-school children, and the mitigation of the effects of HIV/AIDS on education in their communities. Mechanisms to equip communities with the skills, techniques, and communication channels to address their own education needs and, if necessary, facilitate access to additional resources to achieve their objectives. The CSMC will help build capacity of MOE personnel and community partners, especially at district and zonal levels, to carry out this effort. A small grants program complements other CSMC activities. A major part of the CSMC process has been to establish multisector teams (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Community Development and Social Services) and this has been achieved. These teams have conducted sensitization and participatory learning assessments with over 190 communities in 7 districts affecting the education of over 12,000 children to date.

Improved delivery of school-based health and nutrition interventions:

School Health and Nutrition (SHN) program -The aim of the SHN program is to improve pupils' health and nutrition status and thereby improve their learning capacity and performance. CHANGES is assisting the MOE in establishing a SHN intervention delivery system. In doing so, the capacity and protocols for cooperation among three ministries are developed at headquarters (especially between the Ministries of Education and Health but also the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services), provincial and district levels with District Education Offices and District Health Management Teams, and zonal and community levels.

The program is developing the capacity to monitor and assess progress in SHN programs by working with the MOE in developing an SHN information system, establishing a baseline of information on children, and monitoring changes in children's health, nutrition and learning. The SHN program delivers teacher, pupil and community education in the areas of health and nutrition, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS and life skills as well as medical interventions such as de-worming and micro-nutrients. Models for sensitizing communities through drama and information, education, and communication (IEC) strategies are being piloted and implemented, as are community mobilization strategies.

This program is also trying out a multi-sector approach to development which is not only necessary to provide the interventions the MOE wants but provides an experience from which lessons that can be gained. These activities are also complemented by a Small Grants Activity. As of June 2003, the program had reached 20,879 children in the 50 schools and three original pilot districts of Eastern Province and has assisted the MOE in accelerating the program to three (3) additional districts and in the same province. The program has shown that many children in school are indeed affected by malnutrition, worms, and schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and that the cost effective treatment work well. Preliminary results from a study of the effects of the intervention on learning will be available.

Improved Information for Decision-Making:

Education Management Information System (EMIS) and Competency Testing - The EMIS activity assists the MOE with building its capacity to collect timely education data and use it in planning and decision-making at headquarters, provincial and district levels and, to a degree, zonal and community levels. Although USAID resources are focused on piloting and implementing EMIS in Southern and Eastern Provinces, technical assistance is available to the MOE to plan for the rollout of EMIS in all provinces. For the first time, the collection and reporting of findings of 2002 school census data by the end of 2002 ("this year's data reported this year.") Thus far, technical assistance has helped the MOE set up an EMIS platform, build capacity to monitor the collection and input of the school census data, and prepare the 1996-1999 education trends report and the Annual BESSIP Indicators Performance Reports as well as install a computer training lab and training key EMIS personnel in MOE headquarters and in all districts of two provinces.

Also, the activity assists the MOE in redesigning the Annual School Census instrument and training of head teachers from all schools in Zambia. The same technical assistance package has also assisted the Examination Council in competency test development to measure pupil learning for Grade Four.

Zambia DHS Education Survey (ZDES) - The ZDES activity focused on collecting education data from households to supplement the Ministry of Education's annual school survey data (e.g., major factors that influence household demand for schooling and perceived benefits of schooling). This survey builds on the Demographic and Health Survey reported in 2003. The ZDES was conducted with a sub-sample of about 5000 households interviewed during the DHS who have school-aged children from 7 to 13 years. The survey instrument especially focused on household information needs identified by the SHN, equity and gender and HIV/AIDS components. The ZDES report provides a rich, scientific set of information on school-age children, including basic literacy, numeracy, and anthropometric information from households across the nation for the first time. Among its findings are that the MOE's education management information system (EMIS) - see section 3 below-is reliable, that parity between boys and girls at early primary level has been reached, and that parents welcome the teaching of HIV/AIDS-related concepts in school.

Mitigation of HIV/AIDS in Education:

USAID's support for HIV/AIDS mitigation crosscuts all of its education activities. Lifeskills education, community sensitization, and IEC activities are fostered through interactive radio instruction, school health and nutrition, and community sensitization and mobilization activities. The collection and management of HIV/AIDS-related information is supported through the ZDES and EMIS activities.

USAID has supported MOE's HIV/AIDS strategic planning through technical assistance and is currently supporting an Assessment of HIV/AIDS' Impact on Education (to include a look at education policy and the institutional impact on management structures and personnel). USAID also provides assistance for HIV/AIDS strategic planning in education through a regional HIV/AIDS task force, based at the University of Natal, Durban, which the MOE may request for assistance, based on its strategic planning needs.

Future Activities

USAID/Zambia has developed a new Country Strategic Plan 'Prosperity, Hope and Better Health for Zambians' for FY2004 - 2010.

Strategic Obvjective 6,"Improved Quality Of Basic Education For More School-Aged Children, Phase II" will support the GRZ in its expansion of quality basic education under the education reform framework of the Ministry of Education Strategic Plan (MOESP). SO6 will continue to expand, and accelerate successful basic education programs implemented under the FY1998-FY2003 CSP, as well as introduce new elements as appropriate.

HIV/AIDS impacts on education will be mitigated through programs targeted at children of school-going age (awareness/prevention campaigns, training in self-assertiveness and life skills) as well as expansion of FY1998-FY2003 programs to address the effects of HIV/AIDS on teachers and education managers, including support to workplace programs.

USAID/Zambia FY2004 - 2010 Country Strategic Plan

Other Related Links:

USAID/Zambia Internship Notice
USAID/Zambia Scholarships - Educational and professional training funding for Zambian nationals
Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) - government website
WWW.INFO.USAID.GOV Education Page - Further information about USAID Education programs around the world
TechKnowLogia - an international journal for the advancement of knowledge and learning

Last Updated: 19-Aug-2003.

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