DOE Information Quality Guidelines
Request for Correction of Disseminated Information
U. S. Department of Energy
Office of the Chief Information Officer
This page may be used to submit a request for correction of disseminated information as permitted by Section 515 of Public Law 106-554. To seek a correction of Department of Energy disseminated information, complete the fields and follow the Submittal Guidelines. Information exempt from a request for correction may be found in Section III, Item B of the DOE Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated to the Public by the Department of Energy.
If known, please select the originating Program Office responsible for publication of the information in question:
Publication/ Report Title (Include date and publication number if any): (explanation)
If found on our website, please indicate web page address (url): (explanation)
Please select from this list a key word/phrase to describe the information: (explanation)
Describe the information that you believe needs correction:* (explanation)
Describe how this information does not conform to the DOE and/or OMB Guidelines (Cite relevant documents):* (explanation)
Describe why you believe the information needs correction:(explanation)
Provide specific recommendations for how you believe the information should be corrected.*(explanation)

How would you like us to respond:* E-Mail Mail Fax
Salutation: First:* Middle: Last: * Suffix:
Organization/Affiliation (if any):
Mailing Address
Address 1:*
Address 2:*
City:* State:* Zip:*
Email Address:*
Fax Number:*
* required field - if not applicable, please enter n/a.