FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION








                              MEETING #37







                         Friday, March 19, 2004


                               8:30 a.m.




                              Hilton Hotel

                        Silver Spring, Maryland








                Mahendra S. Rao, M.D., Chairman

                Gail Dapolito, Executive Secretary


                Bruce R. Blazar, M.D.

                Katherine A. High, M.D.

                Jonathan S. Allan, D.V.M

                David M. Harlan, M.D.

                Joanne Kurtzberg, M.D.

                Anastasios A. Tsiatis, Ph.D.

                James J. Mule, Ph. D.

                Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D.




                Jeffrey S. Borer, M.D.

                Jeremy N. Ruskin, M.D.

                Michael Simons, M.D.

                Susanna Cunningham, Ph.D.

                Michael D. Schneider, M.D.




                John F. Neylan, M.D.



                Richard O. Cannon, M.D.

                Stephen M. Rose, Ph.D.




                Jesse L. Goodman, M.D., M.P.H.

                Dwaine Rieves, M.D.

                Stephen Grant, M.D.

                Philip Noguchi, M.D.

                Ellen Areman, M.S. SBB (ASCP)

                Richard McFarland, Ph.D., M.D.

                Mercedes Sarabian, M.S., D.A.B.T.




                Stephen E. Epstein, M.D.

                Robert J. Lederman, M.D.

                Emerson C. Perin, M.D., V.A.C.C.

                Silviu Itescu, M.D.

                Phillipe Menasche, M.D.

                Doris A. Taylor, Ph.D.




                            C O N T E N T S




      Call to Order

                Chairman Rao                                     4


      FDA Opening Remarks

                Philip Noguchi                                   8

           Open Committee Discussion-Cellular Therapies for

                            Cardiac Disease


      Open Public Hearing                                        9


      FDA Charge to Committee--Introduction of Questions

                Stephen Grant, M.D.                             37


      Committee Discussion of Questions                         53


      Closing Remarks/Adjourn                                  270




  1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


  2                          Call to Order


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Welcome to the discussion


  4   part of the meeting today.  As is usual with all of


  5   these meetings, we have to go around and


  6   re-introduce the people who are on the committee,


  7   and then open it up for public questions


  8   subsequently.


  9             So I'm going to ask Dr. Neylan to start by


 10   introducing himself again, and then we'll just go


 11   around the table.


 12             DR. NEYLAN: I'm John Neylan.  I'm vice


 13   president of clinical research and development and


 14   Wyeth Research, and I sit on the committee as


 15   industry representative.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: All right.


 17             DR. SIMONS: Michael Simons of Dartmouth


 18   Medical School.  I'm a vascular biologist and also


 19   a cardiologist.


 20            DR. SCHNEIDER: Michael Schneider, Center


 21   for Cardiovascular Development, Baylor College of


 22   Medicine.  I'm a cardiologist and molecular


 23   biologist with an interest in cardiac growth and


 24   cardiac progenitor cells.


 25             DR. CUNNINGHAM: Susanna Cunningham from




  1   the University of Washington School of Nursing in


  2   Seattle, and I am the consumer representative,


  3   usually with the Cardiovascular-Renal Advisory


  4   Committee.


  5            DR. BORER: I'm Jeff Borer.  I'm a


  6   cardiologist from New York.  I am chief of the


  7   Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Division at Cornell,


  8   and the head of the Howard Gillman Institute at


  9   Cornell, and chair of the Cardio-Renal Advisory


 10   Committee of the FDA.


 11             DR. HARLAN: I'm David Harlan.  I'm chief


 12   of the Islet and Autoimmunity Branch at the NIDDR,


 13   within the NIH.  My interests are immunotherapies


 14   for diabetes and islet transplantation.


 15             DR. TSIATIS: I'm Butch Tsiatis.  I'm a


 16   professor of statistics at North Carolina State


 17   University.


 18             DR. MULE: Jim Mule, associate center


 19   director, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa.  I


 20   oversee cell-based therapies for the treatment of


 21   cancer.


 22             DR. MURRAY: Tom Murray, resident of the


 23   Hastings Cents Center; a long interest in ethical


 24   issues in medicine and science.  I write a lot


 25   about genetics and some of these new cellular and




  1   gene-based therapies.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin, we missed


  3   you--can you--


  4             DR. RUSKIN: Jeremy Ruskin--I'm a


  5   cardiologist and electrophysiologist, and I direct


  6   the Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at Massachusetts


  7   General Hospital.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'm Mahendra Rao.  I'm at


  9   the National Institute of Aging, and I'm a stem


 10   cell biologist.


 11             MS. DAPOLITO: Gail Dapolito, Executive


 12   Secretary for the Committee.  And I'd also like to


 13   introduce the Committee Management Specialist,


 14   Roseanna, Harvey.


 15             Thank you.


 16             DR. KURTZBERG: I'm Joanne Kurtzberg.  I'm


 17   a pediatric hematologist-oncologist, and I run the


 18   pediatric bone marrow transplant program at Duke,


 19   and the Carolinas Cord-blood Bank, and I have an


 20   interest in cord-blood stem cells;


 21   transdifferentiation and plasticity.


 22             DR. HIGH: My name is Kathy High.  I'm a


 23   hematologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and


 24   my research interests are in gene transfer as a


 25   means of treating bleeding disorders.




  1             DR. ALLAN: I'm John Allan.  I'm a


  2   virologist at the Southwest Foundation in San


  3   Antonio.  My area is non-human primate models for


  4   AIDS pathogenesis.  I also sit on the HHS


  5   Secretary's Advisory Committee on


  6   Xenotransplantation.


  7             DR. BLAZAR: My name is Bruce Blazar.  I'm


  8   at the University of Minnesota in the Department of


  9   Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation.  Our lab is


 10   focused on the immunobiology of bone marrow


 11   transplantation and its complications.  In


 12   addition, we're using non-hematopoietic cell


 13   therapy to treat organ tissue injury after bone


 14   marrow transplantation.


 15             DR. CANNON: I'm Richard Cannon.  I'm


 16   clinical director of NHLBI.  I'm a clinical


 17   cardiologist by training.


 18             DR. AREMAN: I'm Ellen Areman.  I'm a


 19   product reviewer with CBER, Office of Cellular,


 20   Tissue and Gene Therapy.


 21             DR. McFARLAND: I'm Richard McFarland.  I'm


 22   a pre-clinical reviewer in the Pharm-Tox Branch in


 23   the Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapy.


 24   And my training background is immunopathology and


 25   toxicology.




  1             DR. RIEVES: Hi, there.  My name is Dwaine.


  2   I'm a medical officer at the FDA.


  3             DR. GRANT: Hi, I'm Steve Grant.  I'm a


  4   medical office at the FDA.  I'm a clinical


  5   reviewer, and I'm also a cardiologist.


  6             DR. NOGUCHI: Phil Noguchi, acting director


  7   of the Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene


  8   Therapies.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you, Phil.  I'll turn


 10   the mike over to you so you can make the opening


 11   remarks.


 12                       FDA Opening Remarks


 13             DR. NOGUCHI: Thank you.  This will be very


 14   short, because we have a lot to accomplish.


 15             The first acknowledgment I'd like to do is


 16   we neglected yesterday to say that this is Dr.


 17   Rao's actual first meeting as the formal chair of


 18   the BRMAC committee, and we gave him an easy


 19   assignment, which is to make sure we leave on time


 20   today.


 21             [Laughter.]


 22             And to pick up with apologies to Gandhi,


 23   yesterday--I think we clearly are in a situation


 24   where no one is ignoring this entire field.  We did


 25   have some laughs yesterday, but it was not laughs




  1   about the absurdity of the approach but, really,


  2   about all the nuances that we see.


  3             There was a quote today in the Washington


  4   Post about the success of CNN.  And, actually,


  5   instead of fighting, I would say we are fulfilling


  6   that; and that is the public's business is best


  7   done in the public, which this is a very elegant


  8   example of.  And I'm sure today will be even more


  9   of an example.  And the goal, of course, is to make


 10   sure that when we leave that we do so with a better


 11   knowledge of how we can actually win in the end.


 12             And, with that, I think Dr. Rao, it will


 13   be time for opening the Open Public Hearing.


 14             Thank you.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: We have a couple of people


 16   who wanted to make comments.  And I want to


 17   emphasize right now that if anybody else from the


 18   audience needs to make a comment, this is a good


 19   time to make it.  Sometimes making comments at the


 20   time when the committee is deliberating becomes


 21   much harder, and it's hard to recognize people,


 22   given the time constraints as well.


 23                       Open Public Hearing


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: The first speaker is going


 25   to be Dr. Neal Salomon, and he's going to speak for




  1   about five minutes.


  2             DR. SALOMON: Good morning.  I'm Neal


  3   Salomon.  I'm a cardiac surgeon, and for the last


  4   several years I've worked part-time as an associate


  5   medical director for Parexel, a large CRO based in


  6   Waltham, Massachusetts.  During this time I"ve


  7   worked with GenVec, formerly known to us as


  8   Diacrin, as both a medical monitor and a consultant


  9   in the implementation of their clinical trials,


 10   using autologous myoblast transplantation.


 11             I would like to very briefly summarize the


 12   currently updated results of the three Phase I


 13   pilot safety and feasibility studies--as I believe


 14   that GenVec currently has the largest clinical


 15   experience in the United States.


 16             Next slide, please.


 17             [Slide.]


 18             This is just a brief overview.  And all


 19   subjects in these studies have received their


 20   multiple epicardial injections in the region of


 21   maximal transmural myocardial, epicardial scar.


 22             The first study was just six patients, all


 23   of whom received 300 million myoblasts concurrent


 24   with LVAD replacement as a bridge to heart


 25   transplantation.  I believe that HeartMate was used




  1   in all of them.


  2             The second concurrently running--run CABG


  3   study was a cohort of dose-escalation study; 12


  4   patients.  All of these patients had EF's less than


  5   30 percent, and the injection of myoblasts was done


  6   concurrent with their bypass grafting.


  7             The third--the most current study--was a


  8   cohort of 10 evaluable patients.  All of these


  9   patients, however, had injection of 300 million


 10   myoblasts.  However, this group had a much more


 11   extensive--and I should say expensive--preoperative


 12   evaluation and follow-up using core laboratories


 13   standardized protocols for Echo, MRI, PET and


 14   multiple, multiple 24-hour Holter examinations.


 15             Next slide, please.


 16             [Slide.]


 17             In slightly more detail, this is the six


 18   patients--probably should call it "LVAD" instead of


 19   the CHF patients.  Three of the patients received


 20   heart transplantations.  Two died, and one is still


 21   awaiting transplant after over two years.


 22             Histologic--as part of the informed


 23   consent, the explanted hearts were to be made


 24   available for histologic evaluation, and that has


 25   been completed in five evaluable patients.  That




  1   was recently published, last year, in JAC.  You can


  2   see the reference there.


  3             We couldn't identify any related SAEs.


  4             Next slide, please.


  5             [Slide.]


  6             This is the dose-escalation study in four


  7   separate cohorts.  You can see the number of cells


  8   was much smaller than was mentioned yesterday in


  9   the Paris study.  The initial three only got 10


 10   million, then 30 million, 100 million, and the


 11   final three got the 300 million myoblasts.  Seven


 12   have completed 24-month follow-up.  Five are still


 13   within that time period.  And,  again, we didn't


 14   really find any obviously related SAEs in this


 15   group.


 16             Next slide, please.


 17             [Slide.]


 18             In the most recent and current study,


 19   which has just--I think the last patient is just


 20   being enrolled--all these patients received the 300


 21   million myoblast cells.  There was one early


 22   death--an elderly gentleman, bad re-do, bad


 23   targets.  He died seven days post-op.  He was


 24   already out of the hospital two days, and a


 25   question of primary arrhythmia versus an infarct. 




  1   And on autopsy, he had fresh thrombus in a


  2   right--and a sequential graft going to two branches


  3   of the right.  We suspect that that fit his


  4   clinical pattern and he had a primary MI.


  5             And, again, all these patients are getting


  6   thoroughly evaluated by serial MRIs, echo, PETs,


  7   multiple Holters, by standardized core labs.


  8             Next slide, please.


  9             [Slide.]


 10             And in slightly closer focus--as obviously


 11   the AICD, and the arrhythmias is significant issue,


 12   both clinically and from a regulatory


 13   perspective--let me just tell you a little bit


 14   about all these folks.


 15             The first--the first patient listed there


 16   had an AICD placed prophylactically at week two.


 17   He had non-sustained V-tach, and some new kind of


 18   chest pain within a week after being discharge.


 19   Urgently re-cathed; had significant kinks in his


 20   mammary graft; question of flow limitation.  Placed


 21   on Amyoterone, resolved his arrhythmias, but he had


 22   an AICD placed prophylactically anyway.


 23             The next two patients are very similar,


 24   both at month 10 and month 15.  Both patients had


 25   AICDs placed, essentially due to progressive heart




  1   failure.  There was no improvement after


  2   the--cardiac function after their grafts.  Neither


  3   patient ever had VT--and I don't believe any of


  4   these three have had a shock.


  5             And then, the last group, one patient had


  6   an AICD week three, who had non-sustained V-tach,


  7   also severe LV dysfunction.  His pre- and


  8   post-operative Holters, however, were not really


  9   different, but he had an AICD placed.  And the very


 10   last one had it, again, placed prophylactically for


 11   a position T-wave alternans test, which some


 12   cardiologists feel has significant prognostic


 13   significance.


 14             So my conclusion from evaluating this is


 15   that it's really patient-related variables, rather


 16   than specific procedure-related variables, and do


 17   reflect some expanding indications for the use of


 18   AICDs in this problematic patient group, over just


 19   the four years that these have been running.


 20             And the last slide, please.


 21             [Slide.]


 22             Thus, the total enrollment is 28 patients


 23   over four years.  The average follow-up, as you can


 24   see, for the CABG patients is a year-and-a-half;


 25   for the LVAD patients it's been three months.  We




  1   could not identify any specific procedure,


  2   rejection-related complications; really no


  3   definitive SAEs--that one possibility, but probably


  4   not.


  5             Histologic evidence for cell survival is


  6   currently available.  And the standardized core lab


  7   assessment for all the things mentioned, including


  8   Holters, are ongoing.  So both I, independently,


  9   and GenVec thank you for the opportunity to present


 10   this data to the committee and the FDA.


 11             Thank you very much.


 12             [Applause.]


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: There's just one question


 14   for you from the committee, Dr. Salomon.


 15             DR. BORER: Borer.  I guess when you say


 16   the results are pending from the core labs, there


 17   really aren't any results yet available.  But, let


 18   me ask anyway.


 19             If I understood properly, one of your


 20   studies--I guess it's CABG 002--was a dose-response


 21   study--


 22             DR. SALOMON: Dose escalation, yes.


 23             DR. BORER: Well--escalation, but you had


 24   one dose given to four different groups; one dose


 25   to each group.  That's right?




  1             Okay.  So you can define a dose-response


  2   curve from those data, albeit the numbers are


  3   small, you could.


  4             Do I understand correctly we don't know if


  5   cell survival varied among the doses used in any


  6   dose-related way, and we don't know if there was


  7   any functional parameter that was altered by the


  8   treatment in a dose-related way?


  9             And the reason I ask, obviously, is that


 10   this is the only study that has, in essence, a


 11   control.  I mean, it's a dose-response study, which


 12   could provide a great deal of information, you


 13   know, if the information become available. So


 14   that's why I'm asking specifically about that


 15   study.


 16             The others are, you know, observational


 17   studies with millions of confounds.  This one has


 18   confounds, too.  But, you know, in addition to the


 19   surgery that everybody had, there was a


 20   dose-response design--a parallel group, differing


 21   dose design.


 22             Can you tell us anything about results in


 23   that group?  Or they're just not available.


 24             DR. SALOMON: You know, this was really


 25   confined--with no allusion to efficacy whatsoever,




  1   of course, in terms of functional alterations.  I


  2   haven't addressed that whatsoever.  So--


  3             DR. BORER: But you made measurements.  You


  4   have echo, you have PET, you have--


  5             DR. SALOMON: Oh, sure.


  6             DR. BORER: You have stuff.


  7             DR. SALOMON: Sure.  Sure.


  8             DR. BORER: And I wasn't suggesting you


  9   could look at efficacy.  I was just asking about


 10   functional concomitants of treatment.


 11             DR. SALOMON: Right.  No--I understand.


 12             No--the answer is no obvious correlation;


 13   no dose-related correlation.  Correct.  Too many


 14   variables.


 15             DR. EPSTEIN: I'd like to ask a


 16   question--Steve Epstein.  I'd like to ask a


 17   question of the FDA.


 18             I don't mean to be critical of this study,


 19   but in light of what Dr. Manasche said yesterday,


 20   if you have concomitant CABG, and you're putting


 21   cells in, there is no way you're going to get any


 22   information.  None.


 23             So here are patients who are being exposed


 24   to some risk, with the expectation of having no


 25   information, because there's a CABG.




  1             What is the FDA policy on something like


  2   this.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Let's leave that question


  4   for later, then, Dr. Epstein.


  5             Yes?


  6             DR. SCHNEIDER: I have a question for you


  7   about patient recruitment for the Diagran GenVex


  8   study.


  9             How many recruiting centers were involved?


 10   What was the average number of patients recruited


 11   in each?  And what was the range in the number of


 12   patients recruited by each?


 13             DR. SALOMON: By each center?


 14             DR. SCHNEIDER: By each center.  Because


 15   one of the issue in a trial like this is


 16   reproducibility, hands-on experience.  I'm trying


 17   to get a feeling for what the range was in the


 18   level of participation and recruitment by the


 19   centers.


 20             DR. SALOMON: Yes--excellent question.


 21             There was a predominance of--I guess I


 22   shouldn't say names of centers, so I won't.  But


 23   there was a predominance in both of the--well,


 24   actually, all the trials, with just maybe--we had a


 25   total, I believe, in opportunities for eight to 10




  1   centers, but virtually 80 percent of the patients


  2   came from three to four of the centers.


  3             DR. SCHNEIDER: And the other 20 percent


  4   came from centers that were doing one or two


  5   patients each?


  6             DR. SALOMON: Had fewer patients


  7   each--correct.  Correct.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you, Dr. Salomon.


  9             DR. CUNNINGHAM: What were the genders of


 10   the patients?


 11             DR. SALOMON: Only--of all these--of the 28


 12   patients, only two female.


 13             DR. CUNNINGHAM: Thank you.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you.


 15             Dr. Reiss?


 16             DR. REISS: My name is Russ Reiss.  I don't


 17   have any slides prepared.  I've just been sitting


 18   at this meeting for the last day and am somewhat


 19   frustrated.


 20             I'm a clinical heart surgeon at the


 21   University of Utah who--we also have a very active


 22   basic science laboratory, and we are also planning


 23   to do cardiac trials will cellular therapy.


 24             But what I wanted to say--actually, I'm


 25   glad that Dr. Salomon did just give a little bit of




  1   information from the cardiac surgeon side--and a


  2   little bit of rebuttal to Dr. Epstein.


  3             I do not believe that just because we can


  4   put these in with catheters that that is the actual


  5   safest way to do this; and that maybe in the


  6   operating room, with the heart under diastolic


  7   arrest, completely in a controlled setting that is


  8   probably the most controlled, most sterile setting


  9   we have from clinicians today is the cardiac


 10   operating room.  And just some of the quick points


 11   I just wanted to let the FDA know, that in response


 12   to putting a CABG graft on a heart and saying that


 13   you can't tell any difference, I don't agree with


 14   that at all.  Because we've all revascularized a


 15   heart and seen no difference in wall motion,


 16   because that area is not graftable, or there's an


 17   area there that's thin but not dead.  And you may


 18   not see anything at all.


 19             If you put cells in that area that you did


 20   not put a graft on, you can follow that.  And we've


 21   seen some very nice images--Dr. Lederman yesterday


 22   showed beautiful cardiac MRI images with very


 23   specific areas of the heart and the walls that can


 24   be followed with high definition.  We can see what


 25   happens to the area that is not revasculizable with




  1   a CABG graft.


  2             And I would say that all the concerns that


  3   have been raised with catheters--we heard yesterday


  4   that the catheter was very safe, and nothing ever


  5   happens in the cath lab.  We'll that's not true.


  6   Cardiac surgeons repair valves, we repair aortas.


  7   That thin transverses the groin, the aortic arch.


  8   There's all kinds of misadventures that happen with


  9   catheters that cardiac surgeons have to fix.


 10             So I would just say to the FDA that, you


 11   know, it's going to be done with a catheter one


 12   day.  It's already being done outside this country.


 13   I think that is going to be eventually how the


 14   majority of cellular therapy is going to be


 15   delivered.  But, as far as safety, some of these


 16   trials probably should be also considered in the


 17   cardiac setting, in the operating room, where much


 18   of the pre-clinical data has been done with direct


 19   injection, under arrested heart.


 20             And the last thing, about safety: all our


 21   patients also go to the ICU, and they're under the


 22   most monitoring on a daily basis that you can have.


 23   And we can also apply what other types of safety


 24   monitoring the FDA would like to see us do.  But


 25   often the catheter patients do not get the same




  1   level of post-operative monitoring.


  2             So, just a plug for the cardiac surgery


  3   side, since it seems that we're a little bit


  4   under-represented.


  5             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you, Dr. Reiss.


  6             Dr. O'Callaghan?




  8             DR. O'CALLAGHAN: My name is Michael


  9   O'Callaghan, and I"m the vice president of


 10   pre-clinical biology at Genzyme.  I'm responsible


 11   for many of the pre-clinical studies that are to


 12   look after safety and efficacy for the cell


 13   products and many other products at Genzyme.


 14             I'd like to thank the FDA for, first,


 15   allowing us to speak and, secondly, for putting on


 16   this two-day series of seminars, because I think


 17   it's critical to the way we move forward.


 18             I would remind people of this document


 19   called "Innovation and Stagnation," which is a


 20   document that just recently came out from the FDA.


 21   And if you look at the graph which is on Figure 2,


 22   you will see that in 1993, there were 17 BLAs


 23   submitted to the FDA, and progressively over the


 24   next 10 years to 2003, there was virtually a


 25   straight line downward plunge to 14 last year.  If




  1   you continue that, that's 5 BLA losses per year.


  2   So by 2007, there won't be any.


  3             So, I think what we're talking about


  4   today--and some of the things that we're talking


  5   about today--is how do we get to a better process


  6   or procedure or strategy that will allow industry


  7   and the FDA to come to a more transparent, perhaps,


  8   and faster or more efficient approach to this.


  9             If you think about some of the issues that


 10   have been discussed and the complexity of what


 11   we're dealing with, you may recall from much of


 12   yesterday's conversation that many of the


 13   procedures that we are using to deliver cells--in


 14   fact all of them--invoke some sort of pathology of


 15   themselves.  So if you think about the emboli that


 16   were produced in the intra-coronary delivery, or


 17   you think about needle tracks or catheter delivery


 18   systems that ago through the wall or travel through


 19   the heart, there is a primary pathology created by


 20   that.


 21             On top of that, there is the pathology


 22   that is behind the infarct itself; whether it's a


 23   recent infarct or an old infarct, which complicates


 24   interpretation, and complicates the safety and


 25   efficacy issues we're trying to deal with.




  1             A third variable, of course, is the cell


  2   death that we all heard about, obviously invokes


  3   some sort of pathology.  And, on top of that, we


  4   have our understanding of the pathological, or


  5   physiological processes that we have in great


  6   abundance in the literature, and that's our sort of


  7   background in trying to understand how to provide


  8   studies that answer the safety questions or the


  9   efficacy questions.


 10             And then on top of this background, we're


 11   attempting--with the few surviving cells that are


 12   there, and presumably the ones that are going t o


 13   give benefit to the patient--out of that morass,


 14   try to find out whether there is a safety issue, or


 15   efficacy, on top of many of the other things, like


 16   CABG.


 17             So, how does that translate to dealing


 18   with the regulatory authorities in trying to


 19   demonstrate that there is safety and that there is


 20   efficacy?  The difficulty, of course, is that


 21   background.  I think the other difficulty is


 22   outlined, in part, in this document: and that is


 23   that the process as it is at the moment is an


 24   iterative one, where it's almost like a five-year


 25   poker game, where each one is holding the cards




  1   against their own chest and only giving out the


  2   card that matters.  And that goes on for several


  3   years, and as you play your card, or pick up a new


  4   card to try and strengthen your hand, you end up


  5   spending a lot of money in the process and, in the


  6   end, many of these products shown on this graph die


  7   very slowly.


  8             So my plea at the moment, or to this body,


  9   is that we need to think about how we are going to


 10   make the process more transparent so that quicker


 11   decisions can be made.  And I think it has to be


 12   translated at two levels: one is at the level of


 13   policy and strategy--how the FDA is going to


 14   interact with industry.  And, secondly, what was


 15   pointed out yesterday by Dr. Noguchi and McFarland,


 16   how to translate that down to the individual case,


 17   where the sponsor and the FDA are having to work


 18   out, between them, on that one individual case, how


 19   to get to a satisfactory solution as quickly as


 20   possible.


 21             Thank you.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you, Dr. O'Callaghan.


 23   I think the FDA shares the frustration--and all the


 24   stem-cell biologists also, in how can one translate


 25   some of these things into an appropriate




  1   methodology that can be used.


  2             I'm going to ask Dr. Noguchi to maybe say


  3   a couple of words on what a BLA is so that people


  4   who may not be familiar with it are aware of what a


  5   BLA application is.


  6             DR. NOGUCHI: Okay.  Yes--BLA stands for


  7   "Biologics License Application."  It's given under


  8   the authority of a section of the Public Health


  9   Service Act that we call "Section 351," and it is


 10   in a parallel situation to the Food, Drug and


 11   Cosmetic Act.  The main distinction, from the legal


 12   point of view, is that if you have an approved


 13   NDA--new drug application--you don't need a


 14   simultaneous BLA, and vice versa.


 15             The basic requirements for a license


 16   application is that you have a product--let's give


 17   a hypothetical example of a cellular product for


 18   future cardiac repair--that can be made in a manner


 19   that is consistent; that is, for many biologics, we


 20   do not need to have an ultimately precise


 21   definition and specification for a pure entity,


 22   however we want you to be able to make it the same,


 23   time after time after time, within certain limits.


 24             If we go back to the original law--1902


 25   law--the legislative history is basically states:




  1   what we want is something that's safe relative to


  2   the indication; that's pure as possible; and that


  3   is potent, so that the practicing physician, in his


  4   or her capacity, will have some confidence that


  5   when this product is given that their patient will


  6   have some expectation of therapy; that is, they'll


  7   be better after than before.


  8             So I think--that's sort of more of a


  9   philosophical thing, but the end game is really: if


 10   you have something that we know works, and can


 11   be--works in a manner that it can be convincing,


 12   which is usually based on planned clinical


 13   trials--occasionally we may have historical data


 14   that can be used in terms of an approval.  But,


 15   clearly, for experimental products such this--we


 16   heard yesterday, eloquently--that without a placebo


 17   how do you know that this is actually working,


 18   since all the non-controlled trials say they all


 19   work.


 20             So if it's effective in a reproducible


 21   way, and you can make the product the same again


 22   and again and again, so that, again, the practicing


 23   physician gets a vial of cells, says, "Okay, I know


 24   this is pretty potent.  This is the dating period.


 25   I can give it.  Or, if it's past the dating period,




  1   maybe I'll give a little bit more."  It's to give


  2   the physician the maximum flexibility in


  3   prescription, as well as to validate and provide


  4   that assurance that the product actually works and


  5   can be made consistently.  That's what the BLA is


  6   all about.


  7             It can be done by a major pharmaceutical


  8   company. It has actually been done, in a few cases,


  9   by universities and by state public health


 10   entities.  So it's a very flexible approach.  It


 11   can go all the way from the very largest


 12   multi-center, multi-national, hundreds of thousand


 13   patient trials down to even those with about five


 14   to 10.


 15             So it's a flexible mechanism.  But, again,


 16   the end game is: does it work?  If it does, we'll


 17   approve it.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you.


 19             I think a couple of people have questions


 20   for you, sir.


 21             DR. MURRAY: Phil, what's your response to


 22   Dr. O'Callaghan's claim that we've gone from having


 23   rather a large number of these BLA applications in


 24   a year, to a declining trend?  Is that--if that's


 25   the data--I have no reason to doubt the data, but




  1   the interpretation of it was what is not clear to


  2   me.


  3             DR. NOGUCHI: Yes, myself not having all


  4   the primary data at hand--but it is--like anything


  5   else, it depends on what is put into the


  6   publication.  We do, for example, license blood


  7   banks, and those, literally, will be coming in at a


  8   much higher rate.  We do not necessarily count


  9   those as new molecular entities.


 10             It is true, but it's not just for


 11   biologics applications, but also for molecular


 12   entities--for drug molecular entities--that in a


 13   very real sense there has been a tremendous set of


 14   developments and follow-through of things that are


 15   known.  And we have entered, somewhat


 16   asynchronously, a time where there a lot of things


 17   that have been solved, in a somewhat prosaic way.


 18   All the easier diseases really have been done, and


 19   now we're dealing with the ones that are very hard.


 20   Cancer, as an entity, sounds like it's not just


 21   one, it's a very hard disease in order to make


 22   progress above and beyond extension of live for


 23   several months, or--and so forth.


 24             So a lot of what we're seeing is: what's


 25   known has been done for those diseases for which we




  1   know how to treat.  But what we are now seeing is


  2   all the rest of them here: cardiovascular disease,


  3   congestive heart failure.  We saw how the cascade


  4   is just a very long one, and we're trying to


  5   intervene at perhaps a point where it's a little


  6   bit hard to reverse years of damage.  Likely it can


  7   be done, but how we get there is very dependent, to


  8   a great degree, on what the science and knowledge


  9   of disease is.


 10             So, I think what we are seeing is that we


 11   are seeing fewer applications in the whole drugs


 12   and biologics arena.  And part of that is that our


 13   scientific knowledge, on the one hand, for making


 14   products is expanding rapidly, but our


 15   understanding of the--quote--"simplicity" of


 16   disease is proving to be--well, it may be very


 17   simple, but, boy, that's pretty darn hard compared


 18   to what we already know.


 19             There are no easy solutions to any of


 20   these diseases that we see right at the moment.


 21   And that's part of the lag we're seeing.


 22             Dr. McClellan's emphasis on the


 23   critical-path initiative is really to try to help


 24   everyone to come back and focus as to what are


 25   those things that will make a difference, and then




  1   what are those things that are simply going to be


  2   increments and improvements that may only give us a


  3   little bit of extension of life, a little bit


  4   longer acting drug, but may not be actually


  5   altering the fundamental disease.


  6             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne?


  7             DR. KURTZBERG: I have a question that goes


  8   back to the cardiac transplantation issue at


  9   hand--or the cellular therapy issue at hand.


 10             In the current proposed tissue regs,


 11   minimally manipulated or non-manipulated products


 12   are not really candidates for BLA or licenses.  So,


 13   for example, if you take bone marrow from a sibling


 14   and you transplant it directly into the patient,


 15   there's no license involved with doing that.


 16             And some of the therapies that both are


 17   being done now and are being proposed involve what


 18   we've done with bone marrow for years; taking it


 19   and putting it somewhere else--in this case,


 20   usually autologous, or mobilized blood, or even


 21   CD34 AC133-- selected products for which there


 22   already are devices that are either under IND or


 23   licensed.


 24             So how would the FDA--you know, so this


 25   therapy crosses a bridge between using things that




  1   we use already, but just putting them in a


  2   different place; and then, also, modifying


  3   those--some things, ex vivo, with culturing and


  4   other technology.


  5             You could interpret the regs as they are


  6   proposed as saying the minimally manipulated


  7   product doesn't need a license or a BLA, and only


  8   the ex vivo manipulated or culture, transfected,


  9   etcetera and so forth products do.


 10             What's the FDA's view of that.


 11             DR. NOGUCHI: Well, we really did not have


 12   this meeting to try to focus on the question of


 13   whether we need this approach versus that approach.


 14   However, I'll just quickly say a couple of things.


 15             First, the tissue regulations are still in


 16   the process of being finalized.  However, the


 17   point--one part of the regulations does say that if


 18   you use something that would otherwise be


 19   considered to be not manipulated beyond its normal


 20   biological characteristics, if it's used in a


 21   manner that inherently does not seem that it


 22   logically follows--which is what happens in this


 23   case--we've already heard yesterday, and we see


 24   throughout the past year, in terms of the active


 25   literature, if bone marrow cells of whatever never,




  1   however purified, are put into the heart by means


  2   of devices, or by direct injection, or by surgical


  3   procedures, that, in fact, either you get


  4   regeneration of heart, you get vascularization, you


  5   get transdifferentiation--none of which have been


  6   proven by any means, in any clinical trial, let


  7   alone in any animal studies that have been done--we


  8   term that a "non-homologous use," because it has


  9   not been shown, and the current science does not


 10   show that any of those possibilities are actually,


 11   in fact, what happens.


 12             And so, for that reason, we are saying


 13   these are highly experimental procedures they're


 14   using in addition to the product itself, which is


 15   experimental.  We're using products--other products


 16   such as catheters in an experimental way--and, all


 17   put together, clearly merit the justification and


 18   the overview of FDA regulation at the IND level.


 19             DR. KURTZBERG: I'm not questioning that.


 20   But--


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'm going to cut this here,


 22   because this is not part of the whole mandate for


 23   the committee.  And these questions--this whole


 24   idea of--I just wanted people to know about the


 25   BLA.




  1             DR. KURTZBERG: But it is important.


  2   Because if it works, do you then have to go have a


  3   BLA, or a license to use bone marrow for this, when


  4   you wouldn't have a license to use bone marrow for


  5   the other indication therapy.


  6             CHAIRMAN RAO: And that's certainly an


  7   important issue, but I don't think we want to


  8   address it in this committee because it's not part


  9   of our mandate for the question.


 10             [Pause.]


 11             Are there any additional comments from the


 12   audience?  Anyone?


 13             Go ahead.  Just make sure you identify


 14   yourself, and if you have any financial--


 15             DR. GRANT: My name is Stephan Grant.  I'm


 16   working with Viacel in Boston, and I'm running the


 17   European branch of Viacel--a small company named,


 18   Curion.


 19             I would like to make a comment to the


 20   issue of immunosuppression in animal studies.


 21   There has been a position by Dr. Itescu yesterday


 22   saying, well, it doesn't make sense to use


 23   immuno-compromised animals treated with cyclosporin


 24   or rapomycin, or whatever, in order to do our


 25   studies.




  1             I would like to challenge that position a


  2   little bit, because I think we also heard that stem


  3   cells are quite heterogeneous, and we see the


  4   problem that how can we make sure that an animal


  5   stem cell preparation is really very homologous to


  6   the human stem cell preparation, which may carry


  7   the same name but could be different, in terms of


  8   the cell composition or other factors.  And we


  9   don't have the tools in our hands to discriminate,


 10   or to decide whether the animal stem cells are


 11   really the same--have the same quality, the same


 12   properties, the same purities as the human product.


 13             So we had made a conscious decision to


 14   work with immunosuppressed animals,


 15   immuno-compromised porcine--pigs, treated with


 16   cyclosporin, and tested our stem cells, human stem


 17   cells in that setting, with good results so far.


 18             And I think taking that strategy, we are


 19   on the safe side with respect to testing our


 20   products in terms of efficacy and safety, because


 21   we don't have to make this transition or


 22   translation of the animal that, say, the animal


 23   data generated with animal stem cells then into the


 24   human setting.


 25             And somehow, I--I mean, I think it's fine




  1   if the authorities accept the, let's say known


  2   xenograft, or xenograft-avoiding strategy, but it


  3   would be--I think it would be a pity if we would


  4   now have a dogma that studies with


  5   immuno-suppressed animals would make sense in this


  6   context.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you.


  8             DR. ITESCU: I accept that point.  That's a


  9   valid point.


 10             The point that I was making simply is if


 11   you're going to use immuno-suppression in an animal


 12   model with human cells, you've got to take into


 13   account the potential effects of the drugs on the


 14   cells you're studying.  And as long as you've got


 15   appropriate controls, as long as you've taken that


 16   into account, it's reasonable to look at those sort


 17   of models.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: We're going to move on.


 19             Briefly?  Is this relevant.


 20             AUDIENCE MEMBER: I'm very sorry to


 21   re-comment, but Dr. Epstein's query didn't really


 22   get a response--at least from me.


 23             And the other issue is the clinical trial


 24   design, with human subject protection.  And these


 25   pilot studies weren't designed--efficacy as a




  1   stand-alone procedure, because clearly you have to


  2   get safety and feasibility first.


  3             So, it's really difficult to do cell


  4   implantation studies, I think, as a stand-alone


  5   procedure, and they had to be done concomitantly


  6   with bypass grafting.  I think that was really the


  7   rational; not to prove efficacy.


  8             Thank you.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you.


 10             I'm going to ask the FDA to pose the


 11   questions.


 12             Dr. Grant?


 13                     FDA Charge to Committee


 14             DR. GRANT: Hi--I'm Steve Grant.  I'm one


 15   of the clinical reviewers here at FDA.  I'm also a


 16   cardiologist.


 17             I wanted to start out today by thanking


 18   the members of the committee and the invited


 19   speaker--as well as the speakers who were kind


 20   enough to join us during the open public


 21   hearing--for coming here and sharing their time.


 22   We know they all have very busy and very productive


 23   professional lives, and we thank you for joining us


 24   today to discuss these very important issues.


 25             I'm going to briefly review why we've




  1   asked you to come here yesterday and today.  And


  2   I'll then review the questions that we've asked you


  3   to discuss.


  4             Next slide, please.


  5             [Slide.]


  6             We have asked you to discuss certain


  7   safety concerns that need to be addressed to


  8   initiate human trials of cellular therapies for


  9   cardiovascular diseases.  These concerns are part


 10   of our mission to promote and protect public


 11   health.  We are, however, also responsible for


 12   facilitating the development of safe and effective


 13   therapies--and I've put up here an addition that


 14   was made to the FDA Mission Statement in August


 15   2003.


 16             This revision explicitly states that "the


 17   FDA is responsible for advancing the public health


 18   by helping to speed innovations that make medicines


 19   and foods more effective, safer and more


 20   affordable."


 21             Although this was made explicit in the


 22   2003 revision, facilitating the development of safe


 23   and effective therapies does promote the public


 24   health, so I would argue that this was always


 25   implicit in our mission statement.




  1             We have convened the committee to solicit


  2   advice about certain issues that have delayed the


  3   development of potential therapies for


  4   cardiovascular disease.


  5             Next slide, please.


  6             [Slide.]


  7             Here's one of the clinical challenges that


  8   exists in cardiology--I think you've heard about it


  9   from several speakers yesterday.  There's--very


 10   simply stated--there's over a million people in the


 11   United States who acute myocardial infarction every


 12   year.


 13             For those of us who have a bit of gray


 14   hair, they can remember when taking care of MIs


 15   consisted essentially of putting people to bed.


 16   The mortality rate for MI has been declining fairly


 17   rapidly.  It's gone down 30 percent over the last


 18   two decades.  And this has been due, at least in


 19   large part, to the advent of reperfusion therapy;


 20   both thrombolysis and percutaneous coronary


 21   intervention.  However, these therapies are not


 22   entirely effective.  Most patients who will suffer


 23   acute myocardial infarction will be left with a


 24   variable amount of left ventricular dysfunction.


 25             Because increasing numbers of these




  1   patients are surviving, there are many, many more


  2   patients each year that have diminished cardiac


  3   reserve.  It fact, congestive heart failure is the


  4   only cardiovascular diagnosis whose absolute


  5   incidence is increasing year by year.  And it's


  6   partially due to the aging of the population, but


  7   it's also, in large part, due to this phenomenon.


  8             And therefore we are very interested in


  9   facilitating cellular therapies because they may


 10   benefit these growing numbers of patients with


 11   congestive heart failure.


 12             Now, I don't want to suggest that this is


 13   the only indication for which I think these


 14   products might be used, or that even for sure, that


 15   this is an appropriate indication.  Conceptually,


 16   there are many, many other types of cardiac disease


 17   that could be benefitted by cellular therapy.


 18             Next slide, please.


 19             [Slide.]


 20             I'm going to talk a bit about the


 21   regulatory requirements.  Before a new product is


 22   administered to humans, FDA is required to conduct


 23   an independent and detailed assessment of the risk


 24   to human subjects.  The regulations provide the


 25   mechanism by which we conduct this assessment. 




  1   They provide the framework wherein we can answer


  2   this question--which is never trivial, I don't


  3   think, for any trial, but most certainly is not


  4   trivial for novel therapies such as these--and that


  5   is: how do we balance individual subject safety


  6   against the potential public health benefits of new


  7   therapy?


  8             The risks are borne by the few, and the


  9   benefits go to the many.  And our society has


 10   designed a mechanism, and provide a framework, and


 11   charged us to make this assessment.  And the


 12   regulations are how we do that.


 13             This risk assessment must be


 14   sufficiently--must include sufficiently detailed


 15   information regarding the following: product


 16   characterization and safety testing.  And I think


 17   it's fairly obvious--safety testing, that we


 18   wouldn't transmit, for example, infectious agents


 19   in a product.


 20             Product characterization--as Dr. Noguchi


 21   has already discussed--is a bit more difficult for


 22   cellular therapies than it is for a drug.  A drug,


 23   you know the--you can characterize the reagents


 24   that go into it.  You know and understand precisely


 25   the manufacturing processes.  You can chemically




  1   characterize what comes out.  You understand--you


  2   manufacture the pill.


  3             We talk about manufacturing with cellular


  4   therapies as well, although even to my ear it still


  5   always sounds a little strange to talk about


  6   "manufacturing."  I mean, we're really--it's a


  7   process that we use to produce these cells, and


  8   that process, in some ways, is the way we


  9   characterize them.  But, still, there are certain


 10   concerns that we have to be able to characterize


 11   that end product in some way that's


 12   meaningful--because you can't run a clinical trial


 13   if you don't understand what you're giving to the


 14   patients.  I think it's kind of self-evident that


 15   if you don't understand, or don't have a way of


 16   characterizing what you've done, you don't have a


 17   trial you have a case series of a group of people


 18   who are given something you don't understand.


 19             You have to provide supportive


 20   pre-clinical or clinical data.  You have to provide


 21   data that allows us to independently assess the


 22   risk to the subjects as best as can be done.  I


 23   mean, we've heard already about the difficulties of


 24   finding appropriate pre-clinical models.  That


 25   doesn't--because they're difficult doesn't excuse




  1   you from not having any.


  2             And you need to be able to identify a safe


  3   starting dose.  And then you need to have a


  4   monitoring plan that suggests that you're going to


  5   be able to detect the adverse events in a timely


  6   fashion, so that any subject that suffers those


  7   adverse events can be identified and treated


  8   quickly, and so that subsequent subjects will not


  9   be exposed to the same adverse events.


 10             Next slide, please.


 11             [Slide.]


 12             And with that as the background, I want to


 13   go through the common issues that have delayed


 14   initiation of clinical trials in this area--and


 15   I've probably seen most of the submissions to the


 16   FDA,  And these are the four things that we have


 17   identified as being problems.


 18             One: the cellular product that is


 19   administered--or the cellular product that's


 20   proposed for the clinical trial is different from


 21   that that's used in pre-clinical studies.  You


 22   know, we--some people, I think, would advocate--we


 23   certainly heard yesterday people who would say once


 24   you've seen one bone-marrow mononuclear cell you


 25   may have seen them all.  But there may be




  1   differences within these preparations.


  2             Secondly: insufficiently detailed safety


  3   data--and particularly, we will sometimes get, as a


  4   safety data base, just published reports.  It's


  5   very difficult to get, from a publication, the kind


  6   of detail.  We have to be able to do an independent


  7   analysis and, generally, publications will not


  8   include a detailed protocol, which will include all


  9   the protocol-specified assessments, and it won't


 10   include either the case report forms for a clinical


 11   study, the line item of raw data for a pre-clinical


 12   or non-clinical study.


 13             Three: limited information about the


 14   compatibility of the cellular product and the


 15   delivery device.


 16             Four: an inadequate plan for monitoring of


 17   subjects during and after product administration.


 18             And I think you'll see that the questions


 19   that we've asked you, with the exception of the


 20   seventh, which is just a bit different--but the


 21   first six clearly all are derived from these


 22   issues.  We'd like to get advice about these issues


 23   so that we can help understand how to resolve


 24   these, and so the investigator community can help


 25   understand, so that we can get submissions that




  1   will go forward.


  2             Next slide, please.


  3             [Slide.]


  4             So the advice that we seek from you are


  5   general comments and recommendations about certain


  6   manufacturing issues, certain preclinical testing


  7   issues, and about pilot clinical design, with


  8   respect to certain issues that need to be addressed


  9   to permit safe initiation of clinical


 10   development--which we are quite anxious to see


 11   happen.


 12             Next slide, please.


 13             [Slide.]


 14             Question 1--well, these first two


 15   questions are going to relate to safety in


 16   characterization of the cellular product.


 17             Question 1: we know that because the


 18   specific cells, mechanism of action and cell-device


 19   interactions are still in very early stages of


 20   investigation, the appropriate and adequate safety


 21   testing and characterization have not yet been


 22   defined, and may conceptually vary, based on the


 23   cell source and type of manipulation.


 24             We would like you to discuss the intrinsic


 25   safety concerns for cellular products for the




  1   treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and the


  2   testing that should be performed to ensure


  3   administration of a safe product.  Among the


  4   factors that you might consider are tissue source,


  5   manufacturing process, formulation, storage, route


  6   and site of administration.


  7             In your printed version, in the briefing


  8   document, these came out as "a, b, c, d."  We by no


  9   means think that you have to discuss each of those


 10   as a separate subpoint, but consider them, instead,


 11   in your discussion of the overall question.  And I


 12   would caution the committee to try to remember that


 13   we're talking here about treatments of cardiac


 14   diseases.  The larger field of cell therapy is


 15   quite a broad one, and we would like to stay to the


 16   specifics of cardiac therapy today.


 17             Question 2--


 18             Next slide, please.


 19             [Slide.]


 20             --these products are all heterogeneous, in


 21   terms of cell types contained and, in some of them,


 22   the biomarkers also are different on different cell


 23   types; the degree of heterogeneity present in


 24   administered cellular products may be an important


 25   variable in characterization or in determining




  1   their safety or efficacy.


  2             Therefore, please comment on the elements


  3   of product identity and characterization necessary


  4   to generate meaningful data about safety and


  5   efficacy.  And, conceptually, we think that these


  6   may include comments about specific


  7   biomarkers--that would be most particularly with


  8   the bone marrow-derived products--and the types and


  9   percentages of cell types that would apply to both


 10   the products derived from muscle biopsies, as well


 11   as those derived from bone marrow or from


 12   peripheral blood.


 13             And there may be other parameters that you


 14   would identify as being important.  And we would


 15   ask for your comments.


 16             Next slide, please.


 17             [Slide.]


 18             Question No. 3--the next couple of


 19   questions, 3 and 4, concern the kinds of


 20   pre-clinical data needed to assess safety, and


 21   identify a safe starting dose prior to initiating


 22   human clinical trials.


 23             Various--we've already had part of a


 24   discussion of this.  Various animal models have


 25   been proposed to support the safety of cellular




  1   products used in the treatment of cardiac disease.


  2    These include studies of both small and large


  3   species; studies utilizing either immune-competent


  4   or immuno-compromised animals.


  5             Each model has some advantages and


  6   limitations, which have been reviewed by the


  7   speakers and previously discussed.  For instance,


  8   human cellular products can be tested in


  9   genetically immuno-compromised rodents, but these


 10   animals provide limited clinical monitoring of


 11   cardiac function, and cannot be used to assess the


 12   safety of devices.  Large animals allow for more


 13   extensive monitoring of cardiac function and the


 14   use of the same delivery device intended for


 15   clinical use.


 16             Please discuss the merits and limitations


 17   of various large and small animal species for


 18   providing pharmacologic, physiologic and


 19   toxicologic support for cellular products used in


 20   the treatment of cardiac disease, and please


 21   consider the following: the intended human clinical


 22   cellular product; the delivery system that's


 23   proposed in the clinical trial; and extrapolation


 24   of study results from animals to humans.


 25             Question No. 4: Please discuss the merits




  1   of animal models of ischemic disease with respect


  2   to ability to generate proof of concept data, and


  3   generate toxicologic data of relevance to the


  4   clinical disease.  And, conceptually, animal models


  5   of ischemic disease could include normal


  6   animals--or no ischemic disease--as Dr. Vouye


  7   presented a very interesting study with essentially


  8   normal dogs.


  9             The models--again, the models of ischemia


 10   that are available are many; cryoablation,


 11   ligation, ligation-reperfusion, ameroids.


 12             Question No. 5, please


 13             [Slide.]


 14             The next question concerns the types of


 15   evacuations needed to assess the compatibility of


 16   the cellular product with the delivery device.


 17   Please discuss evaluation of potential interactions


 18   between cellular products and cardiac catheters;


 19   adverse effects of catheters on the viability and


 20   functionality of a specific cellular product;


 21   factors other than cell concentration and simple


 22   viscosity that might contribute to clogging or


 23   other adverse events; injection of cells into


 24   system circulation, the pericardial space, thoracic


 25   space via needle catheter; effects of depth or




  1   spread of injection into they myocardium on either


  2   the safety or, potentially, the efficacy.


  3             Question No. 6--these last two questions


  4   are about two design elements of early-phase


  5   clinical trials.  The theoretical risk of these


  6   products include the generation of non-cardiac


  7   tissues, abnormal cardiac tissue and/or local


  8   inflammation.  These outcomes potentially could


  9   lead to myocardial dysfunction, arrhythmias, or


 10   conduction abnormalities.


 11             Also, these products are administered


 12   because some of the cells contained are


 13   self-renewing and possess developmental plasticity;


 14   that is, they can differentiate into cells not


 15   found in the tissue from which they were obtained.


 16   Since uncontrolled cellular proliferation may


 17   result in tumor genesis, these products could


 18   theoretically result in subjects' developing


 19   neoplasia.


 20             So, please discuss the appropriate


 21   frequency and duration of follow-up.  In addition


 22   to any other events, please consider the following


 23   potential adverse pathological and clinical events


 24   in your discussion items: scar formation, left


 25   ventricular dysfunction, ventricular arrhythmias,




  1   and neoplasia.


  2             Next question, please.


  3             [Slide.]


  4             Some adverse--this is the question that's


  5   not--that is a little bit different than the


  6   previous six, but I think it's important to


  7   discuss.  Some adverse events potentially due to


  8   administration of these products, such as


  9   ventricular arrhythmia, worsening left ventricular


 10   contractility and death may be identical to events


 11   that occur during the natural history of the


 12   underlying disease.  The subjects in these


 13   trials--in many of these trials--have been quite


 14   sick.  So a high proportion may suffer one or more


 15   of these adverse events.


 16             Consequently, adverse events related to


 17   the cellular product or its administration might


 18   not be discernible without concomitant controls.


 19   However, invasive procedures are frequently


 20   utilized to deliver these cellular products.


 21             Please discuss the pros and cons of using


 22   control groups in these early clinical studies,


 23   including any need for randomization or masking.


 24   Within your discussion, please also comment on the


 25   use of placebos in these studies; for example,




  1   transendocardial injection of saline into the


  2   heart.


  3             I would like to make a couple of points


  4   that aren't on my slide--one specifically about


  5   this.  I want to make absolutely crystal clear that


  6   there is no--nothing in the regulations that


  7   prevent the use of controls in Phase I studies, and


  8   there have been many Phase I studies that did have


  9   controls.  So there is no regulatory prohibition of


 10   this, nor is there any unstated policy of the


 11   agency that we don't allow controls in Phase I.


 12   I've heard that stated many places.  I just want to


 13   make that absolutely clear.


 14             Secondly, I would--these questions, any


 15   one of them, would allow for several hours, I


 16   think, of very useful and intelligent discussion.


 17   To get through them is going to be a challenge.  I


 18   would encourage the committee to remember that


 19   these are issues that need to be dealt with so that


 20   we can resolve certain safety issues to allow


 21   initiation of early-phase clinical trials.  I would


 22   discourage you--the discussion yesterday was quite


 23   interesting, but I would discourage you from


 24   discussion of issues that are dealt with in


 25   later-phase clinical trial: appropriate end-points,




  1   eventual populations for therapy.  These are things


  2   about which we haven't presented any data.


  3             And I will note that--as you will note in


  4   the agenda--that FDA is always asked the questions,


  5   after all the FDA speakers, we never leave any time


  6   for us to be asked question--for good reason.


  7             [Laughter.]


  8                Committee Discussion of Questions


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Thank you, Dr. Grant.


 10             So, I guess now we come to the hard part.


 11   Many questions, very little time.  And we're going


 12   to try and get through all of them so that we give


 13   the last few questions also fair discussion.


 14             I'm going to try and see if we can try and


 15   focus the discussion a little bit, and focus on the


 16   manufacturing question, and try and get that


 17   addressed before the break.


 18             So I'm going to make some blanket


 19   statements and ask the committee to see whether


 20   they agree or disagree with them, and then sort of


 21   go from there.


 22             The first statement I'm going to make is


 23   that: a cell is a cell is a cell is not true.  Even


 24   though in the heart you can put them in and they


 25   all seem to have the same effect, it's still not




  1   true, in terms of how they have an effect and what


  2   you need to do in terms of the numbers that you put


  3   in and so on.  So cells have to be treated


  4   differently.


  5             That's one statement.


  6             The second statement I'm going to make is


  7   that it seems the FDA and pharmaceutical companies


  8   know about how to manufacture cells to some extent.


  9   That's generic in terms of cells.  I mean, Genzyme


 10   presented data on what their GMP facilities look


 11   like.  They aren't the only company--and I'm sure


 12   there will be many other companies who will be


 13   willing to tell us how they are much better at


 14   doing it.


 15             [Laughter.]


 16             So it does seem to me that the general


 17   issues about cells, in terms of, you know, "Well,


 18   we have to look at viral testing, and we have to


 19   look at micoplasma, and we have to see that, you


 20   know, when we look at cells that the supplies are


 21   okay."  And that's not something that we need to


 22   worry about in terms of the discussion today.


 23   Right?


 24             So, we know how to make cells--or some


 25   people know how to make cells.  And we know that




  1   each cell is different, so we can broadly divide


  2   this and say that: are there specific issues to a


  3   particular cell type in a particular disease, or as


  4   it's applied to the transplanting into the heart,


  5   irrespective of the mechanism that you use.


  6             And I'm going to further subdivide this


  7   into two broad categories.  And I think we should


  8   focus on allogenic, because there's very little--we


  9   shouldn't focus on allogenic, because there's very


 10   little data on it, and we've not heard any data on


 11   whether that's going to be the same, except to make


 12   a statement that allogenic is different from using


 13   autologous cells.


 14             And, broadly, I think for cells--at least


 15   in my experience with growing cells in


 16   cultures--there's a very big difference between


 17   cells which are freshly harvested over a short time


 18   period and put back, versus cells which have been


 19   grown in culture, have been manipulated in culture.


 20   So there will be criteria which will be uniquely


 21   different between those two cell types.  And we'd


 22   keep those sort of generic points in mind, unless


 23   people specifically disagree with any one of those


 24   statements.


 25             [Pause.]




  1             So--great.  It's amazing that we could


  2   start with a common basis, then.


  3             [Laughter.]


  4             So let's--


  5             DR. MULE: I just have one comment, which


  6   relates not necessarily to the use of fresh cells.


  7   I think many of us would argue that there are less


  8   regulatory hurdles involved with using fresh cells


  9   as opposed to using cultured cells--with the


 10   proviso, of course, that with fresh cells it's a


 11   well-defined population that is being introduced


 12   into patients.


 13             With cultured cells, what I heard


 14   yesterday, I think, is the issue of using fetal


 15   calf serum, which raises the point: if we can avoid


 16   fetal calf serum, that is a good thing.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: If you could talk about some


 18   of these specifics--can we just hold that thought


 19   for a second.  I can come back to that.


 20             DR. MULE: Okay.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: It's the second point, also,


 22   on some edition-specific--


 23             DR. MULE: It just relates to the product


 24   characterization of using in vitro cultured cells.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Hold that thought, and we'll




  1   come back to it.


  2             Joanne, do you have something on--


  3             DR. KURTZBERG: Yes, I had just one general


  4   addition.  I mean, I agree with everything you


  5   said.


  6             I think it would be a sad comment if we


  7   came out of here with anything that recommended or


  8   facilitated a company making a product as an


  9   autologous non-manipulated bone marrow or


 10   peripheral blood-derived cell--much as you would


 11   with an organ.  And I think that's important.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, given that viewpoint-and


 13   it's clearly going to be a contentious one--let's


 14   start at the other end--and look at cells which


 15   have been cultured for a long time period.


 16             Does anybody here feel specifically--like


 17   you made the point about serum--are there specific


 18   things that you need to worry about that are unique


 19   to cultures which have been in culture for a long


 20   time period, and which are going to be transplanted


 21   in the heart.  And, you know, some of them were


 22   raised in issues before.  There was this idea of


 23   not differentiating, and there was this idea of


 24   cells changing, in terms of the different


 25   satienability, and only using the third and fourth




  1   batches.  You heard all of that, right?


  2             So anybody--specifically on those


  3   comments, on sort of long-term culture?


  4             Dr. Schneider?


  5             DR. SCHNEIDER: Well, we heard about that


  6   from a useful from limited point of view.  We heard


  7   that part of the efficacy monitoring in the process


  8   of manufacturing--the skeletal myoblasts, and


  9   propagating them to a quantity sufficient for human


 10   trials--was to make sure that over time they did


 11   not get overgrown by a sub-population that was


 12   differentiation-defective.  That's clearly


 13   important.


 14             What we did not hear as part of that


 15   presentation was that in vivo efficacy also is


 16   tested over time, or is tested for consistency


 17   between patient subgroups.  There are good clinical


 18   data now, at least from the trials in Frankfurt,


 19   that heart failure patients, or diabetic patients


 20   have bone marrow-derived and circulating progenitor


 21   cells which are less functional in human grafting


 22   than other patients do.  And there are some cell


 23   culture and in vitro correlates of that.  The


 24   cell-culture correlates of that are decreased cell


 25   mobility and invasiveness.  The in vivo correlate




  1   of that is that if those human cells are put into


  2   an immuno-compromised rodent model of hind-limb


  3   ischemia, with patient cells that don't work, don't


  4   rescue hind-limb ischemia in a rodent.  So there


  5   are predictive models, both for clinical


  6   heterogeneity, or for potential heterogeneities


  7   introduced in the manufacturing process.


  8             So I would say that what we heard, in


  9   terms of the characterization of culture not


 10   introducing a distortion to the potential


 11   biological properties of the cells was nicely


 12   raised yesterday, but there are other elements to


 13   that, including cell heterogeneity over time, and


 14   cell function by other measures, that we'll need to


 15   talk about this morning.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, clearly, one issue is


 17   that if you grow cells for some time in culture,


 18   you should be testing them at the stage that you


 19   would use them, to figure out whether they have the


 20   appropriate characteristics and properties that you


 21   want to use them for; and that these methodologies


 22   exist--right?  You said mobility assays, some other


 23   assay.


 24             And there was one other sort of issue on


 25   this long-term thing--Dr. Borer, go ahead.




  1             DR. BORER: I'd like to--this is Borer.


  2   I'd like to follow on to what Mike said, because


  3   it's appropriate to separate out the different


  4   categories of the process as these questions have


  5   done.  But I think it would be unfortunate to


  6   completely separate them and forget that they


  7   overlap in many important ways.


  8             Steve Epstein suggested this in his


  9   comment about conditioned medium yesterday, and I


 10   want to restate it in another way.


 11             We track and we study what we know about.


 12   We don't track and study what we don't know about.


 13   And it's easy to become fixated on your theory of


 14   pathophysiology, or my theory of pathophysiology,


 15   and study those things and miss other, or even more


 16   important, characteristics and factors.


 17             So what we need to do is to combine the


 18   characterization of the product with the parameters


 19   that we know to look at with some integrator


 20   further down the road; that is, injecting these


 21   items into animals, or ultimately into people, and


 22   look at outcomes.  And I don't mean just whether


 23   the cells survive or not, I mean it's important to


 24   track meaningful endpoints, even in small studies,


 25   so that you can pick up a's, so you can pick up




  1   signals about survival--if they're there.


  2             You'll never find those in small studies.


  3   Therefore, that statement--that concept--argues in


  4   favor of the FDA--maybe not in this committee


  5   today--but ultimately defining standards for data


  6   collection so that small data sets can be pooled in


  7   some way, so that signals can be amplified.


  8   Because, ultimately, if we try to define a list of


  9   characteristics that ought to be looked at to


 10   characterize a product, it will be a lovely list,


 11   but it may not be the right list.  And the only way


 12   we're going to know that is by looking at the


 13   outcomes.


 14             So I would just make that point: that we


 15   have to be thinking about data collection


 16   strategies to allow us to pool the small data sets


 17   into large data sets that allow one to pick up


 18   signals that will tells us there's something else


 19   we should have looked at.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO: I completely agree with you,


 21   Dr. Borer, and I think it's really important


 22   that--it's this general idea of what is required is


 23   much more important than any specific list that's


 24   developed.


 25             Doris?




  1             DR. TAYLOR: Have a question that I don't


  2   want to see get ignored in this process, which is


  3   definition of the cells, and definition of any


  4   given product, when a group claims that they're


  5   injecting--and the heterogeneity of that product.


  6   How do you define potency of a given cell


  7   population?  Is it permissible for it to be less


  8   than half of what you're delivering?  Or does it


  9   have to be the majority of what you're giving.


 10             If you say, "Okay, we're going to give


 11   CD34 cells," does it have to be a hundred percent


 12   CD34?  Can it be 50 percent CD34, with a mixture


 13   you don't know about?  And that may change in


 14   culture.


 15             And so I'd like to--


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, the important point is


 17   that we need a better defined product, and that's


 18   what is going to be some of the issues that we


 19   discuss in this Question 2, as well.  Would that be


 20   a fair way of stating it?


 21             DR. TAYLOR: Yes--and what's an acceptable


 22   range.


 23             DR. HIGH: I have a question about skeletal


 24   myoblast processing.  For material derived from


 25   humans, is expansion to a set number ever a




  1   limiting factor, or can every subject, no matter


  2   what his age, be expanded to 10                                          

                                       9 cells, and our


  3   cell numbers are lot release criteria.


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: Doris, do you want to answer


  5   that?


  6             DR. TAYLOR: Yes, I'll be glad--Doris


  7   Taylor.  I'll be glad to answer that.


  8             There are a limited number of patients


  9   from whom you cannot grow cells--for reasons we


 10   don't understand.  Philippe has published data, and


 11   other groups have published data, looking at age.


 12   And there doesn't seem to be a direct correlation


 13   with age and an inability to grow cells.


 14   Occasionally we end up with a patient where we


 15   can't grow the cells and we don't know why.


 16   They're just not there.


 17             Now, can you grow  10                                          

                                       9 cells?  Generally


 18   the question is how long it will take to do that.


 19             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead, Joanne.


 20             DR. KURTZBERG: I think whenever you work


 21   with biologic products there is always an element


 22   of unpredictability, and that you can never count


 23   on every patient growing the same number of cells,


 24   every patient biologically acting the same way.


 25   And if you try to design a trial that assumes that,




  1   you'll never finish your trial.


  2             So there has to be some understanding that


  3   biology is variable.


  4             DR. HIGH: But should there be some minimum


  5   number that goes into--on injecting?


  6             DR. KURTZBERG: I don't--I think that a lot


  7   of these questions are very premature.  I just--we


  8   can't define the cell type today--we, you--anybody.


  9   I mean, I think what we have to do is do the


 10   studies to get some more data, to have some more


 11   general idea of some of this.  And maybe the answer


 12   will be that--you know, if a certain kind of cell


 13   is beneficial, and you've done a collection from a


 14   patient and only collected 80 percent, are you


 15   going to deny that patient that 80 percent?


 16   Probably not.  I don't know.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: Again, I want to


 18   emphasize--and this is maybe just general, for


 19   information: this is historically a problem for all


 20   cell therapies--right?  And you have to worry about


 21   cellular therapy when it's a single


 22   lot--right?--it's a one-unit dose that you're


 23   making, and it's from one patient, and you can't


 24   really do it for each patient.  And as you all


 25   pointed out, it's going to be different from each




  1   case.


  2             And so what Dr. Borer pointed out is that


  3   we can't come up with a really absolute, specific


  4   list--as you said--that you can't.


  5             So what--how do people do this in any of


  6   these systems?  And from my limited experience has


  7   been that you either say that they're the same,


  8   because you have some definition of markers, or


  9   sets of things that you put together for cells, or


 10   you say they're the same in terms of some


 11   substitute assay in culture.


 12             So, for example, if you're looking at


 13   pancreatic islets, you say they all release this


 14   much in terms of the number of cells that you give


 15   in terms of insulin release.  Or, you know, in


 16   Parkinson's patients you say, well, this is how


 17   much dopamine is released by this particular number


 18   of cells, and you say that's an equivalency sort of


 19   measure.


 20             And what, to me, from looking at--or


 21   hearing conversations seems to be that it's pretty


 22   clear that there's going to be that same sort of


 23   variability, and that there must be some kind of


 24   equivalency measure that must be looked at if you


 25   want to collect any kind of data.




  1             Go ahead.


  2             DR. BLAZAR: That was the point I was also


  3   going to make is it's--listening to the data


  4   yesterday, it looks like multiple cell types may,


  5   in fact, be additive or synergistic, so these


  6   preparations that are not 100 percent pure may, in


  7   fact, have some advantageous--potentially


  8   advantageous aspects to it.


  9             So I think if it's well characterized, it


 10   doesn't necessarily have to be 100 percent pure.


 11   The dilemma is that if the in vivo readout is the


 12   critical final denominator, then the in vitro


 13   assays might simply just characterize the product,


 14   provide the information to the literature, which is


 15   then correlated with the clinical outcomes, and


 16   then in retrospect then define, potentially,


 17   product limitations.


 18             I just don't know if you'd be able to, up


 19   front, say that "this is a desired product," so


 20   much as "this is the characterization of that


 21   product," to the best that we can characterize it,


 22   and then try to retrospectively do the clinical


 23   outcomes measurement, and then have that define the


 24   field of a useful product.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead.




  1             DR. BORER: This may be a little premature,


  2   because I think it will be covered in another


  3   question.  But the discussion that Dr. High and Dr.


  4   Kurtzberg just had I think is important, and I just


  5   want to put a bookmark in here.


  6             What's being raised here is the issue of


  7   dose-response.  And I would point out--and you all


  8   know this--that the shelves and the libraries are


  9   filled with expired patents of wonderful drugs that


 10   were never used, because the dose-response wasn't


 11   adequately characterized, and the drugs were


 12   developed at the wrong dose.


 13             Now, I think we're--not with unprocessed


 14   bone marrow, but with cultured cells, there is


 15   incumbent upon investigators the need to define the


 16   dose-response in a broad, and as complete as


 17   possible way, because ultimately the application of


 18   at least that type of therapy will depend on the


 19   adequacy of dose.


 20             So I just put that bookmark in.  We'll be


 21   taking about it later.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: I was actually kind of


 23   surprised--one issue that didn't come up with


 24   cultured cells was nobody seems to worry about


 25   looking at karyotypic stability of cells.  And even




  1   when people talked about this, nobody presented


  2   data where they said, well, you know, when we put


  3   in 100 million cells, that these cells were


  4   all--you know, we tested an aliquot, or we looked


  5   at it.


  6             What does the committee feel about


  7   karyotypic assessment?


  8             DR. BORER: Yes, I must say I had that


  9   written down here, but I thought since nobody


 10   mentioned it, it was probably silly.


 11             The fact is, with multiple passages, I


 12   would have thought one would like to know how the


 13   error rate increases; that is the replication


 14   errors increase, because that's going to


 15   characterize the population, as well, and one could


 16   easily wind up with cells that have all the surface


 17   markers that we look for, and the antigenic markers


 18   we look for, and, you know, they look like what


 19   we're interested in, and yet you inject them and


 20   you come up with a cell rest in the myocardium that


 21   doesn't do what you think it should have done.


 22             So I would think that it would be very


 23   important to assess the karyotype in the final


 24   product, as well as in the initial set of cells


 25   that you put in.




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne?


  2             DR. KURTZBERG: I agree with you, but I


  3   have an unrelated point about administration--and


  4   it wasn't mentioned yesterday.  But there


  5   were--during the talks about the devices, the


  6   needle gauge size came up a couple of times, and I


  7   heard numbers like 27-gauge, 29-gauge thrown


  8   around.


  9             And, as a transplanter of hematopoietic


 10   cells, we would never put those cells through that


 11   small a needle, because they lyse, get crushed, get


 12   smashed, break apart.  And then you're talking


 13   about doing it under high pressure, which only


 14   increases the probably of cell damage.


 15             I understand there are other technical


 16   issues related to the heart and getting catheters


 17   in there, but I think it's really important to talk


 18   about that, and at least require some kind of bench


 19   testing that would demonstrate that cells can


 20   be--you know, aren't damaged when they go through


 21   that small a hole under high pressure.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Murray?


 23             DR. MURRAY: If we're going to worry about


 24   dose response--that's if we need a numerator and a


 25   denominator--right?--the denominator's going to be




  1   response.  We're not talking about that right now,


  2   we're talking about the numerator, which--what do


  3   we count as being part of the dose?  Is it how many


  4   hundreds of millions of cells?  Is it how many


  5   millions of myoblasts in a set-up preparation?  Is


  6   it how millions of cells with the normal karyotype


  7   of a particular cell type?


  8             I feel very uncomfortable with the


  9   tremendous uncertainty of what it is we think we're


 10   looking at, and what subsets of that--the


 11   collections of cells we're looking at, etcetera.


 12   Some clarity on that I think would be helpful.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Doris?


 14             DR. TAYLOR: Specifically, with regard to


 15   myoblasts, I think one of the issues is the assays


 16   you design for your cells.  And with myoblasts--I


 17   can't say that we've looked at the karyotype of our


 18   cells over time.  What I can say is that we've


 19   looked at the ability of our cells to fuse and


 20   terminally differentiate and form myotubes; and


 21   that that's used as a potency measurement of these


 22   cells.


 23             And I think that is the kind of assay that


 24   makes a lot of sense in this particular setting,


 25   because once they're terminally differentiated,




  1   they're not going to continue to divide in the


  2   myocardium.


  3             I will say that--I didn't present these


  4   data yesterday, but we have preclinical data over a


  5   number of years showing that if we purify the cells


  6   to too great a degree of homogeneity they are less


  7   effective than if there is a mixture of cells


  8   present.  And that doesn't surprise me, given the


  9   mitogens that, I think, are delivered by the


 10   fibroblasts and other cells that are there.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer, did you have a


 12   comment?


 13             DR. BLAZAR: Yes.  I think the issue of


 14   passage numbers and serum requirements is really


 15   critical, and as these studies go forward, even


 16   with characterizations, if the products look the


 17   same at three passages, and you're using them at


 18   five or six passages, the cells may well


 19   differentiate in a way that can't be well monitored


 20   in vitro.


 21             And I don't know necessarily that there's


 22   an optimal passage number, but I think as the


 23   studies report their results, it will be very


 24   important to discuss those two issues which may


 25   affect in vivo survival and differentiation, as




  1   well as karyotype stability.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: That's a really important


  3   point, and maybe I can try and summarize what I


  4   felt was the sense of just this specific point:


  5   that when you keep cells in long-term culture, it's


  6   really critical to look at passage number.  And


  7   that's more an absolute rather than just saying,


  8   "Well, you know, I used passage eight and it has


  9   the same apparent phenotype as an early passage,"


 10   but that you really want to keep track of the


 11   passage number.  And you can't just automatically


 12   assume one will be the other.


 13             DR. BLAZAR: I think even added to that is


 14   cell density.  We know that cell density is a


 15   critical influencer of differentiation potential,


 16   and minor changes in cell density can have


 17   significant abilities, not only to look at the


 18   growth rate, but can differentiate cells in ways


 19   that may be picked up in later passages because of


 20   the cell contact and growth-factor issues


 21   that--where one population influences another.


 22             So I think, again, as we go forward, as


 23   much information in the reports as possible, to try


 24   to look at these effects, and if they are going to


 25   vary in even individual patients, so that there can




  1   be a net body of information in the literature, it


  2   would be helpful retrospectively in evaluating the


  3   outcomes.


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: It's a good time to sort of


  5   consider also what you raised as an issue of the


  6   growth-factors in serum, and cytokines, which


  7   should be used in the manufacturing process


  8   perhaps.  And if you have a specific comment--


  9             AUDIENCE: Actually, it was back on the


 10   unmanipulated cells--I just wanted to make a


 11   comment on those.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: We're going to come back.


 13   Hold it and see if you need to make that comment at


 14   that time.


 15             Go ahead.


 16             DR. SCHNEIDER: Michael Schneider.


 17             I wanted to state that with respect to


 18   heterogeneity, skeletal muscle-derived cells over


 19   time in culture, in addition to the issue that


 20   Doris mentioned about the variable percentage of


 21   fibroblasts, there are two other specific


 22   populations to be vigilant about in the skeletal


 23   muscle preparations.


 24             One of them is the so-called side


 25   population, or SP cells, which are very small in




  1   number, but--as many members of this panel know--in


  2   bone marrow account for much, if not all, of the


  3   long-term self-renewal potential.  And so it would


  4   be important to know whether the manipulation of


  5   the skeletal muscle cells in culture over time


  6   might be depleting that from the starting


  7   population; or, alternatively, enriching for that


  8   relative to the starting population.


  9             There also has been described in rodents,


 10   by several labs, a SCA positive population, similar


 11   to the progenitor cells that we see in adult rodent


 12   hearts.  SCA-1 is an allelic variant in rodents


 13   that doesn't have a precise equivalent in humans.


 14   But as Dr. Itescu alluded to yesterday, markers


 15   such as STOW-1, indicative of the pericyte might


 16   well be good indicators of the SCA-1 equivalent in


 17   the skeletal muscle preparations.


 18             And so my point is that, in terms of the


 19   drift in time over culture, it's important to know


 20   in a consistent and reliable way what is happening


 21   to these other sub-populations that may be


 22   contributing to the in vivo efficacy.


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: So that's really--it seems


 24   to be a really quite important point, is that since


 25   we don't know what is the--and it's the point you




  1   made, as well--is that we may not know the


  2   effective cell, and we need to know both about the


  3   concentration of the effective cell, in terms of


  4   whatever you think its mechanism is, as well as the


  5   other cells that are going to present in the media,


  6   because we may or may not know how useful or how


  7   bad they may be-- whatever may be the case.


  8             DR. SCHNEIDER:  It's not that these would


  9   be necessarily contributing to the skeletal muscle


 10   formation in large number, but they may be


 11   producing cytokines, growth factors, acting on the


 12   other injecting cells or, as several speakers


 13   alluded to yesterday, having some other kind of


 14   favorable effect on the host.


 15             DR. MULE: If it's true that 90 percent of


 16   the injected cells are dying, it's hard for me to


 17   imagine, first of all, how one can do an


 18   appropriate dose-response.  And secondly, we may


 19   spend an enormous amount of time trying to


 20   understand the makeup of the culture before it goes


 21   into a patient.  But not having an understanding of


 22   whether certain subsets of cells within that


 23   heterogeneous population are dying off in


 24   vivo--with a 90 percent overall die-off, it's a


 25   struggle to understand--and it gets back to Dr.




  1   Borer's concern about having appropriate endpoints


  2   in the trial that will allow you to get some


  3   biologic information about the cells that not only


  4   go in, but those that survive.


  5             DR. MURRAY: This is Tom Murray.


  6             My friend Carol Greider was once trying to


  7   teach me about Belgian beers.  And the lesson


  8   didn't particularly take.  But apparently--they go


  9   through multiple fermentations, and they utterly


 10   change their character, depending upon whether it's


 11   the first, second, third, fourth--I don't know how


 12   many times they do it.


 13             And I heard yesterday--and maybe a little


 14   bit even today--the possibility that in different


 15   passages the cells' properties change.  And it


 16   seems to me there are just--crudely, three


 17   possibilities.  One is it doesn't matter how many


 18   passages, at least up to a certain limit, but the


 19   cells are the same all the way through.  And that


 20   does not seem to be the case.  I don't hear anybody


 21   saying that that's the case.


 22             The second possibility is: they change,


 23   but in a continuous fashion.  That is, whatever


 24   changes there are, they simply--they're additive,


 25   so the changes in each passage, they become more




  1   extreme.


  2             A third is--and this is what I thought I


  3   heard yesterday--was that, in fact, they change in


  4   interesting ways, such that three and five may be


  5   more alike than four.  I may have the specific


  6   numbers wrong.


  7             It would be very helpful for the FDA, I


  8   think, to ascertain what the best scientific


  9   evidence is as to which of those three models is


 10   the correct one, and then that will have


 11   implications for whatever you decide.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: So--I want to get back to


 13   the point that Dr. Murray made, and that is that


 14   all of this assessment that one considers, you need


 15   to consider not just at the time that you've got


 16   the cells into a wire, but really have to have some


 17   assessment of what that means when you get them


 18   into the heart.  Is that the emphasis that you've


 19   been making?


 20             So if you're going to have deaths, then


 21   you need to know that you're going to have 90


 22   percent die each time, because that's going to


 23   significantly change your dose, if you do something


 24   with it.  Is that a fair--


 25             DR. TAYLOR: I think one of the issues that




  1   you need to think about in considering that is that


  2   the geometry of the injections, and the number of


  3   injections is really going to probably change the


  4   number of cells that die.  If you inject a giant


  5   bolus of cells, it doesn't take a rocket scientist


  6   to figure out the fact that more are likely to die


  7   than if you inject 10 smaller populations


  8   throughout the scar, based on the nutrients they


  9   receive.


 10             So I think you have to factor into trial


 11   design the injection patterns for these cells as


 12   well.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer?


 14             DR. BORER: I thought that the issue I'm


 15   about to raise really would be subsumed under the


 16   preclinical studies area, but I looked at the


 17   question, and it's really not only.


 18             And that is--and that follows from some


 19   points Dr. Itescu raised yesterday which broadly


 20   involve drug-biologic interaction.  These products


 21   will be given to patients who have--who will have


 22   multiple drugs in their bodies at the time the


 23   products are given.  And I don't think we know--I


 24   mean, I don't know the research in the field, but I


 25   didn't hear much about it yesterday--I don't think




  1   we know how the drugs that routinely are given to


  2   patients who have the target diseases affect the


  3   growth and development of the cell products.


  4             And I think this needs to be


  5   characterized.  I don't know what we'll learn, but


  6   one could just, for example, learn that maybe you


  7   have to stop beta blockers for a few weeks in


  8   people with heart failure who are being given


  9   cells, because the cells won't grow properly--or


 10   optimally.


 11             And I think that characterization has to


 12   begin before one gets to the in vivo experimental


 13   model studies, that it really does require some


 14   benchwork to look at the effect of drugs on the


 15   cell population.


 16             So, again, just to bookmark--but we


 17   haven't talked about drug-biologic interactions,


 18   and I think that's an important area that we need


 19   to consider throughout these discussions.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO: Bruce?


 21             DR. BLAZAR: I wanted to come back to the


 22   cell death rate.  I think one possibility is, of


 23   course, mechanical, and the cells don't survive


 24   when they've been removed from an in vitro culture,


 25   and they're undergoing cytokine withdrawal,




  1   etcetera.  Another possibility is that they're just


  2   not receiving the proper inductive signals in vivo.


  3             If it was the latter case, then a


  4   dose-response curve would actually help, because


  5   it's still going to be the same fraction of cells


  6   that is not receiving the appropriate inductive


  7   signals.  And I think there is ample data in


  8   animals, with a variety of cell types, to say that


  9   if there is not a stimulus for proliferation the


 10   cells will either sit there or they will undergo


 11   cytokine withdrawal, or other apoptotic cell death


 12   pathways.


 13             So I think despite the death rate, it's


 14   critical to evaluate the dose response because we


 15   do not know, as you remove these cells from the in


 16   vitro environment, what proportion of cells would


 17   survive in any location, given under any


 18   conditions.  And while it's important to evaluate


 19   the cell death rate, I believe that several of


 20   these may relate to just inappropriate environment


 21   to be induced to proliferate the way that they are


 22   in vitro.


 23             DR. MULE:  I agree with you, Bruce.


 24             My concern is that it will not allow you


 25   to achieve the highest dose




  1   response--conceivably--limited by practicality, for


  2   instance.  I mean, if you go up to 10                                    

                                                        10 cells, and


  3   you're losing 90 percent of those cells,


  4   realistically, how many cells can you generate over


  5   a given period of time, given the injections that


  6   are needed.  Those type of issues--


  7             DR. BLAZAR: We don't know how many is


  8   necessary--what fraction of surviving cells is


  9   necessary for a clinical benefit.


 10             If you look at bone marrow infusions, most


 11   of those cells die.  The vast majority of them are


 12   terminally differentiated myeloid cells, and, you


 13   know, we're injecting products where the cell


 14   survival rate is extraordinarily low.  And, again,


 15   I think it's the inductive signals that are


 16   required.


 17             Once it is known how best to manufacture


 18   cells to receive the appropriate inductive signals


 19   and to put them in the appropriate inductive


 20   environment, then we'll realize more of the


 21   clinical benefit.  But even for now, I think, that


 22   as the dose response curves are done, since we


 23   don't know the fraction of cells surviving


 24   necessary for clinical benefit, those studies just


 25   have to be done and looked at the data




  1   retrospectively.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Allan?


  3             DR. ALLAN: The comment I'd like to make is


  4   when I read Question 1 what I see is safety.  And


  5   most of the discussion here seems to be on


  6   efficacy; what's the right formulation in order to


  7   get the right response, or dose response.  And to


  8   me, what I see the question is is mostly safety.


  9   And so therefore it's like the preparations, that


 10   if it's 80 percent fibroblasts maybe you don't want


 11   to give it, but if it's, you know, 80 percent


 12   myoblasts, then--what are the safety


 13   considerations?  And so for a lot of this, it's


 14   really--because we're going to be stuck on Question


 15   1 for the rest of the morning if we keep


 16   introducing efficacy into the discussion.


 17             And I would say we just want to stick to


 18   safety.


 19             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes--I, in fact, would even


 20   say that we want to stick to manufacturing right


 21   now--you know.  So--meaning, at the product.  So


 22   all we're looking at is that can we define a


 23   product in light of what it will be, with some


 24   reasonable criteria, in terms of--


 25             DR. ITESCU: Yes, and I think that was




  1   really my point to Dr. Borer.  Whilst I agree that


  2   there are many scientifically valid questions to be


  3   asked, I think the cell product that's being


  4   defined by whatever is being addressed needs to be


  5   viewed no differently than a pharmaceutical


  6   composition.  And I think that's really the job of


  7   the FDA, to ask questions about, obviously, safety,


  8   but also dose-response questions, about efficacy,


  9   about production, manufacturing--scientifically


 10   valid questions then follow on from that.


 11             But the definition of the product is the


 12   key, I think.  And that can be based on surface


 13   phenotype or function.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead.


 15             DR. WENTWORTH: Yes, my name is Bruce


 16   Wentworth from Genzyme Corporation.  I just want to


 17   make a small observation.


 18             There's been a number of suggestions of


 19   tests and assays that might be performed on cells.


 20   Some of those are, in fact, done in the normal and


 21   routine monitoring of cells in production.  Every


 22   production facility will set limits on the number


 23   of passages that are used.  I would point out that


 24   it is actually population doubling is perhaps the


 25   more relevant figure, rather than passage number;




  1   and the conditions under which cells are passaged.


  2             However, in cell therapy, really, it can


  3   never be quite like pharmaceuticals.  Cells are


  4   inherently variable.  There's no way around that.


  5   And I would ask you, in a moment of quiet


  6   reflection, to look at the back of your hand.  You


  7   will see warts, cells that are dark, skin that's


  8   light, hair, no hair--it's all the product of


  9   karotynocites.  Every one of them works.  All of


 10   them are different.


 11             You can make a useful product from that


 12   that actually saves the lives of burn patients.  So


 13   if we spend a great deal of time analyzing the


 14   karyotypic difference, which is inherent to the


 15   back of your hand, we'll get nowhere and you'll


 16   have no new product.


 17             Thank you.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer, and then Dr.


 19   Harlan.


 20             DR. BORER: Just a philosophical point.  As


 21   Dr. Allan points out, we're talking primarily here


 22   about preserving safety, but first of all, there


 23   are dose responses for safety endpoints as well as


 24   for efficacy endpoints.  And so you have to know


 25   these things.  And, in addition, I think it's very




  1   artificial to talk about "safety," and not consider


  2   other effects--other effects of the product--that


  3   might contribute to clinical effectiveness because,


  4   at the end of the day, the issue isn't absolute


  5   safety, it's safety that's acceptable for the


  6   intended use.


  7             So, one really has to keep the equation in


  8   mind always between effectiveness and toxicity.  So


  9   I think it's reasonable to characterize the product


 10   in all these ways, even though it sounds like


 11   "effectiveness," in fact the safety


 12   characterization and the efficacy characterization


 13   are really different ways of looking at exactly the


 14   same characteristics.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: And I'm going to try and ask


 16   everyone that let's try and focus on this first two


 17   sets of questions, which is: we've got cells--some


 18   kind of cell--and right now we''ve only focused on


 19   the cells that you've got in long-term passage, and


 20   that we've got some specific issues that we might


 21   want to consider when they're there, and one of the


 22   issues was that passage number is important, and


 23   the second issue was that you really should look at


 24   karyotypic stability as well, and that you should


 25   have some readout on what that composition of the




  1   cell type is, and that none of these can be done


  2   just in culture.  You really need to do them after


  3   you've implanted the cell in some fashion so that


  4   you have some readout of what you're actually


  5   delivering in terms of a product.


  6             And Joanne made the really important


  7   point, I felt, was that what that means is that you


  8   have to include in this whole process is how you're


  9   going to deliver--right?  That gauge of the needle


 10   that you deliver through; the method of delivery is


 11   going to be as important in that whole process as


 12   anything else, because 27-gauge for somebody is


 13   going to lyse their cell type, and if you use a


 14   30-gauge, it's certainly going to give you based,


 15   and maybe that will be effective, but the mechanism


 16   will be different, you know.


 17             And so those points seem to be pretty


 18   clear from what needs to be done.  And I thought


 19   that another point that came up was that when you


 20   think about composition you're not just thinking


 21   about the effective composition of the cells, but


 22   you're really thinking about the total composition


 23   of a cell, because heterogeneity may be important


 24   in its function, but also what the other cells are


 25   doing may be equally important in what they might




  1   not do--right?--or what they might worsen.


  2             And we need to have that information.  And


  3   the points you made about collecting that data is


  4   really critical in terms of having that sort of


  5   data in terms of defining a product.


  6             So let's see if we can add to that,


  7   specifically in terms of these cells, because I'd


  8   like to try and extend this to also the non-passage


  9   cells as well and see if there's anything, really,


 10   that's specifically different in those as well.


 11             DR. KURTZBERG: Well, I think you can learn


 12   lessons from cell therapy that's already in


 13   progress.  And there are some simple things that


 14   are always done, like viability, sterility--and


 15   those--especially for the long-term passage cells,


 16   there has to be a protocol for determining


 17   sterility that doesn't involve setting up a culture


 18   the day you deliver the cells, because that's not


 19   going to be useful information.


 20             I think in most settings you would


 21   characterize the population by phenotype or


 22   whatever other method you have, and maybe the


 23   potency assay would be a colony-forming assay, or a


 24   cytokine-production assay, or whatever.  But


 25   whatever is decided would be done on all products.




  1             I think, also--


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne, let me add just one


  3   point what you made--just make sure that I've got


  4   that appropriate.


  5             Whatever surrogate assay you use has to


  6   match, or you have to have some data that it's a


  7   representative assay for what function you're going


  8   to use.  Is that--


  9             DR. KURTZBERG: To the best of your


 10   ability.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: To the best of your ability.


 12             DR. KURTZBERG: I mean, again, what Bruce


 13   said is that it may just characterize the cell,


 14   rather than directly correlate with your efficacy.


 15   But it's the best you can do at the time.


 16             And then, finally--and this may have more


 17   relevance in the future--but there will be other


 18   contaminating cells in some of these populations,


 19   like t-cells, or macrophages.  And while it may or


 20   may not have relevance, I think that at least


 21   knowing what immune-mediating kinds of cells are


 22   there could be important, and they should be


 23   characterized as well.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Simons.


 25             DR. SIMONS: I would like to raise the




  1   issue that the effects observed in all of the


  2   studies may have nothing to do with the cells that


  3   have been actually injected--at least with the live


  4   cells--and it's the dead cells that are having this


  5   effect.


  6             With 90 percent of the cells dying, I find


  7   it hard to believe that whatever is left is really


  8   responsible for most of the biological effects


  9   observed.  And that could be different in a setting


 10   of an acute myocardial ischemia, versus the setting


 11   of sort of chronic CHF patients.  But I think, in


 12   talking about what this material is, it is


 13   important to consider that it could be t he dying


 14   cells, or the dead cells, that are the active sort


 15   of ingredients here, which I think sets a very


 16   different set of issues than if the active material


 17   is what's going to be left of the dividing cells.


 18             And I would like to hear what people think


 19   about that.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO: I thought before we go into


 21   discussion--comments from some of the other people.


 22             DR. HARLAN: I think you were making this


 23   point, Dr. Rao, but I believe that we don't know if


 24   any of these surrogate characterization tests that


 25   we wish to do are true North.  I think we need a




  1   "true-North" assay.  For bone marrow


  2   transplantation we've had a lethally irradiated


  3   mouse, where we can test the various assays to see


  4   where they're predicative of anything.


  5             What I heard yesterday is that we don't


  6   necessarily have a true-North assay in the clinic,


  7   or even in animal models, to say that this cell


  8   population is doing what want it to do.  And


  9   without that, all of the characterization is


 10   difficult to judge.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: A really important point,


 12   and let's keep that in mind.  And I think it's good


 13   that you brought it on the table.


 14             Go ahead.


 15             DR. SCHNEIDER: I would disagree with Dr.


 16   Harlan's point because I think that the true North


 17   is there.  We don't know why the true North is


 18   working.


 19             The true North would be to inject the


 20   human cells proposed for use in human patients into


 21   an immuno-compromised rodent and show efficacy, as


 22   Dr. Itescu did.  That could be done most directly


 23   by intra-cardiac injections or, as a surrogate for


 24   their angiogenic capacity in vivo, as rescue of


 25   hind-limb ischemia.  And I think both of those are




  1   perfectly appropriate assays to test for the


  2   angiogenic potential, or the myogenic potential of


  3   the proposed populations.


  4             What I wanted to comment on, prompted by


  5   Bruce Wentworth's remarks, is to point out that the


  6   FDA, I think, has to anticipate some very different


  7   kinds of protocols in terms of manufacturing coming


  8   down the pike.  Some of those will be large, very


  9   centralized studies using GMP facilities such as


 10   what we heard about from Genzyme, and as Dr. Rao


 11   alluded to--other companies with large, long-term


 12   experience in cell production of many kinds.


 13             What I as an academic investigator see as


 14   one of the potential risks to the field is the


 15   illusion among academic investigators that cell


 16   therapy is easy, because of the proliferation of


 17   clinical trials that have been reported with high


 18   visibility.  And as trials move or propose to move


 19   from a single, highly experienced center into half


 20   a dozen, or a dozen, or two dozen centers with


 21   variable degrees of experience, both in cell


 22   production and in cell administration, that's, in


 23   my mind, one of the principal issues for defining


 24   the criteria in terms of purity of cells and in


 25   vitro surrogates, and even in vivo surrogates




  1   before a given trial be given a green light.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Can I expand on that


  3   statement before we get the comments.


  4             I think what you've said is somehow also


  5   representative of what Dr. Grant started with, in


  6   terms of the frustration for the FDA; or, how can


  7   you really use data from one trial or the other to


  8   pool it when you have large numbers of small


  9   samples?


 10             And I think what's coming through here is


 11   that you can't pool that data unless you really


 12   have very clear-cut description of what you really


 13   have put in--right?--in terms of the quality of the


 14   cells, or the number, or--you know, the markers


 15   that they exist, or some clear-cut surrogate


 16   marker.  You know, it may be--as you pointed


 17   out--that it has to be done in an animal model, or


 18   it has to be done--but unless you have a common set


 19   of readouts which are all consistent, you won't be


 20   able to pull the data across many of the clinical


 21   trials, and you won't be able to extrapolate from


 22   one trial to the other.


 23             And I think that was true, even when Dr.


 24   Menasche, when he presented the data that they had


 25   shown that, you know, when--even if you take




  1   skeletal muscle and you look at different labs, if


  2   they do it slightly differently, you get different


  3   results.  And so you really have to be very


  4   critical, in terms of how you can compare and not


  5   compare and it won't be okay.


  6             DR. SCHNEIDER: It's the second of those


  7   aspects that I was trying to emphasize; the risk of


  8   extreme variability, even with a single trial,


  9   between different production sites.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead--you've been


 11   waiting for a long time, and then Dr. Itescu.


 12             DR. GRANT: Thank you.  Stephan Grant from


 13   Viacel.


 14             My question relates to the testing of the


 15   finished products.  Do you think--would the


 16   committee support a position saying that in vitro


 17   or in vivo differentiation studies would not be


 18   part of the final specification of the finished


 19   products, because certainly, I think, if we just


 20   transfer what we are doing with the small-molecule


 21   drugs, or even with recombinant proteins, we are


 22   normally not testing, for example, the receptor


 23   binding or a biological assay for potency or for


 24   efficacy for the batch release.


 25             So the question is basically: would the




  1   committee support a position saying, well,


  2   differentiation assays, in vitro, in vivo, are good


  3   for profiling of the product, but not mandatory for


  4   the release of the finished goods?


  5             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'm going to try and take


  6   the liberty of answering for the committee, and if


  7   people disagree--


  8             I think that that's not--the sense from


  9   the committee that I got was that, you know, it's


 10   really important.  It's important that you know.


 11   And from what Dr. Murray has said, and what other


 12   people said, that you really need to have some


 13   potency equivalent--right?--that has to be--


 14             DR. GRANT: May I just add a comment?


 15             I was not--I'm not saying that we don't


 16   need such assays to be performed, but the question


 17   is if we have to test batches of finished products,


 18   batches to be released for clinical trials, or


 19   later for the market?  The question is whether a


 20   differentiation assay should be part of every


 21   batch-release specification?


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: I don't want to be too


 23   specific, so we'll leave that topic on the table


 24   right now.


 25             Go ahead, Dr. Itescu, and then--




  1             DR. ITESCU: I just wanted to add to what


  2   Dr. Schneider said.  I agree with him


  3   entirely--that I think that we do have good


  4   immunosuppressive models--small models--where you


  5   can test whatever human cell type you want.  And I


  6   think that could easily be a surrogate outcome for


  7   potency for any given product that you're


  8   interested in.


  9             I think, in addition to that, we would be


 10   able to put together some sort of consensus on what


 11   constitutes cardiac improvement.  We really barely


 12   touched on that, really, yesterday, but I think, as


 13   a group, you'd find some sort of consensus about,


 14   maybe, systolic improvement.  And I think if you


 15   had those two combinations, in terms of


 16   differentiation in vivo plus functional


 17   improvement, you've got potency.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Cannon, and Dr.


 19   Kurtzberg.


 20             DR. CANNON: I wanted to follow up on Dr.


 21   Kurtzberg's comment about immuno-reactive cells.


 22             I think it's also important for us to


 23   consider how the cells are obtained.  I think there


 24   is interest in cytokine mobilization of cells, and


 25   certainly the experience in giving GCSF by our




  1   transplanter colleagues has been very favorable.


  2   They really haven't seen much in the way of


  3   complications--a few.


  4             But it may be very different in our


  5   patient populations that we want to treat.  And the


  6   point I want to make is I think it will be


  7   important for us to characterize these cells as to


  8   whether they contain activated immuno-competent


  9   cells that might destabilize plaque.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: Hold the thought, I'm going


 11   to try and summarize that and just make sure that


 12   I've captured it, if it turns out I haven't.


 13             DR. KURTZBERG: I'd just like to propose--I


 14   think you need a cardiac therapy study group.  I


 15   think the people who are interested need to come


 16   together, build a consensus, decide on how you're


 17   going to monitor your products and characterize


 18   your products; decide on what your endpoints are


 19   going to be for your clinical trials.


 20             Because you have several products, and


 21   several endpoints, and several diseases--and


 22   there's models to do this in cancer therapy, in


 23   transplant therapy.  And I think that's what has to


 24   happen now in order to pull this all together.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Can I try and extend--if you




  1   have a comment, is it specific to this?


  2             DR. TAYLOR: It is--it's specific to


  3   actually two things: one, to Dr. Schneider's


  4   comment about different groups coming forward.


  5             One of the things that frightens me most


  6   about he field--and that I hope the FDA is going to


  7   be the regulatory body on--is the number of phone


  8   calls I get from physicians saying, "I can take


  9   cells out of the bone marrow," or "I can grow cells


 10   in a dish."   "I can do a study, and here's the


 11   study I'm going to do."  And it concerns--with no


 12   experience, necessarily, preclinically, in terms of


 13   understanding the vagaries of cell therapy, or the


 14   vagaries of growing cells, or measuring cells.


 15             And so I really am concerned about that.


 16             In terms of pulling together a cardiac


 17   study group, one of the commitments that I and a


 18   couple of other people in the field have made is to


 19   get all the thought leaders, in terms of academic


 20   investigators who are doing this work


 21   internationally, together to try to come to a


 22   consensus this year about what endpoints we need to


 23   be measuring, preclinically and clinically.


 24             DR. RIEVES: Dr. Rao, we appreciate all the


 25   comments.  They're very useful.




  1             But in your summary, could you also


  2   incorporate the perspective of overall product


  3   development?  Characterization, for example, is


  4   usually regarded as a continuum.  As you've heard,


  5   we need some details in early clinical development,


  6   but our regulations, our acting procedures, allow a


  7   great deal of flexibility, such that flexibility


  8   for initiating a Phase I clinical study may be


  9   considerable with respect to manufacturing,


 10   compared to the flexibility that might be


 11   reasonable prior to initiating a Phase III study.


 12             So, in your summary and discussion could


 13   you also incorporate the stages of product


 14   development?  And specifically, we're interested in


 15   early stages.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: Before we get to that, can I


 17   try and also--in the interest of time--try and


 18   extrapolate from all this discussion?


 19             You know, we looked at long-term passage


 20   cells, and I want to say that many of these issues


 21   apply, but to a lesser extent if you've directly


 22   harvested the cells.  And you can't extrapolate


 23   from one cell type to the other if the mode of


 24   selection is different.


 25             And as has been already pointed out from




  1   the data that's available, that if you mobilize


  2   bone marrow cells it's not that one mononuclear


  3   cell population is the same as another mononuclear


  4   population, because we don't know the mechanism of


  5   action, and we don't know the cell type.  So that


  6   each cell type used in cardiac therapy, in some


  7   sense, irrespective of whether operatively you call


  8   it the same, is different because you have to


  9   define that particular product in terms of how it


 10   was isolated, and from what patient population it


 11   was done.  So even though it's a one-shot dose, you


 12   can only compare it with a single one-shot dose


 13   from another patient where it was made and


 14   harvested much the same way.


 15             So many of the issues that we raised here


 16   for passage cells apply to these cells in a generic


 17   way, but there will be specific concerns which are


 18   specific to each of those modalities.


 19             Does that seem like a fair statement?


 20             DR. HARLAN: If it's true--and one thing--I


 21   agree with what you said, but one thing that was


 22   stated, and if it's true I think it's a great


 23   outcome of this session, is that if the community


 24   agrees that injecting the cell of interest, or the


 25   cell gamish of interest into immuno-compromised




  1   mice with an infarcted or dysfunctional myocardium,


  2   and the endpoint is an improvement in systolic


  3   function--if the community agrees that that's


  4   true-North and a good bio-assay, then that's a


  5   wonderful outcome of this session to use as a


  6   surrogate gold standard.


  7             If it doesn't--


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Harlan, we're going to


  9   come back to models, and so I really want to--


 10             DR. HARLAN: Okay.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO:  --try and keep that--


 12             DR. HARLAN: But it if doesn't, then I


 13   endorse what Dr. Kurtzberg said about a working


 14   group to try to come up with--


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes.  Specifically to


 16   manufacturing.


 17             DR. HARLAN: Specifically to


 18   manufacturing--and to Dr. Rieves' comment--a number


 19   of benchmarks were discussed, including some


 20   potentially onerous ones--were they to be applied


 21   to every patient's cells.  And, in fact, some of


 22   the assays that I was suggesting, such as testing


 23   for in vivo efficacy in hind-limb ischemia clearly


 24   could not be applied in a workable timeframe to


 25   testing an individual patient's cells prior to




  1   giving those cells back to the same patient.


  2             So, in part of our recommendations to the


  3   FDA, some of the benchmarks that we were alluding


  4   to are benchmarks for the overall consistency and


  5   quality of a production facility, rather an


  6   benchmarks to be assayed on every lot of cells,


  7   given to every patient.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, to go back to what you'd


  9   said, then--so is it true, for the sense--for early


 10   studies, as Dwaine pointed out, that when you're


 11   looking at Phase III trials, and you're looking at


 12   a company, and you're releasing a product where you


 13   have a long history, there's a different set of


 14   requirements.  But when you're doing this early,


 15   you want to have a definite cell type which you can


 16   then take reasonably to a Phase III trial if you


 17   were going to do it.  What would be sort of a


 18   minimal criteria that people would consider as


 19   important in terms of how you look at product


 20   development?


 21             And, to me, it still seems--and, again, I


 22   would have the committee weigh in on this, is that


 23   we still need a minimal definition of what's in


 24   that cell type.  And we clearly still need how it


 25   was isolated--as, clearly, distinction, because




  1   that's a different cell type.  And we need to know


  2   the passage number and the karyotypic stability of


  3   the cells when they've been grown in culture, and


  4   that's irrespective of whether you're doing it


  5   early or late, because otherwise you won't be able


  6   to compare.


  7             And you need a lot of the data and


  8   information so that if you have any of the small


  9   trials, that you can actually see if you can truly


 10   extrapolate--like you pointed out--from one trial


 11   to the other, so that you have that.  And that in


 12   the readout you need some sort of potency-type


 13   assay where you can say--which is a maybe generic


 14   substitute, and it may be the best that one can


 15   have, given the limitations in the field on what


 16   can be there.  And maybe for myoblasts it can


 17   diffuse and form myoblasts because that's the


 18   mechanism of action, and that's what you use each


 19   time; and that for the overall generic product that


 20   you have--so let's say it's myoblasts from


 21   different patients--you should have some kind of


 22   biomarkers and assays that have been defined in a


 23   more rigorous fashion.


 24             Is that--


 25             DR. SCHNEIDER: May I play the Devil's




  1   advocate for a moment with respect to karyotyping?


  2             I'm curious how one would use the data


  3   from karyotyping if an abnormality were to be found


  4   after three or four weeks of what I consider to be


  5   relatively short-term culture, if there were no


  6   objective evidence for tumor formation in animals


  7   following six to 12 months of follow-up in


  8   preclinical data?  I mean, are you using


  9   karyotyping as a surrogate endpoint for tumor


 10   formation even in the absence of data that tumors


 11   would occur?


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: Hold that thought, and I


 13   think maybe Bruce is going to take about what we


 14   missed in saying this is the dose.


 15             DR. BLAZAR: No, I wanted to follow up on


 16   your point as well.  I think part of the issue as


 17   you go to define the products is if you're going to


 18   call something a skeletal myoblast, it has to have


 19   certain proportion of cells--which I haven't heard


 20   what that is--that are defined as skeletal


 21   myoblasts.  It should have some limitations as to


 22   what the other cells are.


 23             For karyotyping--which I think is


 24   important--we need to know whether there are


 25   unstable karyotypes, even if retrospectively to go




  1   back and say "this culture was a different culture


  2   than another culture," regardless as to the


  3   tumorgenic risk.


  4             And for the assays, I think if you're


  5   going to use in vivo assays as readouts, then they


  6   have to be able to reproduced from lab to lab with


  7   some sort of standardized ability to say that this


  8   cell has a certain potency.  With islets, that can


  9   be shown; that many different labs can come up with


 10   the same sort of readouts.


 11             But the difficulty for me in listening to


 12   this discussion as outside the field is I'm still


 13   walking away with saying I don't know what kind of


 14   product definitions are going to be required, other


 15   than recording the data.  What is a reasonable


 16   composition of matter?  And are there potency


 17   assays that are exportable and evaluable in


 18   multiple different laboratories for assessing some


 19   level of potency that can be reported in the


 20   literature to correlate with clinical outcomes?


 21             DR. KURTZBERG: I agree with that, and I


 22   also don't think a panel of non-experts should be


 23   the people deciding the potency assay.  I think


 24   that people who are experts in the field ought to


 25   decide that and come back and say this is what we




  1   think is the best we can offer.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Epstein?


  3             DR. EPSTEIN: Dr. Rao, I think you


  4   summarized the issues brilliantly.  I'd just like


  5   to make two points.


  6             I think a consensus panel of experts would


  7   be critical to define in vitro and in vivo assays.


  8   I think it's critically important to make certain


  9   we understand that myogenesis is different from


 10   angiogenesis, so that you have two consensus


 11   panels.


 12             But then I would suggest--because the


 13   point just raised is excellent--not everybody has


 14   the ability--not every laboratory, not every


 15   facility has the ability to do a reliable in vivo


 16   assay.  And I would suggest that the FDA consider


 17   the possibility--perhaps in collaboration with


 18   NIH--of developing a core laboratory so that


 19   products can be sent to that core laboratory and


 20   tested in an absolutely uniform way.


 21             And Michael made a very important point.


 22   The in vivo assay is not going to really be helpful


 23   in the acute situation.  But we can retrospectively


 24   analyze the results, and try to correlate an in


 25   vivo assay with a beneficial effect or a




  1   non-beneficial effect.  But I think for some of


  2   these assays, they're rather sophisticated.  You do


  3   have to have experience with it, and I would


  4   think--and I don't know if it's financially


  5   feasible--but that development of a core laboratory


  6   where specimens can be sent would be a very


  7   important part and role for FDA to play in


  8   characterizing what we're giving these patients.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Mule, did you have a


 10   comment?


 11             DR. MULE: I just wanted to get back to Dr.


 12   Rieves' point about the stages of product


 13   development as it relates to the complexity or the


 14   outgrowth of trials associated with cell-based


 15   therapies.  And there is a history here from other


 16   cell-based therapies, not necessary, of course, in


 17   treatment of heart disease.


 18             But the point, again, is that if one is


 19   running a Phase I trial and it's limited to a


 20   single institution, it's inconceivable to me that


 21   that individual should be held responsible for a


 22   transportable assay that other sites not affiliated


 23   with the single-site study should be given the


 24   stamp of approval, for instance.  I think that


 25   comes later.




  1             I think for these limited Phase I studies


  2   that are single institution, to me it would almost


  3   be a barrier to require that investigator to have a


  4   robust enough assay that's transportable.  That's


  5   my point.


  6             CHAIRMAN RAO: I want to ask the FDA: do


  7   you feel that you've heard enough about Question 1


  8   and Question 2, in terms of a generic picture on


  9   these things, or just left too open in your mind in


 10   terms of what can be done?


 11             Go ahead.


 12             DR. AREMAN: Well, I just wanted to make


 13   one point that--people have been discussing potency


 14   assays.  And we really do not require that there be


 15   a potency assay in place when you start doing a


 16   Phase I or a pilot study.  You should be


 17   considering what you might use as a potency assay


 18   when you get to your Phase III trial.  But that


 19   definitely is not--should not be a barrier to


 20   initiating a Phase I trial.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes, I think all the


 22   committee members, in one sense, were trying to say


 23   that if you have to take these cells and


 24   extrapolate them, you have to know some measure of


 25   what they're doing, and so you need that.  You




  1   don't necessarily have a direct dose-response or


  2   potency that you need, but you need to be able to


  3   say that when I take this lot, and I want to put


  4   them in, because I think that this is the


  5   mechanism, that these cells do fuse and form


  6   myotubes and at passage four, this is what they do.


  7   Or, you know, in passage one, this is what they do.


  8             And so it's just one more characterization


  9   assay on what it's going to do, and that this lot


 10   has that kind of phenotype.  When you have cells,


 11   you have to define them in some fashion as a


 12   phenotype, and we can't just do it with markers.


 13             DR. ITESCU: I would just like to--the


 14   conclusion that was just drawn about a barrier;


 15   that increasing the data required to move into


 16   Phase I being a barrier to a single center


 17   initiating a trial being a bad thing.  I think, in


 18   fact, it's exactly the opposite from my


 19   perspective: it's a good thing.


 20             I think we want to raise the barrier to


 21   the level where you understand as much as you can


 22   about the biology of the product, about the potency


 23   of the product and about the safety of the product.


 24   I think we want to raise the barrier to prevent the


 25   conclusions that we're coming to that every cell




  1   type works, that many small trials have been


  2   initiated.  We can't conclude anything at this


  3   point in time because not enough product


  4   understanding has occurred.


  5             And I think to increase the barrier is a


  6   good thing, not a bad thing.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: I think the FDA always likes


  8   to hear that--


  9             [Laughter.]


 10             --people are asking for regulations.


 11             DR. MURRAY: I mean, I view this through


 12   the prism of how we treat the human subjects in


 13   these trials.  And if--to the extent that we can


 14   actually draw meaningful data from the trial, we


 15   just have a better justification for involving


 16   human subjects.  And even in these Phase I trials.


 17             To the extent that we have total


 18   non-standardization, and, you know, we're letting a


 19   thousand flowers bloom, I understand some might


 20   favor that, but I think, at minimum, we want to be


 21   able to have comparability, or at least to know the


 22   bases for comparability from trial to trial.  And


 23   that's simply one way of showing respect for human


 24   subjects.


 25             Now how do you do that?  It's not simple. 




  1   I mean, I will return to this when we get to the


  2   clinical--discussion of the clinical issues.  But


  3   that would be a reason I would advocate, you know,


  4   any sort of cooperation, standardization, etcetera,


  5   that we can ascertain at this time would be


  6   desirable from that perspective.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'm going to ask Dr. Grant


  8   and Dr. Rieves--do you feel that you've got a sense


  9   of what the community feels, basically, on the


 10   whole manufacturing process and early stages?


 11             DR. RIEVES: The information's been very


 12   useful.  If we understand correctly--with my


 13   confederates here--the feedback that we are getting


 14   is largely consistent with what we have been trying


 15   to apply to cellular product development--not only


 16   in the cardiac field but in other fields in


 17   general.  Your comments are very useful.


 18             If we are understanding correctly, you are


 19   not objecting to some flexibility in early product


 20   characterization.  You're encouraging exploration,


 21   but that has to be tempered by the need for


 22   attempts at the most consistency as possible, such


 23   that the data are interpretable.  And, basically,


 24   we're not hearing objections to the procedures that


 25   we've been using in cellular product development,




  1   in terms of manufacturing information.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: I think one important point


  3   that came through, I think, as a caveat, at least


  4   to me, was that one can't simply consider a product


  5   at the level of "you've got it in a vial," because


  6   that really doesn't define it in any fashion.  And


  7   so there has to be some information on what happens


  8   when you put it into any model that you do.  And if


  9   there's going to be death, we need to know that


 10   that's consistent, because if you have too little


 11   death or too much, that will be a problem.  If


 12   you've selected for some sub-population that grows,


 13   that's going to be a problem.


 14             So that's going to be--and that the mode


 15   at which you deliver it can't be extrapolated.  So


 16   you can't say, "Well, you know, today I used a


 17   27-gauge needle, and that was how we defined this


 18   product in the manufacturing that you're going to


 19   use."  It's got to be at least factored in in terms


 20   of what has to be done when you're comparing


 21   anything, or when you look at the sense.


 22             But, other than that, you look at what's


 23   the best that can be done.


 24             But, to me, it seemed that those were two


 25   additional things that people don't normally




  1   consider in drug release maybe.  But that needs to


  2   be factored in to the cells.  At least that was my


  3   sense.


  4             DR. SCHNEIDER: To paraphrase Dr. Murray:


  5   let a dozen flowers bloom.


  6             [Laughter.]


  7             I think that for many of us, the hazard,


  8   as I've said, is the impression created by the high


  9   visibility trials that this is easy; that this can


 10   be done by any cardiologist or cardiac surgeon with


 11   access to a blood bank.  And that's adamantly to be


 12   discouraged.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead, Dr. Noguchi.


 14             DR. NOGUCHI: Yes--I think this has been an


 15   excellent discussion, and we appreciate the rigor


 16   with which the committee and all the participants


 17   here want to move the field forward.


 18             I will point out that, to a large extent,


 19   this is not FDA's field.  It is our job to look and


 20   to evaluate independently what comes in.  If,


 21   indeed, you're talking about a dozen flowers, if we


 22   get 4,000 applications I can guarantee you my staff


 23   will review every single one of those applications.


 24             We would prefer--


 25             [Laughter.]




  1             --that we get some selectivity, but that


  2   is not our judgment.  That is not our duty, and


  3   that is not our responsibility.  The responsibility


  4   is clearly that of the community that is trying to


  5   develop these products.  That is clearly


  6   determining what may be true North or North by


  7   Northwest, or even maybe giving you the first step


  8   on the journey.  It's not for FDA to tell you, it's


  9   for you all, together, to come to consensus to


 10   develop the scientific knowledge to consider the


 11   subjects absolutely as the center of all your


 12   discussions, and bring that, not just to us, but to


 13   the public so that we can have a reasonable


 14   discourse about it.


 15             So I think, really, we've heard--for the


 16   manufacturing, we've heard a lot of very good


 17   suggestions.  We've heard a lot of preliminary


 18   discussions.  The refinement of this we will help.


 19   But it's up to all of you to provide the data so


 20   that we can make the evaluation.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, as Joanne pointed out,


 22   somebody has to help formulate a committee of, you


 23   know, cardiologists to look at that.


 24             DR. TAYLOR:  Dr.--


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO:  Is it a big comment? 




  1   Because you're keeping everybody from a break now.


  2             [Laughter.]


  3             DR. TAYLOR:  Dr. Rao, there is one issue


  4   that I didn't hear at all, and that's vehicle.  And


  5   I think vehicle is an important issue that we can't


  6   ignore here: what the cells are injected in.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes--I think that's an


  8   important point, and I sort of--people raise this


  9   issue, and it was raised before in terms of whether


 10   serum is good or bad, and whether there's a


 11   serum-shock effect, depending on how much is there.


 12   Dr. Epstein, for example, pointed that out.  And


 13   that excipients, just like in any drug, are also an


 14   important component that has to be fully defined in


 15   terms of doing this.  And I think that's going to


 16   be important to do when you look at comparing


 17   anything, or look at when you're delivering cells.


 18             And you're absolutely right; it's even the


 19   glucose, and the PBS that you put in when you


 20   deliver cells, it's going to be important.  And I


 21   think that's an important thing that the committee


 22   would suggest to the FDA as well, is that when you


 23   define that product, that that information should


 24   also be collected.


 25             DR. SCHNEIDER: Very quick response to Dr.




  1   Noguchi's suggestion about a process for consensus


  2   development.


  3             Betsy Knable and NHLBI have planned for


  4   this coming September what promises to be the most


  5   authoritative collection of investigators on the


  6   subject of cardiac cell repair.  And it might be


  7   useful to communicate with them that, as one


  8   potential long-term outcome of that meeting, that


  9   process of consensus committees be engendered.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: So we'll take a 10-minute


 11   break, and attack some of the next questions.


 12             [Off the record.]


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Back on the record.


 14             It's time to get back to work, I guess.


 15             [Pause.]


 16             So this is going to be a little bit


 17   easier, though not doubt as contentious, I guess.


 18   And the only reason I think it's going to be a


 19   little bit easier to consider this issue is that


 20   we've discussed aspects of this already.  And I'm


 21   going to try again to see if we can summarize a


 22   little bit of what people have already talked


 23   about.


 24             So there seems to be some consensus in the


 25   field that if you're looking at physiology and




  1   overall global function, and you're looking at


  2   certain of the tests which are non-invasive, it


  3   seems that you are quite critical in terms of


  4   needing some large animal models.


  5             However there are some disadvantages to


  6   large animal models, and there are alternatives in


  7   terms of small animal models which may be useful


  8   because they have certain specific advantages.


  9             And one contentious issue seemed to be


 10   that even though we have some advantages with small


 11   animal models, we have to worry about the


 12   immune-suppressed state, and that there are some


 13   disagreements on whether you can use an


 14   immuno-compromised model as a xeno-model, where you


 15   can transplant, say, human cells into a small


 16   animal model.


 17             And, otherwise, the field seemed to think


 18   that one should be doing comparable cells.  So you


 19   take, you know, bone marrow cells from the same


 20   animal and put it back in a syngenic field.


 21             Does that seem to be a fair summary?  And


 22   maybe I'll ask Doris that question--just as a yes,


 23   no.


 24             [Laughter.]


 25             DR. TAYLOR: I think that's accurate.




  1             I think devices--obviously, you've got to


  2   do in large animals.  And some of the other


  3   things--cells you can do in small animals.


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Epstein?  Or Dr. Itescu,


  5   can you--would you say yes or no to that summary?


  6             DR. ITESCU: Yes.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, keeping that as a


  8   background, maybe we can look at specifics in some


  9   of these models.  And, again, that hopefully gives


 10   us a clear-cut breakdown into small and large


 11   animal models--right?


 12             And maybe we can start off with Dr.


 13   Borer's point about: you have to integrate


 14   information--right?  And that you have to collect


 15   data.  So, maybe if you take a large animal model--


 16   maybe, Dr. Borer, would you like to say what one


 17   would like to collect, and what kind of animal


 18   model?  Would there be any preference, or an


 19   absolute requirement for a particular model?


 20             DR. BORER: Sure.  I don't--well, yes,


 21   okay.  I'll tell you what was an absolute


 22   requirement.  An absolute requirement are hard


 23   natural history endpoint collection; death, major


 24   clinical events in the animal: myocardial


 25   infarction, stroke, what have you.  I mean, we




  1   could define a list--infection, whatever.


  2             But can I just say one more thing?  And


  3   maybe I'm going beyond what you're asking me, but a


  4   point that was raised yesterday--and I want to


  5   raise it again here--is that there are several


  6   different things that are happening in the


  7   myocardium.  Putting in cells that differentiate in


  8   a way so that they can generate force is wonderful,


  9   but there has to be a remodeling process that goes


 10   on.


 11             And the cellular remodeling--cellular


 12   remodeling--differs among species.  So that while


 13   there are certain things that I think we can look


 14   for in small animals, over and above the generic


 15   stuff I just said, there are other issues that


 16   really probably cannot be judged in mice, for


 17   example, because the myocytes and the fibroblasts


 18   in mice do different things than the myocytes and


 19   fibroblasts in species closer to humans.


 20             And I would just, again, bookmark the


 21   issue of cellular remodeling.  We heard a little


 22   while ago from Dr. Taylor that the heterogeneity of


 23   the product that's injected probably is important.


 24   I think it probably is, too.  I think it's very


 25   important.  I think it's very important because of




  1   the points that Dr. Epstein made yesterday; that is


  2   that the cells are secreting stuff.  We don't know


  3   what they are, but they're probably crucial to the


  4   whole system working well.  And, again, those


  5   processes differ among species.


  6             So I think when you start to look at the


  7   global issue, and the remodeling issue, you really


  8   have to be closer to people than to mice.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Can I ask you one question


 10   just as an extension of this?


 11             Is there a sense, then, that since animals


 12   are not like humans, for example, and that there


 13   are going to be species' differences and these are


 14   physiology differences which are critical, that you


 15   can't just do animal studies that will match?  Or


 16   should you be doing both xeno- as well as syngenic


 17   studies?  Or that's not something that the


 18   committee thinks is a good thing to do?


 19             DR. BORER: Well, I mean, I'm not--I hope


 20   I'm answering the appropriate question here, and


 21   that I understood it properly--but, we can't answer


 22   all the preliminary questions that we need to


 23   answer to be able to go forward with clinical


 24   trials by doing clinical trials.  There have to


 25   be--there has to be some information that is at




  1   least intuitively reasonably predictive to suggest


  2   that you're going to do something good and you're


  3   not going to do something bad once you start


  4   working in people.


  5             There are many examples of animal studies


  6   done in species closer to man than to mouse; you


  7   know, on dogs and in pigs and even rabbits--and


  8   primates, of course--which have been reasonably


  9   predictive of the general response that you see in


 10   people.  Will that lead to a clinical benefit, or


 11   will it not?  I don't know.  That's what clinical


 12   trials are for.


 13             But I think that you can and must do


 14   certain animal studies to at least suggest that


 15   it's reasonable to infer that there might be a


 16   benefit, and might not be excessive harm


 17   outweighing the benefit if you go to people.  So I


 18   think that there are studies that should be done in


 19   animals.   The assay for potency that Mike and


 20   others have talked about I think is key, and that


 21   probably can be done in small animals.


 22             And I'm probably getting much more


 23   specific than you wanted me to.  But I think that


 24   several animal models have a place here; that it's


 25   crucial to do preclinical studies before you do




  1   clinical studies.  My only argument was that in all


  2   species we look at, we have to look at deaths,


  3   infarctions, strokes and other major events, and


  4   that we shouldn't forget about the remodeling


  5   issues because, as Steve pointed out yesterday,


  6   these cells know better than we do what they're


  7   supposed to be doing, and they do it, and we don't


  8   know what they're doing.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Bruce?  And then Dr.


 10   Schneider.


 11             DR. BLAZAR: One question I haven't heard


 12   answered is the role and function of human cells in


 13   rodents.  It's been implied that you could use


 14   human cells in rodents to assay biological


 15   function.  We know for some cell types--core blood


 16   in non-SKD mice, you can get some assessments,


 17   whereas human t-cells put into rodents in general


 18   don't function well.


 19             There are certainly non-cellular sources


 20   in rodents that don't receive the right inductive


 21   or survival signals, and I guess the question is


 22   whether the fraction of cells that survive, are


 23   they biologically functional if you put human cells


 24   in rodents?


 25             I didn't hear a lot of discussion about




  1   that.  And given the heterogeneity of the


  2   population, between myoblasts, fibroblasts,


  3   macrophages, SP cells--to what extent, and where is


  4   the barrier drawn for being able to assess


  5   biological function in either small or large


  6   animals, of the actual human product?




  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: Before I ask one of the


  9   cardiologists to answer, I'm just going to ask


 10   if--Dr. Schneider, is your question similar to


 11   Bruce's?


 12             DR. SCHNEIDER: I was actually going to


 13   follow up on that.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: So should we, then, have


 15   that question so that maybe the cardiologists can


 16   answer that together--other cardiologists.


 17             [Laughter.]


 18             The presentations can answer that.  Maybe


 19   I should make that clear.  So go ahead, Dr.


 20   Schneider.


 21             DR. SCHNEIDER: I was going to say, in


 22   response to Jeff's point about the balance of large


 23   and small mammals, that I would probably draw the


 24   line of preference at a slightly different point.


 25             I think there's clearly a need--and an




  1   unambiguous need--for large-mammal models, where


  2   delivery systems are to be studied, such as


  3   catheters or, conceivably, specific complex


  4   surgical procedures beyond the kind that we heard


  5   about in yesterday's presentations; that,


  6   inherently, because of geometry could never be


  7   adequately tested in a smaller mammal.


  8             If the question is: does the biology of


  9   the smaller mammal allow complete predictability of


 10   the human situation, the answer would be no.  My


 11   point is that that also would be true for the large


 12   mammal.  The large mammal studies are not done in


 13   aged animals.  They're not done in animals with


 14   disseminated atherosclerosis.  So there always will


 15   be a gap between what we can learn--even in the


 16   best of circumstances--from the large mammal and


 17   from the human.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: Would you add to that about


 19   safety, as opposed to efficacy?


 20             DR. SCHNEIDER: Safety issues as well.


 21             What I would do is to try to emphasize the


 22   point that the job of the preclinical data is not


 23   to predict the outcome of a Phase III trial.  The


 24   job of the preclinical data is to predict the


 25   safety of a Phase I trial.  And from that point of




  1   view, I think a preponderance of small-mammal data


  2   is more than sufficient, with the exceptions that I


  3   noted, where complex devices are concerned.


  4             It's to show the reasonableness of a


  5   benefit, and the reasonableness of safety.


  6   Ultimately, those have to be judged in Phase I


  7   trials.  And if Phase I trials work, the more


  8   complex larger trials later.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne.




 11             DR. KURTZBERG: I was just going to add


 12   that I think the allogeneic models are important.


 13   I don't think we know what direction this will


 14   ultimately take.  And I think they're important to


 15   ask question about tolerance induction and whether


 16   the use of allogeneic cells will be


 17   feasible--because it may be that, in the long run,


 18   it will be technically more straightforward to have


 19   the cells ready when the patient needs them, and it


 20   may be timing is important to get it right away or,


 21   you know, shortly after the MI--or whatever.  And


 22   with autologous cells, you may not have that


 23   option.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Cannon.


 25             DR. CANNON: This is really a follow-up to




  1   Dr. Borer's and Dr. Schneider's comment about the


  2   limitations of large animals, as far as safety and


  3   efficacy.


  4             And a good example is estrogen therapy.


  5   Hormone replacement therapy was believed to be safe


  6   and efficacious in all animal models tested;


  7   virtually all tested, including primates.  And yet


  8   it did not predict the response in individuals with


  9   diffuse atherosclerosis and its risk factors.


 10             So I think there are major limitations to


 11   even large animals.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin, and then Dr.


 13   Epstein.


 14             DR. RUSKIN: Just a comment about the


 15   safety question and animal models.


 16             I thin, with regard to cardiac safety, and


 17   particularly this issue of arrhythmagenesis, the


 18   small animal models are not going to be useful.


 19   They may be--they're very useful from a biological


 20   perspective, and potency, and other elements that


 21   people have raised.  But I think that given the


 22   relative infancy of this field, that having


 23   experience in some of the well established


 24   large-animal models--particularly dogs, but also in


 25   pigs; dog models have been around now for three




  1   decades of acute and sub-acute and chronic


  2   infarction, for example and, more recently, some


  3   heart failure models--can be very useful.  And I


  4   would never suggest that the information obtained


  5   from these studies would be dispositive, but they


  6   can be informative from a safety standpoint,


  7   particularly if safety issues arise; that is, they


  8   tend to be rather insensitive.  But if you see a


  9   major safety question with regard to arrhythmagenic


 10   effects in a canine model, that should be a red


 11   flag for whether or not one moves forward, and how


 12   one moves forward into Phase I.


 13             So I would make a plea for doing work in


 14   large-animal models fairly early on--certainly well


 15   before considering Phase I trials with an aspect of


 16   these new therapies.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'll have Dr. Epstein and


 18   Doris make quick comments.


 19             DR. EPSTEIN: Yes.  Bruce, just in answer


 20   to your question: if you wanted to test either


 21   safety or efficacy of human cells in an animal


 22   model--immunosuppressed--I mean, I guess the bottom


 23   line is there's no--as everyone has said--there's


 24   no perfect animal model.  Because the effect of the


 25   cells you're injecting may not be primarily a




  1   direct effect of the cells, but their ability to


  2   orchestrate, for example, an inflammatory response.


  3             So if there's no inflammatory--host


  4   inflammatory response, that could either be


  5   efficacious or it could be--lead to adverse


  6   effects.  So it's not a perfect model but,


  7   nonetheless, it could provide some important


  8   information.


  9             So the bottom line is, I think that large


 10   animals, small animals--none of them are perfect.


 11   All of them can provide some important information.


 12   What should be required is obviously going to


 13   depend on what the specific question being asked,


 14   and what the specific cells are that one is


 15   thinking of injecting.


 16             DR. BLAZAR: So can I--just before you


 17   leave the microphone, just ask you: what--is there


 18   a different frequency--if you put human cells in


 19   rodents, dogs, pigs, what fraction of those cells


 20   have any biological function or survival in the


 21   different species?  Because while it may not


 22   correlate directly in each individual species, if


 23   the fraction of cell survival and being able to


 24   function in vivo is extraordinarily low in rodents


 25   and increases as you go up the ladder--




  1             DR. EPSTEIN: You mean in the absence of


  2   immunosuppression.


  3             DR. BLAZAR: However.  To me, it's still


  4   whether there are appropriate inductive and


  5   survival signals.  Forget, necessarily, the host


  6   immune response, but are there just signals so the


  7   cells just don't sit there.  Because I know you can


  8   engraft human MSCs and MAPCs etcetera in rodents,


  9   but the frequency is extraordinarily low in many


 10   cases, without the necessary inductive signals.


 11             DR. BLAZAR: Well, I guess the bottom line


 12   is that studies have been done, and published in


 13   excellent journals, demonstrating that you get a


 14   biologic effect.  And as Dr. Borer has been


 15   emphasizing, you know, that is what you're


 16   interested in.


 17             Now, what percentage of cells survive, and


 18   which specific cells survive is an important


 19   question.  But there is important biologic activity


 20   when you put in human cells in a rodent model.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead, Doris.


 22             DR. TAYLOR: I'm sorry, I just wanted to


 23   say very quickly that one of the slides I showed


 24   yesterday, in terms of comparing myoblasts and


 25   myoblasts plus--angiogenic myoblasts were human




  1   myoblasts transplanted into SCD mice.  And we saw a


  2   biologic effect.  So--and I didn't emphasize that.


  3             But I think, in terms of injecting human


  4   cells in small-animal models to test function, I


  5   think that's fine.  I think to test safety, you


  6   have to move up the tree.


  7             You know, nobody wants this field to move


  8   forward more rapidly or more quickly than--or more


  9   safely and quickly than I, but I think we have to


 10   answer the safety questions.  We didn't anticipate


 11   them all with myoblasts, and now we have the


 12   opportunity to do it differently.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: So before we get to you, is


 14   there anybody who strongly disagrees with the


 15   statement that Doris made?


 16             Just--Doris said that, you know, for


 17   safety studies it seems to be quite important that


 18   you might want to consider larger animal models as


 19   well.  That was her point.  She said that--I'm


 20   summarizing, but--


 21             DR. SCHNEIDER: If the operative word is


 22   "consider" rather than "implement," I think--


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes.


 24             DR. SCHNEIDER:  --I think that's the


 25   distinction.




  1             I mean, Dr. Ruskin makes a very good point


  2   about the safety issue with respect to arrhythmias.


  3   But it's one point that needs to be balanced


  4   against other considerations.  If I were asked to


  5   weigh the predictive power of dog cells re-injected


  6   into the dog, versus human cells injected into a


  7   mouse as indicative of what human cells would do


  8   when injected into a patient, I'd rather know what


  9   the human cells do.


 10             In many cases, the markers don't exist to


 11   isolate the cells from some of these large mammals.


 12   And as Steve Epstein pointed out, if one wants to


 13   use an immuno-compromised dog, sheep or pig, one is


 14   obliged to use drugs that have many confounding


 15   effects.  Cyclosporin is used routinely in the


 16   transplantation field, but in heart failure studies


 17   many of us have been looking, for the last six


 18   years, at complex molecular effects of


 19   calcinurine-dependent signals.


 20             So, from an immunological point of view, a


 21   mutant mouse is cleaner and more predictive than a


 22   cyclosporin-treated pig.


 23             DR. MULE: So I've been hearing almost a


 24   consensus of the--not necessity for animal models,


 25   but the preference for animal models, perhaps.




  1             What I haven't been hearing is what are we


  2   asking these animal models to provide us with


  3   information?  I've been hearing a lot about the


  4   weaknesses of small animal models, large animal


  5   models, xeno-transplants, human cells into


  6   immuno-compromised mice--and, again, layering the


  7   complexity of the disease, which has not been


  8   replicated in any of these animal models.  I've


  9   heard that one cannot necessarily predict the


 10   toxicity of the cell-based therapy in perhaps


 11   large-animal models.


 12             So I guess the issue is: if we have


 13   myoblasts as sort of the therapy to be considered


 14   here--as one of the therapies, and we can


 15   conceivably understand that if we put certain


 16   parameters on that population, that in vitro will


 17   produce myotubes, for instance.


 18             What are we asking of these animal models?


 19   Are we asking that 90 percent of the cells will die


 20   when they're injected?  I think we already know


 21   that.  And so what I have not heard--other than


 22   weaknesses in all these models--is what precisely


 23   we're asking these animal models to provide us with


 24   information that will help us to go to the clinic.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Hold that thought, and I'll




  1   maybe ask you to re-phrase it again in the next


  2   five minutes or so.


  3             Go ahead, Dr. Murray.


  4             DR. MURRAY: Well, actually, Jim asked, in


  5   a broad frame, the same kind of question I wanted


  6   to ask.  And I've been trying to listen carefully


  7   to the various things that have been said, and the


  8   questions that we're being asked to help the FDA


  9   address.


 10             So, I've been trying to create a


 11   conceptual map to help myself understand what's at


 12   issue here.  So let me just--what some elements


 13   are: we want to know something about the basic


 14   biology; what happens to these cells; what are


 15   these cells; what happens to them if you stick them


 16   in a heart--by various routes, by various


 17   means--you know, with all the various different


 18   ways people prepare these.


 19             And you want to know about autologous


 20   cells, you want to know about--and you want to know


 21   how human cells behave in, you know, in an animal


 22   model, so you've got to have an immuno-compromised


 23   animal model.  And there are all kinds of


 24   disadvantages there.


 25             The hearts differ in these different




  1   animal models, and their anatomy, the cell type


  2   functions; the geometry, physiology and


  3   electrophysiology.  The disease--the disease models


  4   differ. You've mostly got fresh experimental


  5   lesions, rather than a good model of chronic


  6   congestive heart failure.  Plus, in humans, you've


  7   got this background of long-term disease, with all


  8   the stuff that's happened, plus the drugs and other


  9   treatments and other interventions that have gone


 10   on--all of which make it difficult.


 11             The hearts differ in these animal models


 12   and what you can measure.  You know, a mouse heart


 13   beats--what?--600 times a minute?  Is that what I


 14   learned yesterday?  And it's probably a little hard


 15   to catch what's going on in those 600 beats per


 16   minute.  Larger animals beat more slowly, or more


 17   like humans--allow more measurements.


 18             So this is the sort of map I've been


 19   putting on this.  And it's pretty clear that no


 20   single model is right.  There are a lot of


 21   different questions you ask in different ways.


 22             We're going to learn about


 23   the--ultimately, you want to learn about the safety


 24   issues involved with doing the sort of


 25   interventions that people are proposing to do, and




  1   almost certainly that will involve some use of


  2   larger animals that are closer to the human.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Deborah?


  4             AUDIENCE: I run a large primate program


  5   involving hematopoietic stem-cell biology, and I've


  6   also worked quite a bit in xenograft with mice.


  7             I would stress that, like Bruce said, I


  8   don't think, if you have no efficacy in a xenograft


  9   you necessarily know if that is going to predict no


 10   efficacy in a large animal or human.  The homing


 11   and engraftment of cells, if we're going to give


 12   them intravenously, or look at cytokine


 13   mobilization in a xenograft is, I think, completely


 14   useless.


 15             Mouse spleens behave extremely differently


 16   from human and large animal spleens.  The cells all


 17   go there.  For most of the hematopoiesis studies,


 18   you have to splenectomize mice to get any


 19   information out that's going to apply to humans.


 20             Non-human primates--we have lots of


 21   reagents like cytokines and cell service molecules,


 22   and the ability to culture cells that are very


 23   analogous to humans.  What we don't have is


 24   cardiologists and cardiac surgeons who've worked in


 25   these models.




  1             So as we tried at the NIH to bring some of


  2   these cell therapies into the non-human primate to


  3   test them, there just isn't very much known, and


  4   there's not a lot of comfort with the surgeons and


  5   the cardiologists in knowing how these animals


  6   react, in terms of arrhythmias and everything else.


  7   On the other hand, dogs, where you do know a lot,


  8   and pigs where you know a lot, you can't have any


  9   idea if the cell populations are correct.  So, I


 10   either would try to put resources at an extramural


 11   level into better defining reagents, antibodies and


 12   cytokines for dogs and pigs, or get some


 13   cardiologists and cardiac surgeons more comfortable


 14   with working in non-human primates.  Because for


 15   highly manipulated products, like MSCs, you're


 16   going to over-express AKTN, or MAPCs, I really


 17   don't think that you would want to put those into


 18   humans without having some long-term safety studies


 19   in a large animal saying where the cells go, how


 20   long they last, do they form tumors?  You know,


 21   labeling them with iron or other moieties to try to


 22   figure out exactly what's happening to them, both


 23   acutely and sub-acutely I think would be pretty


 24   important.


 25             With non-manipulated cells, and




  1   mononuclear cells from the bone marrow that you're


  2   shooting into coronaries and things that have


  3   already been done, maybe that's not necessary, and


  4   maybe you can do it in dogs.  But for the


  5   manipulated populations, I think you need to try to


  6   improve the primate models--potentially.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead.  Just introduce


  8   yourself.


  9             DR. KELLY: Ralph Kelly.  I'm from Genzyme


 10   Corporation.  And I wanted to follow up with Dr.


 11   Ruskin about the comment regarding arrhythmias.


 12             For the MAGIC trial that Phillipe


 13   Menaasche is currently running, the protocol


 14   specifies that the skeletal myoblasts--autologous


 15   skeletal myoblasts--be placed not only in the


 16   center of the scar, but also in the border zone


 17   surrounding the scar, which obviously brings in


 18   issues such as reentry.  And you discussed the


 19   canine model, for example, but then just sticking


 20   them in a dog and then doing Holter monitor studies


 21   and so forth may not be practical, or at least


 22   efficient way to do it.


 23             Can you comment on optical mapping


 24   techniques, for example?  Other measurements that


 25   might give us an idea how pro-arrhythmic these




  1   cells might be?


  2             DR. RUSKIN: That's a good question, and a


  3   difficult one to answer.


  4             The technique of optical mapping is very


  5   useful for mechanism and for characterizing the


  6   electrophysiologic properties of the tissues, but


  7   doesn't tell you very much about arrhythmagenic


  8   potential.  So I think you would probably end up


  9   doing continuous monitoring with implanted devices,


 10   and also electrophysiologic studies.


 11             And I suspect that the yield would


 12   probably be quite low.  And the concern, obviously,


 13   in these models always is that they are


 14   insensitive.  So if one sees nothing, you can't


 15   take much away from it.


 16             If you say a signal--for example, a high


 17   sudden-death rate among the animals--that would be


 18   a red flag, obviously, for a major concern.  And


 19   that was my only point.


 20             I don't think that ;there's a highly


 21   specific probe that we can use that's going to


 22   answer the question in an animal model as to what's


 23   going to happen in the human situation.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Harlan?


 25             DR. HARLAN: You started the session with




  1   the question: are animal models required before we


  2   move to the clinic, or should we do both


  3   concurrently.  And then Dr. Mule asked about what


  4   question are we asking from the animal models.


  5             I think the answer to the latter question,


  6   and then to your question, is that we're--in all


  7   cases, we're gathering data; that we don't know


  8   what we don't know.  And, to me, I don't think


  9   there is any ideal animal model.  We learn


 10   something from each one.  And I think we learn


 11   stuff in the clinic that we can't possibly learn


 12   from any animal model, and so that you need to do


 13   both, and that then the question is: how do you do


 14   the clinical trial in the way that is least likely


 15   to do harm.  And that will be, I think, the major


 16   topic of discussion.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: I guess it's you, me and


 18   Rumsfeld--right?  There are known knowns and known


 19   unknowns, I guess.


 20             DR. ITESCU: I'd just like to add a little


 21   bit about the small animal models, and disagree


 22   with one of the earlier speakers--that, in fact,


 23   we've done a lot of work looking at homing and


 24   cytokines and chemokines in mice and rats--those


 25   immuno-compromised animals.  And, in fact, it looks




  1   like they're excellent models for being able to


  2   predict the ability of human cells to home and


  3   target the myocardium; that many of the chemokines


  4   and cytokines produced in these rodent models do,


  5   in fact, interact with the receptors on human


  6   cells.


  7             So I think, in fact, they're very adequate


  8   models to study many of these processes.  And


  9   perhaps the biggest difference between these models


 10   and the primate models, obviously, are the immune


 11   responses.  And we just need to keep that in mind.


 12             But, otherwise, many biological questions


 13   can be addressed pretty adequately.


 14             DR. BLAZAR: I wasn't saying that the


 15   models were inadequate. I was not clear as to what


 16   ;you all had as a consensus as to the relative use


 17   of these xenogeneic system to get where you wanted


 18   to go--the way Jim phrased.


 19             So if the consensus is that this does


 20   provide you the necessary readouts, despite the


 21   limitations of a xenogeneic environment, I think


 22   that's fine.  But it did not come out in the


 23   presentations as to whether that was necessarily


 24   the case.


 25             DR. ITESCU: Yes, I didn't show yesterday,




  1   but we've got some pretty convincing data on a


  2   variety of cytokines and chemokines made by


  3   rodents, and how they interact with the human cells


  4   in a similar way to what happens in man.


  5             DR. HARLAN: I just want to quickly comment


  6   that when you look at your cells and they do home


  7   appropriately, what you don't know is what other


  8   cells might not work in that model, but would work


  9   in a different model.  So it's just the same point:


 10   we don't know what we don't know.


 11             And so I think it's important to not rule


 12   out the possibility that a cell that doesn't work


 13   in a non-SKD mouse might work in a different


 14   species.


 15             DR. ALLAN: Yes, I just wanted to come back


 16   to what animal model is appropriate.  Because, I


 17   mean, I'm not in this field.  So I sit here and I


 18   go, "Gee, you know, I don't hear that much about


 19   non-human primates."  You know, because to me it's


 20   a no-brainer.  You want to be using non-human


 21   primates.


 22             And then--so it was interesting to hear


 23   what some of the reasons are why people aren't


 24   using non-human primates.  It's a comfort zone:


 25   cardiologists never used--haven't used non-human




  1   primates very often for this.  Maybe it's also a


  2   question of cost, and numbers of animals--things


  3   like that--which I can understand.


  4             And in this particular case it seems to me


  5   that what you're dealing with is basically


  6   cost-benefit--or risk-benefit, and that is, well,


  7   if you're shooting cells into humans, you probably


  8   aren't going to kill them, and therefore you don't


  9   have to use non-human primates because you're not


 10   sweating as much.  Because in xenotransplantation,


 11   they have a bar, and you've got to do


 12   pig-to-primate transplants and show that the organ


 13   survives for more than, you know, five days or 10


 14   days before, you know, they let you go into humans.


 15   Whereas here, you know, you shoot a few cells, and


 16   you probably are not going to kill the patient.


 17   And so therefore maybe you don't need to use


 18   non-human primates.


 19             But to me, I mean, it's like--I mean, the


 20   non-human primates, it's not a perfect


 21   model--obviously it's not a perfect model, but it's


 22   a better model than any of the other models, in


 23   terms of you've got cytokines that you can use.  I


 24   mean, this GCSF study, you know, they probably


 25   could have done some of that work in non-human




  1   primates and would have got some ideas.


  2             And it doesn't mean that that wouldn't


  3   happen anyway because, I mean, you look at gene


  4   therapy trials.  Some of the studies in macaques


  5   show that if you give them too much virus you kill


  6   them, and yet, you know, they still went into


  7   humans with the same dosage and there were some


  8   adverse reactions there.


  9             So I'm just--I'm not trying to promote the


 10   use of non-human primates, but I was just sort of


 11   like curious as to why people aren't using that


 12   more often.


 13             DR. BORER: I'd like to get back to the


 14   issues raised by Dr. Mule and Dr. Murray, because I


 15   think they're very important issues.  And let me


 16   try and take a crack at an answer.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer, can we hold off,


 18   then, on that--


 19             DR. BORER: Sure.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO:  --because I want to try and


 21   complete this--it's part of the question we want to


 22   address which is Question 4, but I want to try and


 23   get this whole idea of do we absolutely need


 24   models, and which kinds of models, and is there any


 25   absolute criteria that we should use first.




  1             DR. BORER: That is what I was going to


  2   respond to, actually.  I think that's the crux of


  3   what the question was: do we really need animals if


  4   we don't know how to interpret the results?


  5             CHAIRMAN RAO: I think Dr. Murray's point


  6   was what kind of readouts, and what are you really


  7   using the models for?  And I want to wait on that


  8   just for a couple more minutes if we can.


  9             DR. BORER: Okay.  Maybe I wasn't


 10   responding to Dr. Murray's question.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Okay, then.


 12             DR. SCHNEIDER: So you don't want a


 13   response to Dr. Mule's question: why do we use the


 14   animal models?


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes--not just yet.


 16             DR. SCHNEIDER: Okay.  Let me respond to


 17   why cardiologists--


 18             [Laughter.]


 19             --don't use non-human primates.


 20             Apart from the fact of expense, lack of


 21   experience in most of the university medical


 22   centers, we are also cognizant of the fact that the


 23   non-human primate models are, to the public, an


 24   abomination.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Kathy?




  1             DR. HIGH: So--maybe I have to wait, too,


  2   because I wanted to respond to Dr. Mule's question.


  3             [Laughter.]


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: So maybe we can really list


  5   these as comments that can be made--give me a


  6   minute, then, to try and see if we have some sense


  7   of consensus on this minimal first part.


  8             From what I heard from everyone here was


  9   that nobody thinks you should rush to go and do


 10   human trials without doing some sorts of animal


 11   studies--right?  That seemed to be pretty clear.


 12             And what also seemed to be pretty clear to


 13   me from listening to everyone was that there's no


 14   perfect animal model for the disease.  So we're not


 15   trying to mimic a particular disease, but you're


 16   really trying to look at sort of some kind of


 17   critical issues on the cell type that you will use,


 18   and the choice really depends on the cell type that


 19   you're going to use, and that's why you have to


 20   vary between choices of models.


 21             And there seems to be clear-cut consensus


 22   that for certain things you have to use a


 23   large-animal model.  So, for physiology, sort of


 24   geometry, imaging issues and so on, it doesn't seem


 25   that you can answer those questions with a small




  1   model.


  2             But there are other issues where, maybe


  3   because of speed, maybe because the behavior has


  4   already been demonstrated, or there's a whole


  5   history in terms of sort of bone marrow studies


  6   which can be addressed in small-animal models--and


  7   there's no reason why they shouldn't be addressed


  8   in small-animal models.


  9             So, ultimately, you may have to choose


 10   which model you use, depending on the type of cell


 11   you choose, and what type of readout you're looking


 12   at.  And such models exist for doing that.  But


 13   clearly there's no perfect model which will clearly


 14   answer all of these studies.


 15             There still seemed to me a little bit of


 16   dissension--and I want to make sure that I haven't


 17   missed that--is there seemed to be some argument


 18   that safety studies could only be done in a


 19   large-animal model.  And I wasn't absolutely


 20   sure--maybe some types of safety issues are really


 21   critical and can only be done in a large-animal


 22   model such as, you know, tachycardia perhaps,


 23   geometry and reentries phenomenon.  But other


 24   studies may be simply more important in


 25   small-animal models--right?  You know, where we




  1   have--if you're looking at immuno-compromised


  2   animals and so on.


  3             The last piece that seemed to come through


  4   from everybody was that animal cells are animal


  5   cells, and there are many, many reasons why they


  6   will be different.  And we already know that


  7   they're different, so that though you can do


  8   syngenic, they're not going to be absolutely


  9   predictive of what will happen when you take human


 10   cells and put them into human patients, and you


 11   have to keep that view in mind.  And if that's the


 12   case, then there might be certain times--or


 13   depending, at certain stages--where doing either


 14   xeno-models, or correlating it with--as Dr. Harlan


 15   pointed out--with clinical trials which are


 16   happening at the same time might be quite critical.


 17             Is that--at least for part of


 18   choosing--we've not yet talked about what the Hell


 19   are you going to learn from a model--and I


 20   apologize for my language, I guess--


 21             [Laughter.]




 23             --but at least it sets up the fact that we


 24   need some kind of model.  That seems to be


 25   irrespective--that we need something, and we nee to




  1   get some information, and we need to collect a


  2   large amount of data from it.


  3             And, Dwaine--


  4             DR. RIEVES: But, Dr. Rao, those are


  5   excellent points, and it's very difficult to talk


  6   in generalities.


  7             But if in the discussion the committee


  8   members could also consider something Dr. Dunbar


  9   touched on, is whether, as witnesses, or reviewers


 10   or production of development programs, we should


 11   consider flexibility with respect to the nature of


 12   the cellular product itself, as to how it's


 13   manufactured--these heavily manipulated products,


 14   the cultured products.


 15             Should the preclinical testing for those


 16   type products be different from the many academic


 17   investigators across the country who say, "I'm


 18   harvesting bone marrow in the operating room suite,


 19   and I'm filtering it to get the specules out, and


 20   I'm administering it."  When those


 21   sponsor-investigators come to us, they're going to


 22   ask is there some need for pre-clinical study.  Or


 23   is it inherently safe because it's autologous and


 24   minimally manipulated.


 25             If you could consider those type issues in




  1   the discussion, too.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: As soon as we start talking


  3   now, and hopefully, just next is what do we want to


  4   learn from an animal model, and why do you want to


  5   put cells in.


  6             DR. TAYLOR: [Off mike]  When I said the


  7   word "safety" I meant arrhythmia.  I didn't


  8   mean--so there's really not dissension.  When I


  9   said "safety" I meant electrical safety.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: So maybe we can go with Dr.


 11   Borer, who was trying to summarize or respond, and


 12   then go with Kathy, and then Dr. Schneider, since


 13   you wanted to respond, too, sir.


 14             DR. BORER: First let me say I agree with


 15   everything you said.


 16             [Laughter.]


 17             I think that where we may be going here,


 18   and what seems like a little dissension that I


 19   don't think really is dissension, is that what


 20   everybody wants is a preclinical construct that


 21   would be perfectly predictive so that you really


 22   knew what the problems are, and you really knew


 23   what the potential benefits were, or what the


 24   functional changes in the heart might be so that


 25   you could then give your therapy in patients and be




  1   concerned, really, only about clinical outcome; you


  2   know, is there a clinical benefit, is there not, or


  3   does the benefit outweigh the risk.


  4             There is no such preclinical construct for


  5   any disease--in cardiology.  I mean, in other


  6   disease there may be.  I don't know.  But certainly


  7   there isn't in cardiology.


  8             So I think what we want from the animal


  9   studies is two types of information.  First of all,


 10   one would like to have some confidence that there


 11   isn't an overwhelming show-stopper lurking out


 12   there, safety-wise.  Jeremy made the point: animal


 13   studies are not highly sensitive, in general, for


 14   cardiac events, but when cardiac events of certain


 15   types occur, one should take note of that and be


 16   cognizant of that in designing clinical studies if,


 17   indeed, it even seems reasonable to do that after


 18   you know about the major potential risks that one


 19   might have picked up in animals.


 20             With regard to the minimally manipulated


 21   cells that are taken out of the bone marrow,


 22   filtered and put into a person--into the same


 23   person from which they came--is there any need for


 24   preclinical studies?  Well, I would argue that you


 25   would at least want to test the implements that




  1   you're going to use to take and do, to make sure


  2   you haven't changed the cells that you've taken out


  3   in such a way that they clump, form emboli and, you


  4   know, block arteries, for example.


  5             I mean, so some kind of preclinical


  6   testing relevant to the specific situation would be


  7   appropriate, but here we're talking more about


  8   mechanical, I think, than biological


  9   problems--although there may be biological


 10   problems, too, with the minimal manipulation--I


 11   don't know.


 12             But, anyway, that's one type of


 13   information one seeks from preclinical studies.


 14             The second is some evidence that it's


 15   reasonably likely that a benefit might occur if


 16   used as therapy.  You know, we can't test animals


 17   for clinical benefit, per se.  I mean--or at least


 18   it would be very difficult to do it--unless we


 19   learned how to talk to the monkeys or, you know,


 20   followed the animals for a longer period of time


 21   than we usually do to look at outcomes of other


 22   sorts.  But at least one can look at surrogates


 23   that seem, from a tremendous amount of prior


 24   experience, to be at least reasonably predictive of


 25   the likelihood that something good clinically may




  1   result.


  2             And for that purpose, I would say you


  3   would want to see some consistency among different


  4   types of models, properly selected for functional


  5   markers of one sort or another.  And I don't want


  6   to get very much more specific.


  7             Now, at the end of the day you've done all


  8   that, and you still may be wrong--as Richard


  9   pointed out.  I mean, you know, all the animal


 10   studies can look great and you put the product into


 11   people and it doesn't work, or it does bad things


 12   that you didn't expect.  That can happen.


 13             But I think it would be wrong to expose


 14   human beings to a putative therapy without at least


 15   having done some reasonable screening so that you


 16   could--so that a bunch of reasonable people sitting


 17   around a table who had experience could say it


 18   seems as if we are unlikely to cause great harm,


 19   and it seems reasonable to infer that we may cause


 20   good.


 21             Yu know, I think that's the basis of doing


 22   these studies.  There's no perfect predictor, but


 23   without the kinds of evidence that I've been


 24   talking about, I don't think we could reasonably go


 25   to humans.




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Kathy?


  2             DR. HIGH: So, I just want to make two


  3   points, and I think I can be fairly brief because I


  4   want to agree with some of the points that Dr.


  5   Borer has made.


  6             But just that, to me, the point of the


  7   preclinical studies--part of the critical goals of


  8   those is to define a safe starting dose and at


  9   least get a bracket around what would be an


 10   efficacious starting dose.  And from everything I


 11   heard yesterday, that means work in large animals.


 12             And the same point can be made about the


 13   deliver system.  So that's one point.


 14             The second point I want to make is to


 15   respond to Dr. Rieves' point about need for


 16   preclinical studies for single-site investigators


 17   who are doing small trials.  As far as I'm


 18   concerned, they need to be held to the same


 19   standard.  They need to show that the way they


 20   process the cells, and the way that they deliver


 21   the cells has some reasonable expectation in their


 22   preclinical studies.  And I don't think that they


 23   should be able to avoid that responsibility.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Did you have a point, Dr.--


 25             DR. CUNNINGHAM: Yes, I just wanted to




  1   comment that there is a subset of the population


  2   who do not like primate studies, but the large


  3   segment of the population expects the FDA to


  4   ascertain safety.  And so there's a large segment


  5   of the population who would also expect everything


  6   that was reasonable to be done to ascertain safety


  7   be done.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: We're still trying to focus


  9   on the point that: what do we want in the readouts,


 10   and it is specific to specific cell types, so that


 11   Dr.--you know, that we address some of these


 12   issues.  So if you can try and--


 13             DR. SCHNEIDER: Yes.  With respect to


 14   skeletal myoblasts, I think the goal in the


 15   preclinical data, along with the safety issues, is


 16   more straightforward than for some of the other


 17   cell types that we've talked about.  The goal in


 18   skeletal muscle therapy is to replace cardiac


 19   myocytes with another contractile cell type which,


 20   regardless of the presence or absence of electrical


 21   coupling, does have strong animal data--as Doris


 22   and Phillipe showed yesterday--suggesting that they


 23   improve pump function in the regions of the


 24   ventricular wall that receive the cells, and also


 25   global pump function.




  1             So, to your point and Jeff's I would say:


  2   the skeletal myoblast trials are very simple.  What


  3   they're trying to treat is heart failure, and it's


  4   functional correlates as measured by MVO2, or


  5   ejection fraction, or pressure volume loops; and in


  6   patients--but not in the animals--symptomatology,


  7   and whether or not they also have the other kind of


  8   clinical correlates--reduction of hospitalizations,


  9   reduction of the need for transplantation,


 10   reduction of mortality.  That's one of the things


 11   that the animal models just won't answer.


 12             For me, the goals in the angiogenesis--or


 13   in the pleuripotent cells is more complex.  And


 14   maybe Steve or Silviu could comment.  Many of those


 15   are also being done with pump function as a major


 16   endpoint.  These studies are done in a different


 17   setting clinically, typically, with treatment


 18   within the first days of myocardial infarction, and


 19   it's likely that the mechanisms of efficacy include


 20   at least some cytoprotective effect on jeopardized


 21   myocardium, plus angiogenesis, plus--and this point


 22   is highly controversial in the field--the


 23   conversion of the bone marrow or circulating cells


 24   into cardiac myocytes.


 25             Steve, I'm not aware of any cell therapy




  1   trial that's been aimed at intractable angina as


  2   the--


  3             VOICE: I think there have been several.


  4             DR. EPSTEIN: Yeah.


  5             DR. SCHNEIDER: Okay.  So I think what one


  6   is asking of the animal models in those cases is


  7   different, and not the same as for skeletal


  8   myoblasts and chronic heart failure.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Epstein?


 10             DR. EPSTEIN: Yes, and I would agree with


 11   you--


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: Before you answer, Dr.


 13   Epstein--


 14             DR. EPSTEIN: Yes--sorry.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Harlan, did you have--


 16             DR. HARLAN: Oh, I was just going to


 17   respond to Dr. Rieves' question that he asked about


 18   should there be different standards of safety and


 19   product release for cellular products that just


 20   come out of the patient, versus those that get


 21   manipulated.


 22             And I would simply endorse what the FDA


 23   does; that the further you get from what is taken


 24   out of the patient, the more rigorous the testing.


 25   I think what you guys do is right.




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Epstein?


  2             DR. EPSTEIN: Yes, there have been, I


  3   think, four studies published, including our


  4   own--and Dr. Perin's, really--which are not an


  5   acute myocardial infarction studies.  They really


  6   are angiogenesis trials.  Even Dr. Perin looked at


  7   patients with reduced ejection fraction.


  8             But I think the goal there was to improve


  9   perfusion of that ischemic myocardium.  And our


 10   study was in chronic stable angina.


 11             So I think there are two approaches for


 12   angiogenesis.  One is in the acute myocardial


 13   infarction setting, which may be part myogenesis,


 14   part angiogenesis.  But then there are


 15   many--several centers that are involved in sort of


 16   chronic refractory angina.


 17             And I completely agree with you.  The


 18   endpoints that one looks for in the animal models


 19   for efficacy would be very different than for


 20   myogenesis.


 21             DR. KURTZBERG: I have two comments.


 22             One, I want to really endorse what Kathy


 23   said and just also say that I think if you define


 24   all these things going forward, you will save time.


 25   You will make progress more quickly.  I think we




  1   learned that in the bone marrow world after we


  2   didn't do that.  And it took us 15 years to get


  3   together and agree what engraftment meant.


  4             But if you have those common definitions


  5   ahead of time, you can talk between your studies,


  6   and you can compare things.  And so I don't think


  7   it matters whether it's a Phase I study at a single


  8   institution, or it's a multi-institutional study.


  9   I think having those agreements makes you be able


 10   to talk and make progress much more quickly.


 11             And I also think, you know, you may be


 12   doing skeletal myoblasts now, but who knows what


 13   other kind of myoblasts you'll do in a few years.


 14   And if you don't agree to have the same common


 15   terms and endpoints--even though you'll modify


 16   them--you won't be able to compare one to the


 17   other.


 18             So I think that's really important.


 19             And then the second thing I wanted to say


 20   was just to clarify my comments about autologous,


 21   unmanipulated cells.  I think they should be


 22   studied under IND for delivery, but I don't think


 23   they should become a product.  I don't think that


 24   we should have to pay--the patient should have to


 25   pay extra for their own cells that are not




  1   manipulated in any non-classical sort of standard


  2   of care fashion.


  3             So once they're proved to be efficacious,


  4   and the delivery systems are defined, etcetera,


  5   then I just don't want to see them turned into a


  6   commercial product.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, you know, there are a


  8   couple of things that are still a little bit


  9   confusing to me, and I'm going to try and see if we


 10   can focus on those as well.


 11             So--you know, to me, it's pretty clear


 12   that one needs animal models to do some sort of


 13   safety study.  But, to me, what's not clear is what


 14   kind of safety studies are absolutely critical, in


 15   terms of when you put the cells into an animal


 16   model?


 17             For example, if I were to deliver cells by


 18   IV, you know, I don't just want to look at the


 19   heart and look at safety studies and look at


 20   V-tach.  You know, I really would like to know, for


 21   example, what's happened to the cells where we


 22   didn't want them to know.  You know, probably a lot


 23   of them go to the kidney and the spleen and the


 24   lung.  And should we be, in animal studies, be


 25   worrying about where they are if that's the method




  1   of delivery?


  2             If we put cells in, you know, with a


  3   catheter, and then that's the animal model that


  4   you're studying in terms of safety, should we be


  5   saying that, you know, you always want to have to


  6   look at a leak--right?--because that happens with a


  7   certain frequency.  Is that a really specific thing


  8   that we need to worry about?  And are there


  9   certain, sort of simple, obvious things like this


 10   which need to be considered, or should be required


 11   in an animal model?


 12             I mean, Kathy pointed out one thing and,


 13   you know, it came up with Dr. Murray and with


 14   several people, is that we need something about


 15   dose--right?  It doesn't matter whether they're


 16   minimally manipulated or not, or whether they've


 17   been grown in culture.  We really need to know


 18   what's a safe dose when you deliver them, and we


 19   need to know that in that animal model, and we need


 20   to know where they are.  And that came up when we


 21   talked about it.


 22             So are there any such other things that


 23   one might want to consider, specifically with


 24   taking a particular cell type which has been


 25   manipulated in culture, you know, and that has been




  1   put in by a certain methodology, that you would


  2   absolutely want to highlight and say, you know, "If


  3   you do this, and you put in an animal model, we


  4   really want to worry about this?"


  5             For example, in the nervous system, you


  6   know, epogen cells which have maintained in


  7   culture, I mean we really, really want to know


  8   whether they continue dividing for up to six


  9   months, and whether they form a proliferating mass.


 10   I mean, we consider that a requirement when you put


 11   the cells in--right?-- in terms of doing it.


 12             Maybe there are some things like this that


 13   should be clear to the whole cardiac community.


 14   And maybe there's a consensus.  And maybe the


 15   cardiologists can tell us.


 16             Who wants to take a first shot at that?


 17             [Laughter.]


 18             DR. SIMONS: You know, I find it very


 19   difficult to speak about these models in such


 20   general terms.  I think we haven't gotten into any


 21   amount of detail you need to sort of talk about it.


 22             And I'm not sure we have enough people


 23   around the table, or in the room, who are


 24   extensively familiar with these models--of course,


 25   we will get into the use of devices, the use of




  1   cells.  And if that's an important issue--and I


  2   believe it is--maybe it should be a subject of a


  3   separate discussion by a separate panel.  I would


  4   really like to suggest that that could be an


  5   important step forward.


  6             And we're talking about the cells sort of


  7   transformed as if this was a single disease. It's


  8   not.  There are at least two different


  9   circumstances in which this is going to be used


 10   clinically, and each of the circumstances will


 11   actually dictate a very different model and a very


 12   different delivery strategy.


 13             And we either have to get into a very


 14   profound amount of detail to sort of go over it, or


 15   we should maybe sort of postpone this.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: That's an important


 17   perspective and I think, unfortunately, the FDA


 18   doesn't have that luxury.  And so--


 19             [Laughter.]


 20             --we have to see whether--that the


 21   conclusion can be that this is all we know, that


 22   there's some even generic sort of advice that one


 23   can offer.


 24             DR. TAYLOR: I'm not a cardiologist, but


 25   I've been thinking about this for a long time. 




  1   And, obviously, moving into clinical trials is an


  2   important step.


  3             I think we're in a very early stage here.


  4   When the first myoblast trial was designed, for


  5   example, MRI was the surrogate marker that was used


  6   as an efficacy endpoint.  Partially through the


  7   trials, people discovered that, in fact,


  8   ventricular tachycardias were emerging, and that


  9   people had to have AICDs implanted.  And all of a


 10   sudden the endpoint was no longer useable.


 11             And I think it illustrates how dynamic


 12   this field is right now, and how flexible we have


 13   to be in terms of changing as more knowledge comes


 14   forward.  And I think that's what the FDA has to


 15   keep in mind; that many of us who have been


 16   thinking about this for 15 years haven't yet gotten


 17   together and defined all the terms.  We're doing


 18   that now, but we don't know.


 19             CHAIRMAN RAO: You're right.  It's


 20   important.  You're echoing what Dr. Simons just


 21   said.


 22             But let me ask one specific question


 23   before we get to Dr. Harlan.


 24             Do you think that one could say that,


 25   well, we really, really, absolutely, for safety,




  1   need to know about cells, so they have to all be


  2   labeled so that we can follow them--in a reasonable


  3   study.


  4             Is that something that should be like a de


  5   rigeur requirement--you know, an observation.  We


  6   don't--


  7             DR. TAYLOR: In a clinical study?  Or in a


  8   preclinical study?


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: In a preclinical--since


 10   we're talking about animal models, and--


 11             DR. TAYLOR: I think right now it probably


 12   depends, to some degree, on the cell type.  The


 13   short answer would be: I think we need to do


 14   bio-distribution studies that we haven't done.


 15             There are data that, you know--we know


 16   some of these cells track to bone marrow.  We know


 17   they then get recruited to other places that we


 18   don't know anything about yet.


 19             On the other hand--and a lack of a label


 20   has been a real issue, and that's one of the reason


 21   small animals--mice--where you can use genetically


 22   labeled cells are an incredibly important model to


 23   be able to track these cells in vivo.  That's a


 24   situation where safety studies could very easily be


 25   done in small-animal models and be important.




  1             Do I think clinically we need to be able


  2   to label and track these cells?  No.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Harland?


  4             DR. HARLAN: Well, I just want to respond


  5   to your specific question about other potential


  6   safety tests to consider, and to follow up on a


  7   comment you asked about this morning about


  8   karyotype.


  9             I wonder if anybody is looking at, say,


 10   cells that have been propagated in culture,


 11   transplanted into a non-SKD mouse two years later?


 12   You know, I think that may be--it may be something


 13   that's not being looked at right now: the


 14   tumorgenicity of these cells.  And I would suggest


 15   that would be a good way to look for that.


 16   Karyotype's one way, but an in vivo test would be


 17   better.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: But would you agree--I think


 19   it's a very valid point.  But say, for example,


 20   that that can't be generalized to all cell types


 21   because there might be a lot of data on, say,


 22   minimally manipulated bone marrow cells, for which


 23   there's long history of operative reporting, but


 24   may not be true for other cell types that are put


 25   in.




  1             I want to ask: do you feel that this sort


  2   of addresses some of the issues that you had


  3   raised, in terms of the kind of things that one


  4   needs in an animal model?


  5             DR. MULE: It does.


  6             DR. TAYLOR: I slightly disagree with


  7   regard to minimally manipulated bone marrow cells,


  8   because of some rodent data that haven't fully been


  9   explained yet, which are that GFP


 10   transplanted--animals were ablated and green


 11   fluorescent protein cells were used to replenish


 12   their bone marrow.  Tumors were implanted in those


 13   animals, Several weeks later the tumors were


 14   explanted and the vessels were green in those


 15   tumors.


 16             I think we don't know exactly where


 17   these--we know these cells go where we want them.


 18   We also suspect they go places we don't want them.


 19   And until we started--we do need to begin to


 20   address that preclinically, I think.


 21             At the same time, that's no different than


 22   is already being required.  I think people are


 23   doing tumorgenicity studies with most of these cell


 24   types before they have the ability to implant them.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: On this note--and I know




  1   that there still is sort of sense that there's no


  2   perfect model, and that we don't have a single


  3   model that we can look at, and everything depends;


  4   and that "everything depends" is sort of anathema


  5   to, you know, the FDA--I guess.


  6             But let's add to that just one more issue


  7   here so that we can see whether this sort of


  8   uncertainty also extends to specific models of


  9   ischemia.


 10             So--a lot of things that we've looked


 11   at--there has been--the data that we've heard has


 12   been about transplanting cells in the animal trials


 13   and the human trials has been in some sort of


 14   either ischemic infarct, or with low ejection


 15   fraction where there has been damage.


 16             Are there any merits to any specific


 17   model, that you would say one is better than the


 18   other, in terms of either the cryo model or the


 19   banding model, or it's any species?  And, again,


 20   maybe I can ask one of the cardiologists who has


 21   experience with this to make some general statement


 22   and see.


 23             DR. RUSKIN: There are a number of canine


 24   models that are relevant to the human situation


 25   with regard to ischemic left ventricular injury. 




  1   So, certainly, if I were given a choice, I would


  2   choose one of those over a cryo model, which is


  3   really not a physiologic model.  Cryo produces very


  4   uniform scarring, very discrete margins.  It


  5   doesn't bear any relationship to the architecture


  6   of myocardial infarcts.


  7             So I think if I had to pick a model--


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin, when you make


  9   this, would you also sort of consider this in the


 10   light of "predominantly safety" versus efficacy


 11   studies, as well, in terms of a bias?


 12             DR. RUSKIN: I think that it's relevant


 13   with regard to both safety and efficacy.


 14             The model that we developed in the late


 15   70s, and continue to use, are the transmural


 16   myocardial infarction in dogs.  It is highly


 17   analogous to some of the questions that are being


 18   raised here in humans, in terms of wanting to treat


 19   areas of myocardium that are truly dead.  This is a


 20   model of LAD occlusion with ligation of all the


 21   collaterals, from the right and the left circumflex


 22   coronary arteries to produce an aneurism at the


 23   left ventricular apex.  It produces a thin


 24   transmural scar, with very little in the way of


 25   islands of viable myocardium--which would seem to




  1   me to be an ideal substrate in which to test this


  2   kind of question.


  3             So, if you asked me to pick a model,


  4   that's certainly one of them that I would pick.


  5   And, generically, I would certainly pick a true


  6   ischemic-induced injury over a cryo or some other


  7   synthetic kind of injury, if you will.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Simons?


  9             DR. SIMONS: I certainly agree with Dr.


 10   Ruskin that the cryo injury model is probably not


 11   the way to go, for a number of different reasons.


 12             There are two standard ischemia models


 13   that's been used as a basis for a lot of the


 14   growth-factor trials.  One is an amyloid model,


 15   which is the most--which, over the last 10 years


 16   became the most common cause of coronary artery


 17   disease in pigs.  And we know a lot about this


 18   model.  We knowhow it works.


 19             We also know that the drugs or devices or


 20   cells or genes that work in that model don't work


 21   in people--which raises an issue of how useful that


 22   is.  It certainly can be useful for safety testing,


 23   and a lot of other natural history.  But it's clear


 24   that if--a pig, and if you have coronary disease,


 25   we're going to fix you.  And unfortunately that




  1   doesn't happen in people.  And this could be the


  2   fact that these are young pigs, that are going to


  3   grow.  They don't have any lipid disease, and they


  4   are not taking drugs.  So, it's a hard one to


  5   study.


  6             As the other model that I think is getting


  7   a lot of play now is the hind-limb ischemia in an


  8   APE knockout, or an LD with a septal knockout mice,


  9   because here you can mimic age, which you cannot do


 10   in pigs and dogs.  And here you can mimic a lot of


 11   human disease.


 12             And it's interesting that the data is sort


 13   of emerging now is that none of the growth factors


 14   actually work in that model, and that could well


 15   explain why they actually don't work in people.


 16             So I think you can use pigs or dogs with a


 17   chronic ischemia model such as an anaberoid to


 18   study how effective your devices are in getting the


 19   desired cells in place, and you can use the


 20   diseased-mice models to get more of a functional


 21   readout of whether the desired therapies will work


 22   in the setting of age and disease.


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: Can I ask one more question


 24   here, is that even in terms of safety, is it really


 25   important to study the effect of these cells in an




  1   animal model--in some kind of ischemia model?


  2   Because the environment has changed; you know, the


  3   cytokines have changed, the milieu has changed.  So


  4   when you look at safety studies, should you be


  5   really doing it in some kind of model of ischemia


  6   or not?


  7             DR. SIMONS: I think the safety study in


  8   animals should sort of mimic as close as possible


  9   the clinical trial design.  So, if this is going to


 10   be a trial of cells injected in-- that's how the


 11   testing should be in animals, because of ischemic


 12   milieu, and actually it has to work in ischemic


 13   milieu, will have a different effect than if you're


 14   doing it in healthy animals without it.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Schneider, then Dr.


 16   Borer.


 17             DR. SCHNEIDER: To follow up on Dr. Simons'


 18   comment about using ischemic models to mimic


 19   ischemia, the harder part, I think, will be using


 20   heart failure models to model heart failure.


 21             And if one considers the heart failure


 22   population that Dr. Perin was speaking of


 23   yesterday, and which is nominally the substrate for


 24   many of the skeletal myoblast trials and some of


 25   the other therapies, many patients have heart




  1   failure as the result of prior coronary artery


  2   disease and infarction; not all of them do.  Many


  3   of them have longstanding hypertension as a


  4   contributing cause, but not all of them do.


  5             And what I would say is that a number of


  6   animal models--rather than seeing a limitation of


  7   the field being that no one can agree on an animal


  8   model which is perfect--specifically, no one can


  9   agree on an animal model which is perfect for all


 10   clinical situations.   I would also say no one can


 11   agree on an animal model which is perfect for


 12   either of the clinical situations.


 13             You know, you've heard convincing


 14   allusions by Dr. Ruskin and Dr. Simons to one of


 15   the best ischemic models, in the dog, and one of


 16   the ischemic models, in the pig.  And I personally


 17   don't think that someone who comes to the FDA with


 18   preclinical data should be precluded from using one


 19   of those rather than the other.  You know, a number


 20   of alternatives are possible, as well.


 21             The situation becomes more complex in


 22   heart failure, where there is far less agreement on


 23   what an adequate large mammal is. Some


 24   investigators used rapid ventricular pacing in a


 25   dog or some other species.  I would say that the




  1   smaller mammal models, or the rodent model--Syrian


  2   hamster model of cardiomyopathy, which one speaker


  3   alluded to yesterday--in fact mimic human heart


  4   failure better than the pig or dog models that


  5   currently exist.


  6             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer.


  7             DR. BORER: Yes, unless Richard is going to


  8   disagree, I think we're all in unanimity


  9   here--those who are cardiologists around the


 10   table--because I think the point is well made that


 11   if the therapy is going to be given to people with


 12   ischemic heart disease, then a physical injury


 13   model is not appropriate, because the myocardial


 14   milieu--the response of the extracellular matrix,


 15   etcetera, etcetera--is going to be very different


 16   in that setting than in an ischemia setting.


 17             Having said that, of course, the animals


 18   don't perfectly mimic people.  So what one would


 19   like to do would be to look at several models.  The


 20   dog model is the one that we used to use at the NIH


 21   regularly, because it was easy to manipulate and


 22   seemed to be predictive.  And there's a god deal of


 23   information about the predictive value of the dog


 24   and the pig in certain situations.


 25             The point I would make here, though, is




  1   the one that Steve Epstein has mentioned again and


  2   again: the selection is going--the selection of


  3   model is going to depend, in part, on whether


  4   you're thinking about myocardial function alone, or


  5   angiogenesis--or arteriogenesis, to be politically


  6   correct--because the different species differ, for


  7   example, in their collateral development response


  8   to coronary occlusion, etcetera, etcetera.


  9             So one would like to select the animal


 10   depending upon what it is you want to look at.


 11             Having said that, the point that mike made


 12   is very important.  There is no really--you know,


 13   there's no perfect model for heart failure.  All of


 14   them are deficient in one or another.  And earlier


 15   today Dr. Grant said that heart failure is the only


 16   cardiac disease that's increasing in incidence over


 17   time.


 18             There's a subset of that: valvular


 19   diseases are also increasing over time.  And the


 20   valvular--the valve manipulation models produce


 21   heart failure that mimics human disease as well.


 22             The point is, there are several types of


 23   models one could use.  As Mike said, I think you


 24   want to use several, and try to find some degree of


 25   consistency of the effect of the therapy in the




  1   different models, none of which is absolutely


  2   perfect.


  3             The only thing I think that I would avoid


  4   is the physical injury model, which I don't think


  5   has much relevance.


  6             CHAIRMAN RAO: Would it be fair to say that


  7   if you were looking at the behavior of cells which


  8   are being transplanted, that it's far better to


  9   look at them in an ischemia model--preferably as


 10   close to a human disease as possible--and that that


 11   would be better than looking at it in a wild-type


 12   or a non-injured model?


 13             DR. BORER: Absolutely.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Because the behavior would


 15   be--


 16             DR. SCHNEIDER: Absolutely--not only for


 17   the reason that you cite--that the milieu in which


 18   those cells are required to function would be


 19   different, but also for the reason--going back to


 20   Dr. Mule's more general question, "What are we


 21   looking for in the animal models?"--we're looking


 22   for evidence of efficacy.


 23             And so to rescue ischemic dysfunction, one


 24   needs ischemia.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Can I ask one more question




  1   before--


  2             DR. EPSTEIN: Just--directly--just to


  3   support what you've said, there was a very recent


  4   and very interesting paper in Circulation, where


  5   they were looking at adverse events of cells,


  6   namely a pro-atherosclerotic effect.  And they were


  7   using the ischemic mouse hind-limb model.


  8             Cells derived from APLE knockout mouse


  9   increased atherosclerosis, but only in the presence


 10   of hind-limb ischemia.  So that's another point


 11   that substantiates what you and the others have


 12   been saying.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Did you have a comment?


 14             DR. WEISS: Yes, I'd like to make a


 15   comment.  My name is Judy Weissinger, of Weissinger


 16   Solutions.


 17             I wanted to make more of a philosophical


 18   comment in the concept of agreeing on an animal


 19   model, or requiring large animals for certain


 20   things; requiring small animals for certain areas.


 21             I think what I'm hearing today is a lot of


 22   people are identifying the question we need to


 23   answer, and the considerations that we need to


 24   address in developing these products, along with


 25   the potential models, the studies, the methods that




  1   we need to address.


  2             And these questions and considerations are


  3   really important for the sponsor to propose a plan


  4   based on the product--the uniqueness of the product


  5   they're developing, and the clinical design of the


  6   study.


  7             And so I just want to caution again--and


  8   go along with the traditional biologics approach of


  9   identifying the criteria that are needed to


 10   evaluate a new therapy, as opposed to specifying


 11   and requiring the exact studies that are needed.


 12             Thank you.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: That's a good point.


 14             On that same--I just want some sort of


 15   general feeling from people is that, you know,


 16   almost all the viral studies we think about, or any


 17   other study, we also always have some sort of sense


 18   of how long you want to follow--right?  Even in a


 19   safety thing--like we talked about tumors.


 20             I mean, is there any sense in the


 21   cardiology field, for example, that, you know, if


 22   we do this animal study and, you know, you want to


 23   look at an animal, and we have to look at


 24   this--should it be six months?  Should it be one


 25   year?  Should it be--you know, "Well, three weeks




  1   is enough?"


  2             DR. BORER: Let me try to answer that in


  3   two ways.


  4             First of all, you asked a question before


  5   that's relevant to this point.  And I don't think


  6   it received a specific response.


  7             You said given the fact that with some


  8   forms of delivery cells will be distributed


  9   systemically, leads to questions about whether you


 10   should look at other issues besides cardiac issues.


 11   And I think the answer is absolutely yes, but there


 12   must be--and I don't know what it is--must be a


 13   rich experience from hematology studies over the


 14   years to tell us about how and what one should be


 15   looking for.  In that situation, I think one would


 16   want to do that, in cardiac studies as well.  And


 17   that would drive the duration of follow-up in some


 18   animal studies in a certain way.


 19             In terms of the duration of follow-up for,


 20   specifically, cardiac problems, that depends upon


 21   the outcome you're interested in, and it depends


 22   upon the model; and, specifically, it depends upon


 23   the expected outcome of the animal naturally.  You


 24   know, mice don't live very long.  I'm not sure what


 25   the duration of follow-up of a mouse would be that




  1   would be meaningfully extrapolatable to people.


  2             But, you know, the average life span of a


  3   dog or a rabbit is known, and one would like to


  4   follow the animal for a substantial period of that


  5   life span that might be relevant to the natural


  6   history of the disease, I think.  That doesn't mean


  7   that every study has to be done that way, but one


  8   might like, for example, in a rabbit to be able to


  9   follow it for two years, if you're looking at heart


 10   failure issues.


 11             I mean, I don't want to give a specific


 12   number.  But the principle is that the follow-up,


 13   at least in some studies, should be relevant to


 14   what you expect the outcome to be in people, I


 15   would think.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: So that seems to be the


 17   consensus from a lot of other stem cell fields,


 18   where you expect cells to persist for a long


 19   period.


 20             I mean, for example, when you think about


 21   the nervous system, that seems to be the case;


 22   where you say, well, we do it in mice, we want to


 23   look at least 50 percent of the life span.  They


 24   live about two years, so you're going to follow at


 25   least--not "at least" in every study, but for




  1   particular studies, at least follow for a period of


  2   a year--but not in every study.


  3             DR. TAYLOR: Talk about a hurdle!  I mean,


  4   we know that in most of our preclinical studies,


  5   the function gets better in a month to two months,


  6   and it doesn't get better after that.  It stays


  7   pretty level.


  8             In patients, the data seem to suggest


  9   there's an improvement at three months.  It seems


 10   to be maximal about six months, and it stays stable


 11   after that.


 12             I think requiring two-year follow-up in


 13   these animal studies, in light of that, doesn't


 14   make a lot of sense--at least from what I can see.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin.


 16             DR. RUSKIN: I was going to agree with


 17   that.  I'm not sure--I would say that it doesn't


 18   make sense.  I think that it's very difficult to


 19   do, and part of this has to be tempered by the


 20   patient populations that are going to be addressed


 21   by the studies.  And if it's going to be Class IV


 22   heart failure, with ejection fractions less than 20


 23   percent, I don't think you need, you know,


 24   five-year follow-up unless we're talking about a


 25   miracle here--




  1             [Laughter.]


  2             --which would be wonderful.


  3             So I suspect that the preclinical


  4   requirements will evolve as the therapies evolve,


  5   and as we begin to use them in earlier phases of


  6   heart failure, if this pans out, then clearly the


  7   preclinical requirements will become much more


  8   rigid and demanding with regard to longevity of


  9   follow-up.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer.


 11             DR. BORER: Yes, I mean, I agree with what


 12   Jeremy said, and I agree with what Dr. Taylor


 13   said--but, to me, the issue isn't whether


 14   continuing improvement occurs, but whether


 15   deterioration occurs.  And you can't know that


 16   unless you study--at least at some point, in some


 17   model, and in some way--the natural history of the


 18   treatment effect; you know, which may not persist.


 19   And I think we ought to know that somehow before we


 20   start giving it to people.


 21             Jeremy is, of course, quite right.  If


 22   somebody is expected to live six months and they


 23   live two years because of the therapy, that may be


 24   a clinically acceptable benefit and you don't have


 25   to know any more.  But still, at the outset, I




  1   think you'd like to know the natural history of the


  2   effect of the treatment.


  3             DR. ITESCU: I think that the barrier


  4   should be set exactly the same as you would set it


  5   for any other pharmaceutical product or biological


  6   compound that the FDA requires for testing at the


  7   present time.


  8             And an example--it depends on which cell


  9   you're using, and what type of outcome you're


 10   looking for.  Some of the cells--as Dr. Epstein


 11   presented yesterday--simply are agents that release


 12   preformed effect, and you're looking for an


 13   immediate cytoprotective effect that may be fairly


 14   short-lived, and the cells themselves may not


 15   engraft, may not survive beyond the first couple of


 16   days.


 17             So I think you've got to keep those things


 18   in mind, and not expect a more rigorous approach


 19   here than you would with any other type of an


 20   approach.


 21             DR. BORER: I think that may be correct,


 22   but I'd like to point out that the approach to


 23   testing with pharmaceuticals is aimed primarily at


 24   other issues--at least in cardiac diseases--because


 25   we give the drugs every day.  So the issue there is




  1   development of tolerance, or tactiphylaxis, and


  2   there are--you know, we know from trial and error


  3   that if an anti-anginal drug continues to work for


  4   three months, the patients will continue to


  5   benefit, you know, for a long time--who knows how


  6   long?--but for a long time.


  7             Same thing with drugs for heart failure,


  8   etcetera, etcetera, where the follow-up has been


  9   even longer.  But the drug is given every day.


 10             Here we're giving one treatment, once.


 11   And we don't know about its persistence.


 12             So I would say that while what Dr. Itescu


 13   says is absolutely right, I do think that there is


 14   a slightly different standard here because of the


 15   differences in administration, and expectations of


 16   the administration regimen.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'm going to ask the FDA--go


 18   head--


 19             DR. McFARLAND: I was just going to--from a


 20   practical standpoint--I mean, I've really enjoyed


 21   the discussion, the way you've been managing it,


 22   and the scientific points that have come out.


 23             From a practical perspective, what I'm


 24   getting--and I want to see if this is the correct


 25   consensus--let's say next week when I have a




  1   pre-IND meeting and they ask what preclinical


  2   trials should we do?  What preclinical studies?--it


  3   would be reasonable--a degree of flexibility, I


  4   mean, on what particular model people choose; that


  5   it should be a model that if you're looking at an


  6   ischemic disease, it should be a model that


  7   clinically monitors ischemia; that there isn't


  8   really a consensus on versus cell types, versus a


  9   myoblast product versus a hematopoietically-derived


 10   product, in terms of what kind of preclinical


 11   models people should suggest.


 12             And there's not definitive consensus on


 13   chronicity of the study, except that it should be


 14   long enough to cover the period where we would


 15   expect maximal time of safety readouts; and that,


 16   you know, given the fact that none of the animal


 17   models--particularly double-sided models--a point


 18   Dr. Ruskin's made and others have made, is that a


 19   positive signal is very important, but a lack of a


 20   positive safety signal shouldn't give us over


 21   assurance.


 22             And--is this sort of the consensus of--


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: I would add two more points,


 24   which I thought were emphasized.  And one is that


 25   bio-distribution, at least to some extent, in a




  1   particular model is really quite critical, and that


  2   a dose escalation of any kind is really quite


  3   important in terms of being able to do it.  And


  4   that's irrespective of cell type--that's important.


  5             DR. McFARLAND: And one specific question


  6   that I don't have an idea of a consensus on: the


  7   point was made that large models are important for


  8   monitoring delivery systems, and you would expect


  9   to see animal models when you're doing innovative


 10   catheter delivery systems.


 11             There was no comment on, you know,


 12   chronicity of the model with respect to that.  I


 13   mean, we've heard various viewpoints outside of the


 14   room about--well, from an hour to six weeks to--and


 15   I would like some discussion on that particular


 16   specific point related to the catheter delivery


 17   systems.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: How long to follow?


 19             DR. McFARLAND: What sort of a length of


 20   time in an animal study of a catheter, in a large


 21   model.  Is it any different--I mean--there are


 22   problems with acute toxicity with the procedure


 23   itself--potentially.  And then, you know, problems


 24   with somewhat of chronicity, and I haven't heard


 25   discussion about that.




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Should we be considering


  2   that point when we talk about devices and delivery


  3   in the next question?


  4             DR. McFARLAND: Oh, right.  Okay.


  5             CHAIRMAN RAO: Does the committee feel


  6   we've captured some of this discussion in a


  7   reasonable summary?   That we really can't be


  8   specific, but we need more than one kind of model.


  9   It's important that we have models that are run in


 10   parallel when we're doing this, and that they are


 11   important for safety, even if you're using


 12   minimally manipulated cells--what you require.


 13             DR. SCHNEIDER: I wanted to reiterate Dr.


 14   Borer's point that a reasonable duration of


 15   follow-up is advisable, even for interventions like


 16   angiogenic cells, where the expected mechanism of


 17   action might be over a short period of time.


 18             I think it's logical to insist, before


 19   going into a clinical trial, to ascertain, in a


 20   relevant animal, that the benefit of induced


 21   angiogenesis is persistent rather than transient.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Did you have a comment?


 23             DR. SERABIAN: My name is Mercedes


 24   Serabian.  I'm the branch chief for the Pharm-Tox


 25   Branch, and also Soft Tissue and Gene Therapy.




  1             I just have a couple of comments, real


  2   quick.  I mean, the more I'm hearing with respect


  3   to all the animal models that are potentially


  4   possible is I stress early communication with


  5   FDA--pre-IND; what we call "pre-pre-IND" even;


  6   connect with us early.  You're deciding you're


  7   going into preclinical studies, because these are


  8   very resource intensive studies, and we want to


  9   make sure that we're in agreement with what you're


 10   planning on doing.  I think that's really, really


 11   important, the more I hear the conversation.


 12             And just one more general comment.  Again,


 13   with all these models that we're talking


 14   about--these disease models, specifically.  I


 15   always question the potential validity of the


 16   model.  I mean, whose--is it a lab that's doing it?


 17   Is it a--you know, a model that's been used before?


 18   Is it published in the literature?


 19             Even more important than the number of


 20   animals that are used, the controls that are used;


 21   the potential blinding for the study.  Again, just


 22   because if this is your efficacy as well as your


 23   safety study, that's really, really important for


 24   us.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: On that note, I think we can




  1   break for lunch.  And the committee has some lunch


  2   for it already ready.


  3             [Off the record.]


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: Back on the record.


  5             So now that everybody's well fed, I think


  6   we're going to have a much shorter discussion.


  7             [Laughter.]


  8             We'll see.  No, I think it will be shorter


  9   just because many of the points have been discussed


 10   throughout--from yesterday and today.


 11             Before we start, Dr. Cunningham wanted to


 12   make a statement, and I think this might be a good


 13   time to make it.


 14             DR. CUNNINGHAM: Thank you.


 15             I just wanted to make a comment that


 16   doesn't fit any of the questions that we've been


 17   asked today, and yet I think it's important to


 18   include.  And that is the importance of looking at


 19   both genders when we study this issue; that I think


 20   that Dr. Taylor has indicated--her data indicated


 21   that there's a signal that there may be a


 22   significant difference between the genders.


 23             There may be more differences than that,


 24   and I think that, overall, in the long term, we


 25   want the populations to be studied to be




  1   representative of the populations that we wanted to


  2   treat.  But if we're talking even just a Phase I, I


  3   think at least we should begin with being sure that


  4   the safety data includes both men and women, and


  5   then from there on we'd like to have more diversity


  6   as possible.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: So, I'm going to set up two


  8   extreme positions for this next question, and


  9   that's in terms of devices.


 10             And you heard one relatively extreme


 11   position, I guess, which was that if you've got a


 12   device and it's already approved, and it's been


 13   approved for use, and there's a lot of studies and


 14   data on the safety of that particular device, then


 15   you don't need to worry, as long as you have some


 16   simple tests on saying that you can use those--give


 17   cells, and that the cells are viable, then that's


 18   fine.


 19             And then the other extreme is that, you


 20   know, there are many, many things we don't know,


 21   and we'll never know about how they interact, and


 22   so we can't really make sure that we understand


 23   this in any simplistic way, and so we need lots of


 24   detailed studies; and that lots of detailed studies


 25   often is a red flag.




  1             And perhaps there is a happy medium.  But


  2   let's maybe sort of think about it, and try and set


  3   this up and whether it all makes sense to the


  4   committee as well.


  5             To me it seems that catheters can be used


  6   to deliver in a variety of ways.  And whether


  7   you're doing it through the venous end, or you're


  8   doing it through the arterial end, there are going


  9   to be differences.  And so can't generalize from


 10   one site of delivery to another.


 11             There's another thing that I felt that one


 12   can't generalize at all--and which, I think, Doris


 13   Taylor raised in her talk, too--is that a lot of


 14   the data in delivering cells has been using a


 15   needle which is at right-angles to the orientation


 16   of the fibers.  And that's important.  Orientation


 17   is really important.  While a lot of catheters,


 18   when they deliver it with a needle, may be


 19   delivering it at right-angles to the epicardium, or


 20   delivering at a different angle than what we have


 21   studies on.


 22             So, keeping those sort of thoughts in


 23   mind, maybe we can have people think about what


 24   should be studied, if somebody came to the FDA and


 25   said, you know, here is a device.  It's already




  1   approved, or we know how to use it and we've used


  2   it for hundreds of years.  And, you know, here are


  3   cells.  And we've already got a lot of data on


  4   cells.


  5             What would be sort of really important in


  6   consideration that we'd have to worry about?


  7             And one obvious thing has already been


  8   talked about, and that's pressure effects, and size


  9   and gauge of the needle; and, you know, how you're


 10   going to give it; and issues of vessel wall and


 11   pressure on the catheter.


 12             So those are all straightforward things


 13   which are obvious.  But there are also particular


 14   interactions between cells and reagents, and the


 15   FDA already raised them when they talked about


 16   things like the lubricants which coat, and so on.


 17             So there are probably things that we who


 18   are not familiar with the field don't understand.


 19   And maybe some of the cardiologists can enlighten


 20   us, or raise red flags on this as well.


 21             DR. KURTZBERG: I have a real simplistic


 22   question for the interventional cardiologists.


 23             As I think about it, you're in there with


 24   a catheter, in a beating heart, trying to be


 25   precise about delivering whatever many cells in a




  1   very small volume to an exact perimeter.  I mean,


  2   how realistic is that, to think that you really can


  3   do that?


  4             DR. SIMONS: I actually think that's the


  5   easiest part.  There are lots of systems for doing


  6   this with any degree of sort of precision that you


  7   want.  And I'm not sure that you want an extreme


  8   degree of, you know, precision.  You can do it


  9   with, you know, a millimeter accuracy.  If that's


 10   not good enough with a biosense system, you can do


 11   it with 100 micron accuracy.  If that's not good


 12   enough, with--you can probably do it even better


 13   than that.


 14             I think that really is the easy part.


 15             DR. KURTZBERG: Even if you're moving a


 16   needle--


 17             DR. SIMONS:  Oh, yes.  Absolutely.


 18             DR. KURTZBERG:  --through, that's causing


 19   trauma as it's going--


 20             DR. SIMONS: Yes.  Mm-hmm.


 21             [Laughter.]


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer?


 23             DR. BORER: I think there are two sets of


 24   questions--maybe--


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Will you hit the button?




  1             DR. BORER:  --or maybe six sets of


  2   questions here.  But let me dispense with one that


  3   I think is important, first, and then move on to


  4   the second.


  5             The issue of the safety of the catheter


  6   does depend, obviously, on the prior--the issue of


  7   how much testing you have to do about safety,


  8   placement, etcetera, depends upon prior experience.


  9   And I think, you know, there's a lot that can be


 10   done with catheters.  And I should tell you I speak


 11   from the point of view of someone who did several


 12   thousand, first at the NIH, and then when I was


 13   running the cath lab at Cornell.  There are a lot


 14   of things you can do with catheters.


 15             The issue I would think, however, with a


 16   device that's already been approved for something


 17   else is, first, where are you going to put it?  Are


 18   you going to put it in the same place that you've


 19   put it in for a hundred years, or are you putting


 20   it someplace new?


 21             Manipulating the catheter can be


 22   relatively simple, but if you're putting it into a


 23   new location, you have to be reasonably certain you


 24   can do that safely; and not nine times out of 10.


 25   It probably has to be 99 times out of 100, or maybe




  1   better than that.  I don't know.  And so some


  2   experience might be necessary there.


  3             And then I would say, too, for the


  4   applications we're talking about, there probably


  5   will be multiple new devices with potential and


  6   putative advantages developed as better delivery


  7   systems than the already available delivery


  8   systems.  And there, I would say that it is not--I


  9   don't think it's actually right to believe--and you


 10   said this yesterday, Dr. Rao--to believe that


 11   testing at the bench a few mechanical parameters is


 12   quite enough.  You actually have to feel the


 13   implement, and to know how easily it turns, and


 14   torques, and da-da-da-da-da.  And in gaining that


 15   experience, you have to keep count of the serious


 16   and non-serious adverse events.


 17             So I think one has to have some experience


 18   with a new product, just in terms of the mechanical


 19   viability and ease of handling, and safety of


 20   putting a device into a body--as opposed to an old


 21   device that's being dealt with with new use.  And


 22   there, I think the issue is a little simpler, but


 23   you do have to be sure that putting it in the new


 24   place is viable.


 25             Now, once you get past that set of issues,




  1   there is the major issue, it seems to me, of the


  2   viability of the product after it's extruded


  3   through the catheter.  I was surprised--I tell you,


  4   honestly, I was surprised to hear about the


  5   27-gauge needle.  And you already made the point,


  6   Dr. Kurtzberg.  You know, you do have to know that


  7   the product, once it's extruded through the


  8   delivery system, is not fragmented; that it is


  9   viable; that there are cells there, and not, you


 10   know, junk.


 11             And, of course, there's the whole issue of


 12   the interaction of the--chemical, as well as


 13   physical interaction, of the product with the


 14   substance from which the device is made.  You know,


 15   I mean, you've said it already.  I don't want to


 16   belabor the point.  But, you know, there are so


 17   many examples--not just with biological materials,


 18   but with simple drugs--where the drug is adsorbed


 19   to catheter materials.  If some key component of


 20   the diluent, or the excipient, or something was


 21   adsorbed to the catheter, who knows what would


 22   happen when the product is delivered into the


 23   myocardium?


 24             So, there are several different levels of


 25   questions, beginning with the safety of the device




  1   mechanically, through the effectiveness of


  2   mechanically delivering a viable product, through


  3   the issue of chemically or biologically delivering


  4   a viable product.


  5             And I separate the mechanical and the


  6   biological or chemical--or biochemical, or


  7   whatever--because the fragmentation of the product


  8   can raise safety issues by itself.  And it would be


  9   naive to believe, in this latter context--that is,


 10   the interaction of the product with the


 11   device--again, that bench testing can tell you


 12   about safety issues beyond the viability of the


 13   product.  I'm thinking specifically of


 14   thrombogenesis, for example.  I mean, there are two


 15   different heart valves that, you know, meet the


 16   mechanical--valve prostheses that meet all the


 17   specifications.  Both are approved, made by


 18   different companies.  And it wasn't know until


 19   multiple years of experience that one of them


 20   turned out to be more thrombogenic than the


 21   other--importantly so, changing the recommendations


 22   for anticoagulation of one versus the other.  It


 23   wasn't known until clinical testing.


 24             Now, how much clinical testing you need so


 25   that you can be reasonably safe in a population as




  1   sick as the population we're talking about is a


  2   different set of issues, and we can't solve that


  3   here.  But that some information is necessary from


  4   direct testing--to some extent in animals, to some


  5   extent in patients--about the mechanical safety,


  6   the safety of manipulating the device in the heart


  7   and in the patient; the mechanical--the physical


  8   viability of the product, and the chemical and


  9   biological viability of the product, I think must


 10   be defined before you can approve the device.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Before Dr. Ruskin, I just


 12   want o make a statement and ask you to comment on


 13   it as well.


 14             So, from what you said--or what I heard


 15   from this--was that it almost seemed that you would


 16   want to test this in an animal model.  Is that what


 17   it seemed like?


 18             DR. BORER: Absolutely.  And before


 19   approval, I would think you'd want a certain amount


 20   of patient experience.  But--sure.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin.


 22             DR. RUSKIN: First, I'd like to just second


 23   Dr. Borer's comments about the need for getting


 24   hands on experience with any catheter design.


 25   Bench testing tells you a great deal, but it




  1   doesn't tell you how it's going to perform in the


  2   body.  And that can only be answered in large


  3   animal models, and in early clinical trials.


  4             I want to come back to Dr. Kurtzberg's


  5   first question, though--or previous question--and


  6   expand a little bit on the answer that Jeff gave,


  7   and also Mike Simons.  I think he was kidding, by


  8   the way, when he told you we could do this with 100


  9   micron accuracy.


 10             [Laughter.]


 11             I think there are couple of components to


 12   the question as I heard it.  One is mapping


 13   substrate, which we can do pretty well.  We can


 14   delineate, by voltage mapping and other criteria


 15   the presence of what we believe to be scar, and we


 16   can do it with a reasonable precision, and we can


 17   do it reproducibly.


 18             Getting the catheter where you want it to


 19   go is also achievable with current mapping systems,


 20   but I must emphasize something that Nick Jensen


 21   brought up yesterday, which is that catheters are


 22   inherently unstable in terms of holding a position


 23   in the left ventricle, and that problem has not


 24   been overcome yet.  The mapping systems do help you


 25   mark spots and get back to them, but it doesn't




  1   ensure that your catheter will stay there.


  2             The other is the deliver, which is a


  3   needle of some sort.  And I think that is a huge


  4   challenge, and one which is not yet solved.  And I


  5   don't think we know where we're putting materials


  6   when we inject through needles via catheters.  And


  7   we've done some of this with gene delivery, and I'm


  8   not at all convinced that much of the time we get


  9   anything into the tissue; or, if we do, I suspect


 10   it's a small amount.


 11             So I view that, right now, as an area of


 12   enormous challenge, and not a problem that is


 13   solved, from a technological standpoint.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Lederman, you had a


 15   statement?


 16             DR. LEDERMAN: I think I agree with most of


 17   the points made, except in the execution.  So,


 18   sure, we'd probably need to know most of the


 19   information mentioned before deploying


 20   drug-delivery devices in early clinical studies.


 21             But let's take the example of cells.


 22   Let's say than in animal models we have proof of


 23   principle for a given cell preparation that we'd


 24   like to deliver by direct myocardial injection.


 25   And let's say that those data come from small




  1   mammals, and that there's no satisfactory


  2   large-mammal model of that cell.


  3             What is it that we need to know about the


  4   catheter device before we can declare it adequate


  5   to deliver cells into humans?  Would it not be


  6   satisfactory to measure a simple index, like tripan


  7   blue exclusion after passage, or after some dwell


  8   time?  Do we really need to push cells through and


  9   then show preserved biological activity by some


 10   more complex in vivo measure?  Doesn't that seem


 11   excessive?


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: So--before Dr. Simons--I


 13   think that's a point we want to try and really get


 14   to here is that are there certain minimum things?


 15   Is there a consensus on what's excessive or not?


 16             And I think from the earlier part of what


 17   we looked at, we said that cells themselves need to


 18   be characterized in quite a lot of detail, and that


 19   we need to characterize them when they get there,


 20   in the heart.  And that's why you needed to do them


 21   in animal studies.


 22             So we have to keep that in mind and say:


 23   that's absolutely true, that what we need to study


 24   about catheters in general is true, and that those


 25   are simple things, and maybe we can look at them




  1   and you can also get an answer to how you deliver.


  2   But then subsequently we really need to know, once


  3   they've been delivered from the catheter, what are


  4   the characteristics of the cell.


  5             And--Dr. Simons?


  6             DR. SIMONS: Well, you just said what I was


  7   going to say.  Because you can damage cells at


  8   several different points when you use a catheter to


  9   put them in.  One is in a physical contact with the


 10   catheter polymers; second when it goes through the


 11   27-gauge needle.  And, actually, most cell types


 12   will not get damaged by passage through the


 13   27-gauge needle.


 14             But a lot of damage occurs when the cells


 15   contact tissue at high sort of pressure, and you


 16   are not going to model that in vitro.  You really


 17   have to model this in vivo, and you need to know


 18   what happened to the cells once they're in the


 19   tissues.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO: Perhaps even that could be


 21   modeled, say, in an animal prep, you know, where


 22   you--you have a heart prep, and you can look at


 23   those sorts of pressure--maybe.


 24             So, I'm not arguing that we have to


 25   absolutely make it specific.  I just want people to




  1   keep in mind that there are certain criteria that


  2   you'd really want to worry about in terms of


  3   characteristics of cells.


  4             Dr. Harlan, and then Dr.--


  5             DR. HARLAN: Well, my only comment with


  6   regard to Dr. Lederman's question was: implicit in


  7   your scenario as you presented it was that here was


  8   no animal model to test the viability of these


  9   cells in.  So I think what the FDA continually--my


 10   read of it is that they say, "Do all the testing


 11   that's reasonable to expect."  If there is no way


 12   to test the hypothetical cell that you're talking


 13   about, then I think the FDA would be reasonable, if


 14   you identified the patient population


 15   appropriately.


 16             DR. KURTZBERG: I was going to just comment


 17   on the tripan blue question.


 18             I don't think tripan blue is enough of a


 19   measure to tell you that your cells will preserve


 20   function and viability later.  If you see a lot of


 21   cell death that's important.  But you can have


 22   cells that will not exclude tripan blue five


 23   minutes later, but who will still die, you know,


 24   several days later.


 25             So if you have a functional assay like a




  1   colony assay or something like that, that would be


  2   a better measure.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer.


  4             DR. BORER: Yes, I would like to agree with


  5   what Dr. Simons said, that you do need--I think you


  6   need an in vivo assay.  I don't think it's a heart


  7   prep, because there is a difference--an important


  8   physical difference, I think--or there may


  9   be--between the outcome, in terms of the adequacy


 10   of delivery and the state of what's delivered, if


 11   you place the delivery device within turbulent


 12   flowing blood and a beating heart, than in a


 13   preparation that's external to the body, that's not


 14   subjected to those same mechanical stresses--even


 15   if it were a beating heart on a Langendorf


 16   apparatus or something--or something analogous to


 17   that.


 18             So I think you do need some in vivo


 19   experience.  I don't want to say how much, what


 20   model, how much in people.  Those are degrees of


 21   specificity that I don't think we can get to here.


 22   But I agree with the point that Dr. Simons made


 23   that you do need in vivo experience.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Phillip?


 25             DR. NOGUCHI: Not to comment specifically




  1   on these particular catheters, but I will point


  2   out, since our device colleague is not here right


  3   at the moment, that under the device law you have


  4   something like this--this happens to be a


  5   blackberry.  But as a manufacturer makes it, they


  6   are not restricted to always manufacturing


  7   everything themselves.  So, for example, they may


  8   have several suppliers for the steel that's being


  9   used, or several suppliers for any of the


 10   lubricants, or for the tubing.


 11             And so, from a real practical point of


 12   view, while rare, we do have experience where


 13   substitutions that are made by the manufacturer on


 14   a reasonable basis, based on their specifications


 15   and qualifications, can sometimes lead to fairly


 16   distinctive changes in the same device--let alone a


 17   comparable device--that can have severe adverse


 18   reactions.


 19             And, again, we won't be talking about


 20   specifics, but let's just say that on a rare


 21   occasion, the fact that a device is made through


 22   multiple suppliers can lead to the question, and


 23   the realization, that sometimes we find it hardest


 24   to, off the shelf, just say: "This catheter is


 25   equivalent to this catheter," or "This device is




  1   equivalent to this device," because it's not always


  2   quite the same supplied material.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: We've had all of these


  4   experiences with tissue-culture plastic, and the


  5   same manufacturer changing the manufacturing


  6   protocol, and then the cells wouldn't grow.  So, I


  7   mean, I completely agree with you that that's an


  8   issue to worry about.


  9             Dr. Neylan?


 10             DR. NEYLAN: I would love to take the


 11   opportunity to segue your comments to, I think, a


 12   closely related but perhaps still sidebar issue.


 13   And that is that just as the conversations here


 14   have demonstrated the importance of the interaction


 15   between the device and the constituents being


 16   delivered, I think there's another analogy that can


 17   be made within VDA about the importance that this


 18   instance brings up--and others like the


 19   drug-eluting stints--about perhaps finding new ways


 20   of working so that the different divisions can work


 21   more synchronously--CBER, and the devices


 22   division--so that it doesn't fall into some more


 23   prolonged review process, or step-wise review


 24   process, but perhaps could be done in a more


 25   consultative fashion.




  1             DR. NOGUCHI: Just to quickly respond,


  2   that's exactly why we had Dr. Jensen throughout all


  3   the preparation for this, and he's been involved in


  4   all the reviews of all the products.


  5             So--that point is well taken ,and we


  6   strongly endorse it.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: Here's another question for


  8   the cardiologists, related to device--and I think


  9   Dr. Borer alluded to this already--is: though we


 10   can be accurate, we're not a hundred percent


 11   perfect in terms of delivering things.  And with


 12   cells, then, that means if you deliver it into the


 13   cavity, or you deliver it into the epicardium, or


 14   you do that, then there's going to be a whole


 15   different effect of what you've delivered.


 16             And should there be, when one does some


 17   sort of study like this, some way of monitoring


 18   that so that, you know--you're assessing a device


 19   and the cell, and should one be looking at


 20   bio-distribution after this has been done to worry


 21   about it?  Or hopefully those things are


 22   discovered, because you've already looked at cells.


 23             DR. BORER: Yes, I'll take the first crack


 24   at that.


 25             At some point I was going to make the




  1   suggestion that we should do just that.  You know,


  2   nobody knows how much difference it makes.


  3   Jeremy's point is, of course, very well taken.  We


  4   don't absolutely know where these things are being


  5   delivered with the best of implements.  You know,


  6   there's reasonable accuracy but not total accuracy.


  7             But we also don't know where they should


  8   be delivered.  We don't know whether there is a


  9   difference in outcome if you deliver to the


 10   mid-wall, or whether you deliver to the endocardium


 11   or the epicardium.  We don't know whether one part


 12   of the ventricle is more important than another; we


 13   don't whether the border zone or the center of an


 14   infarct--of a scar is important.  We don't know any


 15   of those things.  And information needs to be


 16   obtained.


 17             Now, does that mean that all the


 18   information has to be available by the time a


 19   product may be ready for clinical use?  I think


 20   perhaps not.  It depends on the outcome from


 21   clinical studies.  But information that would allow


 22   one to know these things would be very important


 23   if, for nothing else, for improvement of a


 24   product--even if a product were approved.


 25             And I think that, therefore--getting back




  1   to the point we all made earlier--there must be a


  2   data collection protocol set up that will allow


  3   data to be used from all the studies that are done,


  4   to allow us to answer questions like that.  And I


  5   do believe that bio-distribution is very


  6   important-- knowing about it--not only throughout


  7   the whole body, but throughout the heart, so that


  8   we can somehow retrospectively relate the outcome


  9   to the location of what's been delivered.  So I


 10   think it's very important.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead Joanne.


 12             DR. KURTZBERG: I agree with everything you


 13   said.  But I don't know, right now, of any safe way


 14   to label human cell and see them--on whatever you


 15   want to look at them with.


 16             I mean, you can do things with iron and


 17   fluorescent dyes in animals, but those things are


 18   not safe for the cells, and there is no material


 19   that allows us to track human cells yet.  We need


 20   one.  It would be terrific.  But I don't think it's


 21   there yet.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: So would you say, Joanne,


 23   that this is true for animal studies when you're


 24   looking at them, or in preclinical studies, that


 25   there should be a way, but we can't necessarily




  1   expect that that be done?


  2             DR. KURTZBERG: I mean, it's just not ready


  3   for prime time in humans.


  4             DR. BORER: Yes, I think that's a critical


  5   point.  I think studies should be done in animals.


  6   But, I don't know whether the methods I'm going to


  7   describe are appropriate for the purpose.


  8             But radio-nucleide based molecular imaging


  9   is becoming a reality.  And it may be possible to


 10   monitor the presence and location of cells with


 11   label that can be administered after the fact to


 12   localize cells with certain characteristics.  I


 13   mean, there would need to be enabling research to


 14   allow this to happen, but the imaging techniques


 15   have developed to the point where I think this may


 16   be a viable issue.


 17             I think it's an important issue, so some


 18   time should be spent at some point looking at the


 19   various methods that can be used to identify cell


 20   types within the myocardium.  But it may be that


 21   newer techniques for imaging could be used.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Simons, and then--


 23             DR. SIMONS: I would like to come back to


 24   the safety issues of the needle-based material


 25   delivery.




  1             Essentially, with all the needle devices


  2   now, there will be some loss--there will be some


  3   loss of the material.  And, you know, depending on


  4   what the material is and what the catheter is, that


  5   it could be up to 50 or 70 percent of the dose.


  6   And it could be lost either in the left ventricular


  7   chamber, or it can be lost then through the


  8   coronary--into the myocardial vasculature and will


  9   immediately get washed out.  And that happens to


 10   cells, too.


 11             So I think it's something to sort of


 12   consider, because depending on the cell type used,


 13   you would clearly have a number of cells injected


 14   essentially in the left ventricular cavity.


 15   Whether that's a risk, I think, needs to be


 16   assessed.  And this would be assessed, and it


 17   should be assessed, I think, in an animal model.


 18             CHAIRMAN RAO: Here are a couple more


 19   questions for the cardiologists.


 20             We heard that when you infuse cells in a


 21   long vessel--whether it's venous or arterial--that


 22   there are some specific complications of putting


 23   cells in; one was this idea of micro-emboli, and


 24   the other one was that you have ventricular changes


 25   in the echocardiogram.




  1             Is this something that's of sufficient


  2   concern from experience, or that's something that


  3   one can learning by doing the experiment in an


  4   animal model?  Or it's something that should be


  5   required or, you know, considered of urgent


  6   criteria?  In any of things, in general?


  7             DR. TAYLOR: Can I directly speak to that?


  8             We know for years of our preclinical


  9   studies with surgical delivery, that we lose a


 10   relatively large percentage of the cells after we


 11   deliver them.  And we may very well lose those both


 12   epicardially and into the left ventricular cavity.


 13   So I don't think it's that different for catheters


 14   than it is for surgical deliver in terms of the


 15   loss of cells.


 16             More recently we have begun to develop


 17   some radio-nucleide labeling that lets us start to


 18   follow the bio-distribution of these cells.  And I


 19   think what we're finding is size matters.  The


 20   larger the cell, the more likely it is to be in the


 21   lungs; the smaller the cell, the more likely it is


 22   to be in the spleen or the liver--and that's not


 23   particularly surprising.


 24             So I think--there probably is a whole lot


 25   of data already out there from surgical delivery of




  1   these cells, and also from the delivery of bone


  2   marrow cells for other situations, that would


  3   directly feed into this, and we don't have to


  4   re-create that wheel.


  5             CHAIRMAN RAO: Specifically, though,


  6   related to catheter delivery, though, one can't


  7   assume that it's going to be the same--right?--in


  8   terms of distribution.


  9             DR. TAYLOR: No, but we do know that we've


 10   lost--we lose a significant number surgically into


 11   the ventricle as well.


 12             DR. EPSTEIN: I'd like to just recall Bob


 13   Lederman's comments yesterday: we know that we're


 14   going to lose cells into the general circulation.


 15   So you could take an animal model and just inject


 16   the cells into the left atrium.  You don't need a


 17   catheter.  I mean, you know that cells are going to


 18   be lost into the circulation.  And then, by


 19   whatever technique you may have, you could track


 20   them.  But then what?


 21             So, you know that the cells will be in the


 22   brain, in the spleen.  But are you going to follow


 23   those animals for a year or two to see if there's


 24   an oncogenic--I mean, you know, that that's going


 25   to happen, and then you have to ask yourself, "What




  1   do you do with that information?"


  2             And I would have real questions as to how


  3   important that information is.  Because you know


  4   what the answer is going to be.


  5             Your other question is a very important


  6   one, and that is: the intra-coronary injection of


  7   cells--and I've forgotten the name of the gentleman


  8   who presented yesterday, with the dogs, showing


  9   small areas--


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: Mule.


 11             DR. EPSTEIN: Yes--and we did a study like


 12   that--Dr. Unger of the FDA many years ago--where we


 13   injected endothelial cells that were harvested from


 14   the carotid arteries of dogs.  These were


 15   autologous cells.  And these were dogs with an


 16   amyloid constrictor around the circumflex coronary


 17   artery.  We genetically altered those cells and we


 18   thought that we were going--it was really a smart


 19   experiment, injecting the genetically altered cells


 20   into the LAD to enhance collateral development.


 21   And all we did was kill dogs.


 22             Because if you think about the situation,


 23   the LAD--the circumflex is totally occluded, and


 24   the LAD is feeding the entire left ventricle,


 25   essentially.  And these cells embolize.  I mean




  1   they're too big to go through the capillaries.


  2             So you probably wouldn't see any


  3   hemodynamic perturbations     if you gave those cells to


  4   an animal with normal coronary arteries.  But if


  5   you have a collateral dependent--if you inject them


  6   into a feeder vessel, then you'll see what, you


  7   know, you saw yesterday.


  8             So the clinical studies that have been


  9   done to date--acute myocardial infarction, total


 10   occlusion of an artery, opening up the artery, and


 11   then several days later injecting cells--in that


 12   situation, I think you're okay, because you'll


 13   never be worse off than with the situation you were


 14   in five days before, with a totally occluded


 15   artery.


 16             But now if you extend that and say, okay,


 17   let's take patients with chronic coronary disease,


 18   where you're injecting cells into a vessel that may


 19   feed collaterals to the rest of the heart--you


 20   know, I think you really need animal studies for


 21   that, for safety, but you have to model it very


 22   carefully.


 23             And my prediction is that it would be very


 24   dangerous.  So, you know, once again it depends on


 25   the clinical situation.




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead, Dr. Lederman.


  2             DR. LEDERMAN: I think that's a very good


  3   point.  Alternatively, you could model this--since


  4   we have very sensitive biomarkers--of myonecrosis,


  5   both imaging-based or biochemical.  And these can


  6   be testing in healthy animals.


  7             And if we--as I say, again, there are


  8   fairly high-sensitive biomarkers.  We could


  9   administer whatever cell prep we're interested in


 10   by intra-coronary infusion under different


 11   conditions, and if there is no myonecrosis, I think


 12   that's probably a satisfactory test.


 13             Do other members of the committee agree,


 14   or do they disagree?


 15             You gave us a much more


 16   difficult-to-achieve test.


 17             VOICE: [Off mike] But those are the


 18   patients [inaudible].


 19             DR. LEDERMAN: I'm not disagreeing.  I'm


 20   wondering if others have other opinions.  It's not


 21   self-evident to me that your system, which is much


 22   more harder to accomplish, has more


 23   predictive--necessarily have more predictive value.


 24             And I just wonder what other opinions


 25   might be?




  1             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Harlan, did you have a


  2   comment to make?  Okay.


  3             Let me see if I have a sense here--and


  4   nobody mentioned anything about monitoring, in


  5   terms of looking at arrhythmias of any sort.  Is


  6   that something that one would consider as an


  7   important thing to do?  And would that be something


  8   one would consider as a routine thing to do when


  9   one is testing?


 10             DR. RUSKIN: Actually, I had mentioned


 11   something in response to one of the questions that


 12   was raised.  And I would think if you were to


 13   pursue any of this work in a canine


 14   model--hopefully a relevant infarct model--that


 15   chronic monitoring with implanted telemetric


 16   devices would be appropriate, as would


 17   electrophysiologic testing--invasive testing--and


 18   just routine clinical monitoring for the kinds of


 19   adverse events that Jeff Borer described.


 20             And I think those would be important to


 21   do, based on concerns about creating what may be a


 22   highly arrhythmagenic substrate.  I'm not convinced


 23   that we know that happens, because of the kinds of


 24   patients in whom these procedures have been done.


 25   But at least the potential for doing that certainly




  1   seems to be there, and it would have to be pursued,


  2   I think, pretty aggressively--including monitoring.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: So--go ahead, Dr. Simons.


  4             DR. SIMONS: If I can just amplify this


  5   point, because the concern of an arrhythmic even


  6   has been raised with skeletal myoblasts.


  7             To my knowledge, this has not been raised


  8   with different cell types.  So, do people around


  9   the table feel that this kind of monitoring is


 10   required for all cell types, or just for skeletal


 11   myoblasts?


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: I think we're just looking


 13   at delivery through a catheter, either through


 14   venous--or putting it in, not like a long-term


 15   thing--one week later monitoring, or--I'm just


 16   wondering about whether it's important, when you do


 17   the procedure--just like you would with dye or


 18   something--


 19             DR. SIMONS: Oh, if you're talking about


 20   acute settings, it's standard to monitor.  I mean,


 21   that's a standard of practice.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: It would be something one


 23   would consider really important, you said.


 24             DR. RUSKIN: I'd just like to respond to


 25   Dr. Simons' question.




  1             My own bias would be in the beginning to


  2   be rather conservative and cautious with regard to


  3   monitoring in any of these models; my answer being,


  4   to his question: yes, I would be inclined to, even


  5   with other cell types--only because I think the


  6   potential exists for creating a substrate that is


  7   very dangerous.


  8             I'm not at all convinced that happens.


  9   But introducing cells that morph into myofibers of


 10   any sort, in a situation in which we don't know how


 11   they line up, how they communicate, what the


 12   intracellular substrate looks like, what their


 13   action potential characteristics are, what their


 14   ion channel properties are--is one of the ways that


 15   I would, if you asked me to invent an


 16   arrhythmagenic substrate, that's one of the things


 17   I would think--one of the ways I would think of


 18   doing it.


 19             So I think that the bar ought to be pretty


 20   high early on for some form of careful vigilance.


 21   The problem is that the sensitivity of these models


 22   is going to be low.  And I would take no


 23   reassurance from the fact that nothing adverse was


 24   observed.


 25             But, on the other hand, if adverse




  1   outcomes are observed, it raises a very important


  2   issue, in terms of how one proceeds.


  3             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go head, Dr. Schneider.


  4             DR. SCHNEIDER: I'd like to follow up on


  5   Dr. Ruskin's cautionary note, and ask him how best


  6   might the FDA, or should the FDA take into account


  7   the established safety as demonstrated in Phase I


  8   trials elsewhere?  I think that the nightmare


  9   scenario is appropriate, if it hasn't been done or


 10   60 or 100 patients already.  But once its been done


 11   in 60 or 100 patients already, it seems to me that,


 12   without cutting corners, and without jeopardizing


 13   safety, the information has an applicability.


 14             DR. RUSKIN: I think that's a very


 15   important point.  And electrophysiologists have


 16   sledgehammer answer for all of that, and it's


 17   called an ICD.


 18             And my own bias is that, yes, I think


 19   there is information that's quite reassuring


 20   already, and that given the nature of the patient


 21   population being studied, it would be relatively


 22   easy, I would think, to do your Phase I studies in


 23   patients who are already recipients of implantable


 24   defibrillators--because of the primary prophylaxis


 25   trials that have recently been completed and that




  1   point out, I think, quite clearly that most of the


  2   patients we're talking about here are already ICD


  3   candidates.


  4             So that's the ultimate protection.  And I


  5   think given the data that's already available, it's


  6   quite reasonable to move ahead--with appropriate


  7   caution, and the protection of a defibrillator.


  8             CHAIRMAN RAO: So this maybe gets back to


  9   what Dr. Lederman raised, then, that if that's the


 10   case, and that's how you're going to do your Phase


 11   I clinical trials, why is it necessary to worry


 12   about it in the animal model?


 13             DR. RUSKIN: Because I think we can learn a


 14   great deal from animal models, and if we--my


 15   sense--and, again, I'm naive about this, but I get


 16   the sense that we don't know exactly what the right


 17   cell type is, how to deliver it, in what kind of


 18   media.  There are all sorts of unanswered


 19   questions.  Are the cells going to be genetically


 20   modified, and so on, and are there going to be ways


 21   of ensuring that they lay down appropriately and


 22   form connections?


 23             These are all unanswered questions.  And I


 24   think until they're answered, the more information


 25   you get from preclinical models, the smarter you'll




  1   be.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Cannon, you had a point


  3   you want to make?


  4             DR. CANNON: I was just thinking, listening


  5   to Steve's comments, I would take exception, Steve,


  6   to your lack of concern about cells--large cells,


  7   now, not the peripheral blood mononuclear cells, by


  8   the myoblasts, the larger cells--about whether they


  9   go to the brain or not, and will that matter,


 10             I think it might matter--after looking at


 11   what happens in the coronary circulation of dogs


 12   when these cells are injected, if a similar


 13   phenomenon were to occur in the brain, I would be


 14   worried that the patient may be different


 15   cognitively after the procedure than before the


 16   procedure, even though there may be benefit to the


 17   pump function of the heart.


 18             So I think it would be important to know,


 19   in an animal model, injecting cells into the left


 20   ventricle, the left atrium, if they do lodge in the


 21   brain, and for how long.  And, if so, certainly


 22   that would raise concerns for cognitive monitoring


 23   in this kind of application.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne?


 25             DR. KURTZBERG: You know, if you had been




  1   here for the neural stem-cell meeting, they would


  2   be so happy if you could put cells into the left


  3   ventricle and get them into the brain.


  4             [Laughter.]


  5             I mean, that's very hard to do unless you


  6   have some kind of connection you're not supposed to


  7   have.


  8             So, I mean, realistically, that probably


  9   is the one thing you don't have to worry about.


 10   They'll go all over the place, but to go into the


 11   brain at the time you inject them into the blood is


 12   not a worry, I don't think.  It's actually a


 13   challenge for the people who want to get cells into


 14   the brain.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: But it's a general problem,


 16   right?  Anything which is in artery circulation


 17   essentially--where they might be distributed might


 18   be something to worry about, right?


 19             DR. TAYLOR: I actually wanted to address


 20   the point of whether--Dr, Ruskin's point about


 21   whether or not we need to deal with--when 60 or 100


 22   patients have already been treated, whether or not


 23   we need to still demand preclinical information.


 24   And I guess what we have to get back to is whether


 25   or not the cells are identical.




  1             If the cells are not identical--just


  2   because one group can grow appropriate endothelial


  3   progenitor cells for three days in a dish doesn't


  4   mean if somebody else tries it they're going to get


  5   the same cells.  So I think the data have to be


  6   fairly convincing that you're working with the same


  7   cell population, or it's not appropriate to base


  8   that on previous data.


  9             And just calling it the same thing doesn't


 10   mean it is the same thing.  The markers have to be


 11   the same.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: Do you have a comment?  Go


 13   ahead, Dr. Lederman.


 14             DR. LEDERMAN: I also want to comment on


 15   Dr. Ruskin's point.


 16             Certainly, it's defensible to advocate a


 17   strategy--in fact, European investigators have


 18   already sometimes applied a strategy of


 19   prophylactic defibrillator implantation before


 20   testing cell therapies for various applications.


 21   But to mandate that I think is a bit extreme in a


 22   way that would hurt the field, and patients in


 23   that, our most sensitive, surrogate markers of


 24   myocardial performance would then be unavailable


 25   for our patients.  And that means MRI endpoint




  1   assessment.


  2             So, unfortunately, that's a very high


  3   price.  And  I think to mandate it is--


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: Remember, the committee


  5   doesn't mandate, and the committee's only advisory,


  6   and it's not looking at any specific applications.


  7             DR. LEDERMAN: But, unfortunately--this is


  8   not a compromise.


  9             DR. RUSKIN: Yes, your point's very well


 10   taken, and Mike Sunn has made the same point with


 11   regard to how it compromises imaging.


 12             I didn't mean to suggest that anybody even


 13   think about mandating a population in whom this is


 14   done, or mandating the use of a prophylactic ICD.


 15   What I was suggesting was that there's a very large


 16   patient population that already exists that have


 17   ICDs implanted for appropriate clinical


 18   indications, who have severe congestive heart


 19   failure, and are at the end of the road, and have


 20   had CRT therapy, and might provide an appropriate


 21   population in which to begin to do some of these


 22   studies--if the question of arrhythmagenesis


 23   remains high on the list.


 24             I understand that that involves


 25   compromises in terms of imaging.  Nor do I mean to




  1   suggest at all that that be the only group in whom


  2   one ought to consider appropriate trials.


  3             DR. BORER: I think that several important


  4   points have been made, and I'd like to comment on


  5   three of them.


  6             First of all, I agree with what Jeremy


  7   said about conservativism in doing these studies,


  8   and would just amplify by saying that


  9   arrhythmias--potentially lethal arrhythmias--could


 10   occur at several points after the administration of


 11   cell therapy, and the mechanism in each case could


 12   be different.  So you have to watch at many points


 13   in time.  I don't know when the watching needs to


 14   end.  Again, it may be beyond the scope of this


 15   meeting, and maybe in the too-hard box.


 16             But the important point is that there is


 17   the potential for problems with the initial


 18   mechanical perturbation, with the initial physical


 19   injury of the myocardium.  Then, subsequently,


 20   there are problems when the cells begin to grow


 21   before they have fully defined their


 22   interconnections with the surrounding tissue.  And


 23   then there are other problems that could occur when


 24   they have made those connections.


 25             So one has to monitor.  And I would




  1   suggest that we do need that information.


  2             I think that Jeremy was absolutely right


  3   in indicating that the availability of ICDs reduces


  4   the risk compared to what it might be, but there a


  5   couple of points that we have to keep in


  6   mind--without negating in any way what he said.  I


  7   think Dr. Lederman's point is a good one.  If you


  8   use that population, you can minimize the capacity


  9   to make certain measurements you want to make.


 10             But, more importantly, the fact that an


 11   ICD is in place doesn't mean that someone has been


 12   made immortal. [Laughs.] So, if you create


 13   arrhythmias and they are sufficiently severe, they


 14   may override the ICD, and we wouldn't want to do


 15   that.  So we'd want to know if that was a potential


 16   problem--number one.


 17             Number two, even if the ICD was


 18   successful, people don't like to be shocked.  I


 19   mean, it hurts--they tell me.  So, you know, one


 20   would like to know about that problem.  And, you


 21   know, I'm not saying anything different from what


 22   Jeremy said--and he could say it better than I.


 23   But I think you have to keep that in mind.


 24             So we'd still like to know about the


 25   arrhythmias, their likelihood, etcetera.




  1             Now, how much do we know because 60 to 100


  2   patients have been studied?  I have a statistician


  3   sitting two seats to my right, and he should answer


  4   this.  But I think--and you'll correct me if I'm


  5   wrong Dr. Tsiatis--that the power we have from zero


  6   out of 100 doesn't rule out a heck of a lot.  There


  7   could still be a lot of events.  And so we should


  8   have, I think, some preclinical data to help us in


  9   this situation.


 10             So I think those are just three


 11   observations on the important points that have been


 12   made.


 13             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Schneider.


 14             DR. SCHNEIDER: In part, to follow up with


 15   Jeff's cautionary note in terms of the numbers--I


 16   think it's either naive or disingenuous for someone


 17   to suggest, as Dr. Lederman did, that it would harm


 18   patients for any of the conservative precautions


 19   being imposed as they're being discussed here.


 20             Since Phase I trials haven't been done


 21   there's no proof yet of safety in humans in the


 22   U.S., much less of efficacy in humans.  So to wrap


 23   yourself in the mantle of protecting patients by


 24   speeding the trials along is preposterous.


 25             CHAIRMAN RAO: Let's see if I can try and




  1   summarize and see whether we have some consensus on


  2   some basic statements here.


  3             So, it seemed to me from just listening to


  4   everyone was that everybody thought that one needs


  5   animal studies.  And since this is with the device,


  6   it seemed very clear that one needed animal studies


  7   in a large animal--of some kind, right?


  8             And that you couldn't extrapolate from one


  9   type of delivery to another, because there were


 10   issues with it.  And you couldn't extrapolate from


 11   one type of catheter to another, because there are


 12   issues with doing that, or if you're using it in a


 13   different way than what it was supposed to be used.


 14             And that if people in different centers


 15   used one device, they should have some sort of


 16   hands-on experience, because things change when


 17   you're using it in a different fashion--if I have


 18   paraphrased that right.


 19             And that once you deliver cells, you


 20   really need to look at the function of the cells as


 21   they've been delivered, and so that they need to be


 22   delivered in vivo in some fashion because simple


 23   models will not be adequate in terms of doing it.


 24             And you have to look at their behavior


 25   where they've been delivered; and that monitoring




  1   has to be of a reasonable length of time, in terms


  2   of that behavior in terms of safety of what you'd


  3   look at.


  4             And that during that process--especially


  5   if you're doing it into arteries and veins, that


  6   there are issues of monitoring because of what's


  7   known about micro-emboli and what's known about


  8   that; that you need studies to look at whether


  9   that's going to cause ischemia or an infarct, or


 10   it's going to cause arrhythmias, and that that


 11   needs to be monitored for at least some period of


 12   time in a critical way; and those would be unique


 13   or specific to delivery via the cardiac route.


 14             Does that seem like a--have we missed


 15   something?  I mean, there was some issue that we


 16   did not really look at in terms of long-term


 17   follow-up, and that wasn't absolutely clear.  Dr.


 18   Borer seemed to point that you might need to worry


 19   about it on a longer basis, and one might need to.


 20             DR. BORER: Can I just come back to the


 21   point Richard Cannon made?  And I'm asking a


 22   question here.  I don't know anything about cell


 23   delivery to the brain, or whatever.


 24             But I think there may be an important


 25   difference between delivery of functional




  1   progenitor cells to the brain that might cause a


  2   benefit, and delivering a bolus of something that


  3   might obstruct an artery, even though it couldn't


  4   grow into a new part of the brain.


  5             So I would continue to have Richard's


  6   concern about the embolization--the importance of


  7   potential embolization to the brain, despite the


  8   fact that, apparently, the neurologists have a hard


  9   time developing a therapy by delivering cells that


 10   way.


 11             Am I wrong about that?  Is that--


 12             DR. KURTZBERG: It can't cross the


 13   blood-brain barrier--okay?


 14             DR. BORER: But you don't have to.  All you


 15   have to do is block an artery.


 16             DR. CANNON: I'm worried about plugging the


 17   microcirculation, much as the microcirculation of


 18   the dog heart was plugged by these cells.  And


 19   these are large cells.  They're not like stem cells


 20   that are small and deformable and that circulate


 21   very easily.  These are large--I'm talking about


 22   the myoblasts, now, not the stem cells.


 23             And, certainly, we send patients to


 24   surgery, and even to the cath lab, and they


 25   sometimes come back differently because of things




  1   that are dislodged during the course of the


  2   procedure that make their way to the brain.  So,


  3   certainly, the circulation can carry debris to the


  4   brain.


  5             It's just a concern.  And I would think an


  6   animal model, perhaps--just injecting the cells


  7   into the cavity of the left ventricle to see if


  8   they do, indeed, lodge in the brain for a period of


  9   time that might be anticipated to cause some damage


 10   would be a worthwhile thing to look at--for the


 11   large cells, not the mononuclear--the stem cells or


 12   the peripheral blood mononuclear cells.  I don't


 13   think that's a concern.  It's the large cells.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Grant, you had a


 15   comment?


 16             DR. GRANT: Yes, I just want to just speak


 17   to this third point, the injection of cells into


 18   systemic circulation.


 19             And the question that would be consequent


 20   to your discussion is: do you think that an animal


 21   study--that an additional animal study needs to be


 22   done in which the cells are specifically injected


 23   into the systemic circulation to see about the


 24   systemic effects?  Or do you think that these kinds


 25   of effects that you're worried about would be




  1   picked up in the other animal model--in other


  2   animal studies?


  3             Because there would be enough systemic


  4   distribution we'd need to do additional studies?


  5   That's, I think, what that third question was


  6   about.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: Let me see if this was


  8   summarized from what people said: is it depended on


  9   the cell type; that bone marrow cells, we have a


 10   lot of experience with in terms of putting them in


 11   systemic circulation, but that's not true for, say


 12   myoblasts, or for some of the other cells.


 13             And for myoblasts, maybe we have some


 14   experience because that's been done in some of the


 15   animal models already, but that's not true for some


 16   of the other sorted cells or the passage cells.


 17             DR. SCHNEIDER: Michael Schneider--but to


 18   deal with Dr. Grant's question specifically, it


 19   would be my expectation that the kinds of


 20   information that would be useful to address this


 21   point about embolic risk would come about as part


 22   of the natural dose-ranging studies that would


 23   occur.  I don't envision that it would


 24   scientifically advance a protocol to inject


 25   non-physiological numbers, or non-therapeutic




  1   numbers of those cells into the systemic


  2   circulation to see what happens.


  3             And I share Dr. Cannon's cardiologists's


  4   view of the nervous system as a sponge that vessels


  5   go to.


  6             [Laughter.]


  7             DR. TAYLOR: I just want to make two quick


  8   comments--oh, I'm sorry.


  9             One is that myoblasts are not the only


 10   large cells we're talking about here.  Some of the


 11   mazenchymal cells are as large or larger than


 12   myoblasts, and we need to keep that in mind.


 13             VOICE: [Off mike] What's--


 14             DR. TAYLOR: 10 microns.  Yes.  Rounded.


 15             But the other issue is that we did studies


 16   for different reasons, where we injected many of


 17   these different bone marrow-derived cell


 18   populations intravenously to try to treat vascular


 19   injury.  And we found that there were some negative


 20   effects of some of those cells, and positive


 21   effects of other of those cells.  And we didn't


 22   expect that.


 23             And I think what we have to say is if


 24   intravenous is going to be your preferred route of


 25   administration, then obviously you have to do that.




  1   But, otherwise, I think it's a waste.


  2             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer.


  3             DR. BORER: In response to Dr. Grant's


  4   specific question, I do think it may be worth doing


  5   a specific animal study.  I think Mike is right,


  6   that the information may well fall out of the


  7   studies that are done with dose-ranging in the


  8   normal course of development.


  9             But the problem I see here is that we


 10   don't actually know how many cells are escaping


 11   into the systemic circulation with the various of


 12   routes of delivery we've been talking about.  And,


 13   therefore, we may miss the information that we


 14   want.


 15             Doing what Steve said, which is to inject


 16   some cells into the left atrium and, you know, see


 17   what happens, seems to me to be a good idea because


 18   ultimately what you wind up with is the lower bound


 19   at which problems might be begin to develop.  And


 20   if, in fact, the lower bound of injectate size at


 21   which problems would develop is above the size of


 22   anything you're injecting, then it's a non-problem


 23   and you don't have to worry about it anymore.  If


 24   it's not, then you have to worry about it a little


 25   bit more, and maybe the strategy would change.




  1             So I think it may be worth doing a


  2   specific study to determine what happens to these


  3   large cells.


  4             DR. CUNNINGHAM: I also want to comment


  5   that for when we do this in patients, that it's


  6   going to be a risk they would at least want to know


  7   about; that there was going to be a cognitive


  8   change.  That's something people tend to care a lot


  9   about; either whether it's in themselves or it's in


 10   a family member, that it's not a simple thing, and


 11   you at least would want to know that was a risk,


 12   and you might not choose to have the therapy if


 13   that were going to be something you had to endure.


 14             CHAIRMAN RAO: Quick comment, Dr. Lederman.


 15             DR. LEDERMAN: Unfortunately, yet another


 16   question.


 17             If we are administering locally cells


 18   derived from a patient by leukopheresis, for


 19   example, how important are the questions we've been


 20   discussing about systemic distribution, or


 21   mal-distribution of cells themselves recovered from


 22   the circulation?


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: I mean, I thought we tried


 24   to cover that, because we did try to point out that


 25   there might be different criteria--you can have a




  1   standard criteria on the cell type.  But even if


  2   it's a cell which is endogenous, you know, if you


  3   put RBCs back, there is an issue of the


  4   concentration at which you're putting it relative


  5   to the concentration at which they're circulating.


  6   And that's always been an issue.


  7             And so I don't know if it would change


  8   specifically for leukopheresis versus any other


  9   method, but I would still want to know what


 10   happened when we put in cell by a particular


 11   method, and how they went, and what they did.


 12             DR. KURTZBERG: I mean, there is data about


 13   the upper limit of safe cell dosing when you give


 14   leukopheresed cells.  I mean, it's way, way, way


 15   above--it's logs above the doses that you're


 16   talking about for these injections--even if the


 17   whole injection escaped into the circulation.  I


 18   mean, we're talking 5 x 10                                                

                          10 to 10 x 1010.  And there


 19   are rates per kilogram to infuse them to not have


 20   leuko-agglutination.  But you're two to thee logs


 21   below that in the numbers that you're talking


 22   about.


 23             The other thing is that, I mean, in


 24   leukemia, people have circulating blasts that are


 25   large cells.  They may be 20, 25, 30 microns in




  1   diameter if they're certain kinds of blasts.  And,


  2   in general, they have high numbers of those cells,


  3   and they're not clogging things--until the white


  4   count gets very high, and then they do clog--you


  5   know, decrease CNS perfusion.


  6             But, I mean, you can learn some lessons


  7   from those kinds of cells that may help sort some


  8   of this out.


  9             CHAIRMAN RAO: To me, the sense is that the


 10   committee's telling people that one should be


 11   cautious, and that testing is required.


 12             Does that seem like a short summary?


 13             And I'm going to ask the FDA--did they


 14   feel that they had a sense for the kind of issues


 15   that one needs to worry about?


 16             DR. GRANT: Yes, we're ready to move on to


 17   the next questions.  But Richard had something he


 18   wanted to say.


 19             DR. McFARLAND: I don't want to spend a lot


 20   of time on this, but one specific question--just as


 21   a ballpark--for the studies that are to test safety


 22   of catheter administration of a cell--I don't--at


 23   this point it doesn't matter which cell--how long


 24   would one expect the studies to go out?  Three


 25   hours?  Weeks?  Four weeks?  Three weeks?--not




  1   dealing with, necessarily, the biological


  2   properties of the cells, but just the safety


  3   related to administration.


  4             CHAIRMAN RAO: Let me take a stab at this,


  5   and then see if the committee aggress.


  6             So, there are a whole set of studies that


  7   we talked about which are related specifically to


  8   cells--right?  And those are really in terms of the


  9   safety of the cells and the long-term effect after


 10   they incorporate and what happens with them.  So,


 11   really, when you're thinking of a combination of


 12   cells with a device, you're looking at the


 13   short-term effect of delivering those cells, and


 14   the complications if they go to an inappropriate


 15   place.


 16             My feeling would be that that's the issue


 17   that you would want to look at, which is relatively


 18   short term rather than long term, in terms of


 19   looking at it.


 20             Does that seem like a reasonable--


 21             DR. BORER: I think that's reasonable, but


 22   I would just--you know, you're talking specifically


 23   about device-related injury, I believe.


 24             DR. McFARLAND: Correct.


 25             DR. BORER: You know, my understanding of




  1   this situation--and you'll correct me if I'm


  2   wrong--is that if you create a physical injury, it


  3   takes a couple of weeks for the necrosis to be


  4   maximal, and the scar to begin to form; and, you


  5   know, a little bit longer until the scar is fully


  6   mature.


  7             It seems that those kinetics would define


  8   the time--the duration of the observation period,


  9   because we are talking here about creating a


 10   physically-mediated injury.


 11             So, you know, just as a stab, if you


 12   looked at some set of animals, or some experimental


 13   preparation--whatever it is--for a month, I think


 14   you would encompass all the device-related


 15   problems.  Probably you could do it in less time,


 16   but I would be thinking about the kinetics of


 17   injury, tissue necrosis and scar formation as the


 18   basis for making that decision.


 19             DR. SIMONS: I think I would be looking at


 20   a much shorter time frame.  I think the injury from


 21   the needle-based devices is minimal.  We have


 22   pretty extensive experience with the devices in


 23   animals.  They're really benign, all of them.


 24             And after what we did--you know, to hearts


 25   with lasers, what we can do with a 27-gauge needle




  1   does not even come close.  I would not really be


  2   worried about the acute safety of a needle-based


  3   device.


  4             DR. NEYLAN: And I'd just like to revisit


  5   my sidebar issue of the need for close


  6   communication between the divisions at FDA, because


  7   this is an example where I think we would not like


  8   to see one set of experiments go forward that


  9   describe device-related safety, and another about


 10   the delivery of the cells.


 11             So I think it would be much better if we


 12   create one set of experiments that answer both


 13   questions.


 14             DR. McFARLAND: No, I agree, and that was


 15   part of the impetus for asking the question, so


 16   that TDRH and CEBR can have a basis for discussion.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: Now that we've talked this


 18   one through, shall we move on to the--I guess the


 19   clinicians have been waiting for this, I guess--in


 20   terms of the clinical aspects of these questions.


 21             So I'm going to read out that question,


 22   and then I'm going to just let people make


 23   individual comments, and then see whether we can


 24   put that together.


 25             So the question was: Please discuss the




  1   appropriate frequency and duration of follow-up.


  2   In addition to any other events, please consider


  3   the following potential adverse pathological and


  4   clinical events in your discussion items: scar


  5   formation, left ventricular dysfunction,


  6   ventricular arrhythmias and neoplasia.


  7             And I guess, here, I just want to make


  8   sure that we are clear on this, is that we're


  9   thinking about early clinical studies that will be


 10   done, rather than looking at animal models here.


 11   So this would be some kind of clinical study where


 12   you've done it, and you want to worry about whether


 13   this makes appropriate sense, and what kind of


 14   follow-up should one consider, and what are the


 15   issues related to this?


 16             VOICE: [Off mike] [inaudible].


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: Yes, I think that's an


 18   important point, given what we've already heard.


 19   That's another important issue to worry about.


 20             DR. CUNNINGHAM: How about cognitive


 21   function, since we just discussed that; and also


 22   stenosis.


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: Okay.


 24             Go ahead, Dr. Borer.


 25             DR. BORER: I'd like to focus on left




  1   ventricular function or dysfunction here.  I mean,


  2   we've talked about arrhythmias and the duration of


  3   observation that might be necessary for those.  But


  4   I want to point out something that has an impact


  5   here.


  6             If you replace an aortic valve in a person


  7   with aortic regurgitation, it takes three years


  8   until left ventricular function has maximized.  If


  9   you replace a mitral valve in someone with mitral


 10   regurgitation, it takes three years for left


 11   ventricular function to maximize--systolic function


 12   to maximize.


 13             Now, forgetting about the whys and


 14   wherefors, there are lot of processes--and as Steve


 15   said yesterday, we don't understand them all, but


 16   the cells do.  The fact is that a great deal of


 17   remodeling goes on after you change the milieu; the


 18   exogenous hemodynamic milieu and, I would suggest,


 19   perhaps the cellular milieu in the scar, because


 20   what you do in the scar is going to impact--if it's


 21   effective, it's going to impact on what's happening


 22   in the non-scarred areas.


 23             So, with that as a preamble, I would say


 24   that at some point in some studies, you've got to


 25   look for a long time to know everything that may




  1   happen.  Is it necessary to look that long before


  2   you approve a product?  No, of course not--at least


  3   I don't think so, not if there are sufficient


  4   animal studies and early clinical experience that


  5   suggest you don't get deterioration.  If you get


  6   some improvement that's clinically relevant, you


  7   know, at six months or whatever the time point


  8   you're looking at is, one might approve a product.


  9             But in terms of the duration that we


 10   should make observations, ultimately, at some


 11   point, either before or after approval of a


 12   specific product, you have to look for a long time


 13   if you're going to see the effects.  And we don't


 14   know the process that's going on here.  We're


 15   injecting cells.  The cells may be


 16   re-differentiating, transdifferentiating.  They may


 17   be doing all kinds of stuff.  We don't know the


 18   kinetics of those changes.  We don't know what that


 19   means.  We know that--I have to infer from the data


 20   I saw yesterday that important changes in the


 21   interaction between myocytes and extracellular


 22   matrix is going on during this period; the kinetics


 23   of extracellular remodeling is much slower than the


 24   remodeling of myocytes--on and on and on and on.


 25             In order for us to fully understand the




  1   biology here, if we're just talking about


  2   mechanical function, it's necessary to look for a


  3   long time.  Again, that may not be necessarily in


  4   order for a product to be approved--there are other


  5   issues there--but to know the biology, monitoring


  6   has to go on for a while.  And although it's not my


  7   field--and Steve and others may want to comment on


  8   this--I think the same thing is probably true of


  9   the angiogenesis-arteriogenesis issue.


 10             CHAIRMAN RAO: Before you cede the mike can


 11   you say, well, what kind of monitoring?  I mean it


 12   should be Holter monitoring for one month or, you


 13   know--


 14             DR. BORER: Well, in terms of left


 15   ventricular performance, you know, there are a


 16   number of non-invasive techniques that easily can


 17   be applied periodically over time; you know,


 18   echocardiography, radio nuclide angiography, MRI if


 19   you happen to have it available and the patient can


 20   undergo MRI.  There are a lot of techniques.


 21             But there are global, left ventricular


 22   function assessment techniques, and that's what we


 23   really care most about.  If we see improved wall


 24   thickening someplace but the heart's not putting


 25   out more blood and not pumping better, who cares?




  1             So I would say that there are a variety of


  2   standard, non-invasive techniques that can be used


  3   to evaluate mechanical performance of the heart.


  4             In terms of electrical performance, as


  5   long as you're looking at the mechanical


  6   performance, you may as well look at the


  7   electrophysiologic aspects of what's going on--and


  8   there, yes, I think a Holter and a standard 12-lead


  9   electrocardiogram would be the minimum.


 10             In earlier studies--as Jeremy pointed out


 11   before--during the first few months after an


 12   intervention--now I'm talking about animals,


 13   because you wouldn't re-do this in people--I think


 14   standard electrophysiologic testing--invasive


 15   electrophysiologic testing--would be very


 16   important.  In people, I can't imagine that you


 17   would want to do that very often.  People don't


 18   like to have that done to them.


 19             I don't think you'd want to do standard


 20   electrophysiologic testing very often.  There might


 21   be some subset--and, you know, Jeremy should


 22   comment on this--in whom a pair of standard


 23   electrophysiologic studies might be done, separated


 24   by an interval of, you know--whatever the interval


 25   is; whatever the preclinical data and the 24-hour




  1   ambulatory electrocardiogram suggest is correct;


  2   maybe a month, maybe two months--I don't know.


  3             But I think you do have to look at certain


  4   aspects of the electrical function of the heart.


  5   It's simple to do that with electrocardiography,


  6   because if the electrocardiogram's okay, if you're


  7   not seeing arrhythmias, then, again, who cares


  8   about what's going on in the substrate?  And as


  9   long as I was looking at mechanical function, I'd


 10   look at electrical function by these simple means.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Joanne?


 12             DR. KURTZBERG: I would think it would be


 13   important also to, if possible, require or strongly


 14   suggest an autopsy for any patients who die--given


 15   that you're saying this is such a high-risk


 16   population.  Because you may learn something about


 17   the anatomic and histologic things you find in the


 18   heart, even three years later, that will help you


 19   optimize this.


 20             DR. RUSKIN: I think, with regard to


 21   follow-up, the issue of safety with regard to


 22   ventricular arrhythmias is a very difficult


 23   challenge.  I think if we've learned one thing in


 24   the last 20 years it's that you don't follow


 25   ventricular arrhythmias.  You either stay out in




  1   front of them, or people die.


  2             And Holter monitoring, I think, in this


  3   population is a waste of time because the


  4   prevalence of spontaneous arrhythmias in this


  5   patient group is somewhere between 60 and 80


  6   percent--talking about non-sustained ventricular


  7   tachycardia.  And the question then arises as to


  8   what you would do about it if you saw it, because


  9   anti-arrhythmic drugs--talk about Dr. Epstein's


 10   Janus effect--you know, we might just as easily


 11   kill people with the drugs that we use to try to


 12   suppress these things as help them.  And that's why


 13   it brings me back, I think, to the issue of having


 14   a group as protected as possible at the time that


 15   they get the therapy, with an implantable


 16   device--at least early on; not that it's perfect,


 17   but at least it offers a high level of protection


 18   against anything other than an incessant VT or VF.


 19             And I think that's really what the


 20   follow-up is.  It's having a protected patient with


 21   a monitoring device that records events 24 hours a


 22   day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  But the


 23   real lessons will be learned from outcomes and, I


 24   think, from the preclinical work that gets done.


 25   And it's not going to get answered by ECGs and




  1   Holter monitoring and other simple forms of


  2   observation.


  3             There are host of other risk


  4   stratifiers--like T-wave alternans, signal average


  5   DCGs, and a number of other things--all of which


  6   would be of interest.  The problem, again, will be


  7   that the positivity rate is so high in this


  8   population, even without the therapy, that I think


  9   it's going to be very hard to distinguish the


 10   treatment groups from the non-treatment


 11   groups--even if there's a pro-arrhythmic effect.


 12             CHAIRMAN RAO: I'll ask this in a more


 13   particular way, and it's really part of Question 7,


 14   which sort of segues into this, and you've already


 15   raised that as a point.


 16             So, once you've chosen a patient


 17   population--and there's a caveat on how you choose


 18   the population from the points of the worries that


 19   one has with any kind of new therapy--you have to


 20   worry about monitoring them, and there's going to


 21   be a certain basis of monitoring which is dependent


 22   on the disease or the underlying process that they


 23   have.


 24             And then you want to have some kind of


 25   additional monitoring--maybe--which is specific to




  1   the therapy that you've now introduced.  In this


  2   case is there anything which is new or unique that


  3   has to be added on, or can one simply say that,


  4   well, you've chosen this patient population.


  5   You're going to have to really be doing massive


  6   monitoring anyway.  Do you need anything else.


  7             And, you know, Joanne pointed out that


  8   even if you do all of this, one important thing one


  9   should suggest is that they also do an autopsy,


 10   which is not really monitoring on side effects but


 11   is learning after the fact; and that one should be


 12   looking at closely monitoring improvement in some


 13   fashion, or at least it's function of the cells, by


 14   looking at left ventricular ejection fraction in


 15   some fashion, or left ventricular function in some


 16   fashion.


 17             Are there other sort of additional things


 18   that one can use, and which would distinguish


 19   between, say, the therapy--like you pointed


 20   out--versus the underlying disease?


 21             DR. SIMONS: If I can attempt to begin to


 22   sort of address these issues--and it really takes


 23   us into, I think, Question 7.


 24             As Dr. Ruskin points out, there is a very


 25   high frequency of all sorts of events in these




  1   people, given what these patients are.  I really


  2   think the only way you can find out how safe these


  3   kinds of therapies are, if you do double-blind


  4   randomized trials, and you have control group--not


  5   to assess efficacy but to actually assess safety,


  6   because there will be a number of adverse events in


  7   this patient group, and we will not be able to say


  8   whether that is because of therapy or because of


  9   natural history of disease if we don't have a


 10   control group.


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Perin.


 12             DR. PERIN: In talking about monitoring LV


 13   dysfunction, I think we probably should start from


 14   the beginning, which is really--obviously, we need


 15   to see these people pretty often, in terms of


 16   clinic visits because I think symptoms, even though


 17   are not completely objective are an important thing


 18   to assess in these people.


 19             And in our limited clinical experience we


 20   noticed that people really had a change in


 21   improvement--we presented this at ACC--around the


 22   seventh and eighth week.  So that's something that


 23   you might want to know.


 24             Also, I think that echocardiographic


 25   evaluation is simple--because there is a problem of




  1   doing MRI, because a lot of these people are going


  2   to have a problem with having MRIs.


  3             One other thing I would like to take note


  4   is the issue of global versus regional improvement.


  5   I think that--I don't agree with what was said.


  6   You don't have to have--the meaning of global


  7   improvement, it's great to have LV global


  8   improvement, but we've seen patients that have


  9   regional improvement and this may translate in a


 10   function way into a very significant improvement.


 11             And so another way of looking at LV


 12   function is really--and I had said this before--is


 13   exercise capacity.  And I think we need to be


 14   evaluating these patients functionally as they go


 15   along--and this is a translation.  So maybe if we


 16   injected part of the heart we don't see a global


 17   improvement in LV, but that patient may be able to


 18   walk a lot further on a treadmill, be able to


 19   exercise more, and that's important, as well.


 20             DR. BORER: Yes, I think Dr. Perin's points


 21   are very well taken.  I didn't mean, in what I said


 22   before, that in any way a clinical evaluation


 23   should not be done, or should be precluded.


 24   Obviously, that's the name of the game.  The


 25   patient has to feel better and/or live longer, or




  1   you haven't done anything useful--no matter what


  2   the ejection fraction turns out to be.


  3             So I would absolutely agree that clinical


  4   evaluation has to be the key, and it's a given in


  5   the follow-up of patients getting these kinds of


  6   treatments.


  7             I would also agree that there could be


  8   clinically meaningful regional improvement without


  9   much change in global left ventricular function.


 10   I'd sort of doubt that it would be very meaningful


 11   if there wasn't any change, but I was thinking more


 12   in terms of the kinds of echo studies that show


 13   that with sonomicrography--the ultrasonography, you


 14   can see thickening in one small region.  That


 15   doesn't mean much to me.


 16             But the point is well taken that you made,


 17   and I don't disagree with it at all.


 18             There's a sort of a more overarching issue


 19   here about the various modalities that we might use


 20   to evaluate patients.  And, you know, Jeremy, of


 21   course, is an expert in this area, and he's


 22   undoubtedly absolutely right that the yield from


 23   simple rhythm-monitoring studies would be pretty


 24   low in people who are as sick as these people are,


 25   and maybe that's the wrong example for me to take




  1   here.


  2             But, you know, in general if you don't


  3   look you don't find something.  There are simple


  4   means of following patients, and I like Dr. Perin's


  5   suggestion--which I think should be part of any


  6   follow-up--clinical follow-up of people with heart


  7   failure--that is to assess exercise tolerance


  8   formally.


  9             There are lot of simple things that you


 10   can do that are sort of part of a standard


 11   armamentarium of researchers and clinicians who


 12   follow patients who are very sick that I think


 13   should be done.  They may not show much, but unless


 14   you look, you don't know.


 15             So I just offer that.  If, you know, it


 16   gets back to we-know-what-we-know,


 17   we-don't-know-what-we-don't-know, as Dr. Harlan


 18   said before.  Better to look with a wide compass


 19   when our knowledge base is relatively small, then


 20   we can eliminate things as we go along.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Ruskin.


 22             DR. RUSKIN: Just a quick comment.


 23             Jeff, I agree completely, and I didn't


 24   mean to suggest that we shouldn't do the Holtering


 25   or the routine ECGs.  We would certainly do those,




  1   and it's possible one might see things that were


  2   very surprising.


  3             The issue that I raised really related to


  4   safety; and that is that doing Holter monitoring as


  5   a safety maneuver is not productive in this patient


  6   population because, clearly, it's an icepick in


  7   time, and you may see absolutely nothing and have a


  8   dead patient 12 hours later, or see florid


  9   arrhythmias that purport nothing ill with regard to


 10   long-term outcome.


 11             So the data would, I think, be necessarily


 12   obtained, but it couldn't be used to ensure safety.


 13   And that's really the reason for making the plea


 14   that early on one consider populations that have


 15   protective devices.  They're not perfect, but


 16   they're a lot better than not having them.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: How about, you know,


 18   monitoring for potential complications.  I mean,


 19   should people be worried about "We are putting in


 20   cells.  There might be an inflammatory response


 21   because of all the necrotic material."  Should one


 22   be looking at C-reactive peptide?  Is that


 23   something which should be over and above what one


 24   would normally be doing in a sick patient?


 25             Are there any other such tests that you'd




  1   want to do, you know, to look at--?


  2             DR. BORER: I think you'd do whatever you


  3   can think of.  It may not be worth anything.  But,


  4   again, if you don't look you don't find out.


  5             I wouldn't particularly have picked


  6   C-reactive protein, but it's fine.  You know--sure.


  7   Why not look at systemic inflammatory markers?


  8             Steve Epstein made the point yesterday--I


  9   have to backtrack for a moment.  I've referred to


 10   Steve at least 20 times here--and as you look


 11   around the table--well, one of them just left, but


 12   there are three generations of Steve Epstein


 13   trainees or underlings sitting at this table.  So


 14   it shouldn't be--and, unfortunately, I am now the


 15   most senior of those three.


 16             [Laughter.]


 17             Which, as Steve would say, what does that


 18   make him?  But--what was I originally talking


 19   about? [Laughs.]


 20             [Laughter.]


 21             There was a point here.  Oh, yes--about


 22   atherosclerosis.  You know, the inflammatory


 23   milieu--this is important because, remember--I


 24   mean, your point is very well taken.  Steve pointed


 25   out that some of these treatments we give could be




  1   good for the myocardium but, depending upon how we


  2   give them, they could be atherogenic.  That's very


  3   important.


  4             You know, undoubtedly, that the event


  5   rate--coronary event rate--is substantially


  6   higher--two- to threefold higher among patients


  7   with rheumatoid arthritis than among patients


  8   without  rheumatoid arthritis; that is, among


  9   patients with  rheumatoid arthritis with positive


 10   markers of inflammation.


 11             So there's some evidence that a systemic


 12   inflammatory milieu somehow potentiates the


 13   development of coronary disease.


 14             Now, I don't want to talk about mechanisms


 15   because we don't know them--or at least I don't.


 16   But I think, therefore, if we believe that there is


 17   a likelihood that we're going to stimulate an


 18   inflammatory response with what we're doing, we


 19   should be looking for evidence of that so that we


 20   can relate that--even if retrospectively--to other


 21   events that occur in this population.  So I think


 22   the point is very well taken and we should be doing


 23   that.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Given that this is a sick


 25   population that would be the first sort of




  1   candidates for this, irrespective of how you select


  2   them, would be anything you'd suggest which will


  3   change the frequency of monitoring from what you'd


  4   normally do for a sick population of this sort?  Or


  5   would it be more frequent?  Or would it be longer,


  6   in terms of the anticipated complications?  Or


  7   anything that one might imagine?


  8             DR. SIMONS: I actually don't know what


  9   patients--or the population that we're talking


 10   about.  Because as we discussed several times,


 11   there are really two different patient groups here.


 12   One is an acute myocardial infarction patient, and


 13   one is a patient who is chronic heart failure.  And


 14   I think you would monitor differently in these two


 15   different groups because in acute MI, the


 16   patients--the risk is early.  And once it's been


 17   successfully treated, that's a pretty low-risk


 18   group, with a very low mortality rate.


 19             While, you know, Class IV heart failure


 20   patient, who has a 20 percent ejection fraction has


 21   a pretty high mortality rate.  I think you would


 22   sort of treat those things in a very different


 23   manner.


 24             CHAIRMAN RAO: Either of those groups--so,


 25   you know, you take acute MI, and you're trying to




  1   treat it with, say, bone marrow cells, and you


  2   would monitor acute MI in a particular way.


  3             Would it change now that you've added


  4   cells to the therapy?


  5             DR. SIMONS: Probably would--you'd probably


  6   want some sort of non-invasive imaging such as


  7   echo. During the first two weeks you'd probably


  8   want it several times to see there's no pericardial


  9   effusion, and there's--if the left ventricular


 10   function is not changing in sort of adverse


 11   ways--there's some adverse left ventricular sort of


 12   remodeling.


 13             But after two weeks I would go back to


 14   pretty normal schedule; three months, six months.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO: If something changed, it


 16   would change acutely.


 17             And in a chronic disease model, would


 18   there be anything that you'd change?


 19             DR. SIMONS: Once again, if this is a


 20   catheter-based delivery, I think you need to


 21   monitor more intensively within the first couple of


 22   weeks.


 23             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Borer?


 24             DR. BORER: Yes, I agree with what Dr.


 25   Simons says.  But I think you have to be aware--you




  1   say, "Should there be a difference compared with


  2   what we usually do?"  There is no "we."  You know,


  3   what someone who is working in an academic


  4   institution, collecting data in a research milieu


  5   might do is very different from what one might do


  6   in private practice, or in primary care, or what


  7   have you.


  8             So what I would say is that we should


  9   pre--that people who set up these protocols should


 10   pre-specify regular evaluation--by objective


 11   techniques that we've all talked about here, at


 12   some appropriate frequency, be it, you know, every


 13   month for a few months, every six months after


 14   that, every year after that--whatever it is.  I


 15   don't know how the patients will live.


 16             But I think that that kind of monitoring


 17   probably should be continued for many years--again,


 18   given the fact that remodeling takes a long time.


 19             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Cannon, and then Kathy.


 20             DR. CANNON: I would second Dr. Borer's


 21   comments about long-term follow-up because,


 22   particularly in thinking of this approach for the


 23   chronic, intractable anginas, sort of an


 24   angiogenesis or neovascularization approach.  It's


 25   conceivable to me that you could have a short-term




  1   benefit, but not just a late failure, but maybe


  2   even a worsening of the situation over time.


  3             So perhaps putting cells in, either


  4   directly or indirectly, stimulates new vessel


  5   growth.  But that may not be permanent in that


  6   those cells will have to be replaced in time.  They


  7   don't live forever.  And if that person's own


  8   progenitor cells are very poor in function and few


  9   in number, then the growth that was stimulated by


 10   putting in a large number of perhaps activated or


 11   genetically modified cells, or what have you, that


 12   effect may go away in time, and the patient doesn't


 13   have a way of replenishing or replacing the cells


 14   that compose the new vessels.  They could fail


 15   fairly quickly, perhaps.


 16             It's conceivable--it's like the movie


 17   Charlie.  You know, there's short-term great


 18   benefit, but then a deterioration that actually


 19   makes the individual worse off than were had


 20   nothing been done at all.


 21             CHAIRMAN RAO: do you feel we have enough


 22   information to point out how long?


 23             DR. CANNON: No.  No.  I just raise that as


 24   a possible concern, or a justification for


 25   following them longer and perhaps more closely than




  1   you ordinarily would someone with chronic stable


  2   angina.


  3             DR. HIGH: I just wanted to raise a


  4   question to the cardiologists about one other


  5   method of data capture, and just get your response


  6   to this.


  7             But, how often are these people


  8   re-instrumented, or re-angio'ed, or whatever?  And


  9   how much risk is it to do an endomyocardial biopsy


 10   if they are?


 11             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Epstein, do you want to


 12   take that?


 13             DR. EPSTEIN: Well, my question was going


 14   to be directly related to that.


 15             I would like to raise a difficult


 16   question, because it's very expensive.  Given the


 17   Lancet article of two weeks ago that was called--it


 18   was a very small number of patients, and I don't


 19   know how much credibility to give it, but it raises


 20   the interesting question that infusion of cells


 21   into the coronary artery that had been harvested


 22   after GCSF stimulation seemed to be associated with


 23   a much higher incidence of re-stenosis than would


 24   have been expected.


 25             Should patients receiving cell therapy at




  1   the time or shortly after angioplasty--should they


  2   have a repeat coronary angiogram in six months to


  3   rule out this very important possible adverse


  4   effect?


  5             What do you think, Richard?


  6             DR. CANNON: You know, with the new


  7   drug-eluting stents, it may be that that will not


  8   be an issue in sort of the current environment now


  9   that it was with the bare metal stents used in


 10   that.  So perhaps following more for


 11   ischemia--non-invasively, perhaps--would be more


 12   acceptable.


 13             Doing repeat cardiac catheterizations


 14   serially--


 15             DR. EPSTEIN: It's expensive--


 16             DR. CANNON:  --it would obviously add to


 17   the expense--


 18             DR. EPSTEIN:  --and it's--but that is, you


 19   know it's a good question.  And, you know, given


 20   that recent study, you know, it's a very relevant


 21   one.


 22             CHAIRMAN RAO: Is biopsy dangerous, though?


 23             DR. EPSTEIN: Oh, yes, I wouldn't think


 24   about biopsy.  And, also, I think you'd have a


 25   sampling.  You couldn't be confident that you were




  1   getting tissue in the area where you think you've


  2   done some.


  3             DR. HIGH: [Off mike] Well, no, he said he


  4   could do it within one micron--


  5             [Laughter.]


  6             DR. EPSTEIN: Well, but Mike he was just


  7   joking.


  8             [Laughter.]


  9             DR. RUSKIN: You know, about the--if there


 10   were a credible scientific question to ask from


 11   repeat catheterization, I think the primary


 12   question you're asking is: does the risk preclude


 13   doing it?


 14             The risk of a cardiac catheterization for


 15   a major event, among all comers, is one in 500.


 16   Now, it may be a little higher in a very sick


 17   population, but, you know, I think that that risk


 18   is--not death, but some major event, stroke, MI,


 19   death, bleeding, infection--one in 500.


 20             I think that if we had a credible


 21   scientific question that was very important to


 22   answer--and I'm not sure that we do.  I think


 23   Richard's point about doing non-invasive assessment


 24   might suffice for the question about re-stenosis.


 25   But if we had a question, I think that the risk




  1   would be supportable, or could be supportable,


  2   given what I've just said.


  3             In terms of biopsy, in fact the biopsy


  4   data suggests that, in experienced hands, that's


  5   reasonably safe, too.  The big concern I would have


  6   is exactly what Richard said--you know, the


  7   sampling error.  I mean, a catheter-based biopsy is


  8   a right ventricular biopsy.  It's not anywhere near


  9   where we're looking--where the problem is, where


 10   the cells were put in.  To do it on the left side


 11   would be very dangerous, I think.


 12             So I would be concerned that we wouldn't


 13   be able to get the information that we want to get.


 14   And I would be interested in--just with regard to


 15   your question, which I think is a very good


 16   one--applying non-invasive methods, like MRI if it


 17   were possible, or perhaps PET scanning to ask some


 18   of the questions that you might have wanted to ask


 19   with a biopsy.


 20             CHAIRMAN RAO: Dr. Perin?


 21             DR. PERIN: If we look at the population of


 22   patients that are the chronic ischemic end-stage


 23   patients, the reason they got there is they've got


 24   horrific coronary disease, have very aggressive


 25   coronary disease.  Their coronaries are already all




  1   stopped up.


  2             So I think it's really hard--and we've


  3   done this--but to re-angiogram these patients, it's


  4   really hard to differentiate what's progression of


  5   disease that they were going to have anyway; what's


  6   do to the stem cell injection.  So it's very


  7   difficult to evaluate--and which is completely


  8   different in the acute MI population, where that


  9   may actually be something that's important to look


 10   at, because you have a target vessel, and a lot


 11   different coronary situation.


 12             DR. BORER: I think that that's a very good


 13   point that leads to the point Dr. Simons made a few


 14   minutes ago, and that Jeremy made yesterday, which


 15   is Question 7, about controlled studies.


 16             I think, Jeremy, what you said was that


 17   from the earliest studies they should be


 18   controlled.  And I agree with that.


 19             I think there's absolutely no way to


 20   interpret the data in a very disparate, very sick


 21   population--very heterogeneous population.  I don't


 22   think that it's possible to interpret most of the


 23   data that are of interest to us without some


 24   comparator.


 25             And I would go back to Dr. Murray's




  1   earlier point.  You know, you can not ethically


  2   justify studying human subjects unless you can


  3   interpret the data.


  4             So I would say that Jeremy's point is a


  5   very important one.  I think controls have to be


  6   built into these trials, even from the earliest


  7   studies, and that probably it's not worth a heck of


  8   a lot to do observational studies with no


  9   comparator in most situations.


 10             You know, the type of control could vary.


 11   There are active controls, there are placebo


 12   controls--if you want to call it that.  There are


 13   dose--different doses, in a dose-response design,


 14   that could be used.  But I think you do have to


 15   have comparators.


 16             CHAIRMAN RAO: That's an important point,


 17   and I think it came up a couple of times before in


 18   the past, too, and I'll just try and summarize


 19   those few comments and then turn it over to you.


 20             So, there seemed to be consensus in the


 21   field--in fact, almost everybody who talked about


 22   it said that controls are important, or that


 23   placebo controls are quite important.


 24             And then I asked this question yesterday


 25   was that is it possible to get controls.  Will it




  1   be possible to recruit them?  And the answer was


  2   yes--as long as there was some kind of cross-over


  3   option.  And that seemed to be a possibility, so


  4   that that wasn't an absolute limiting factor that


  5   was there.


  6             And you've reiterated that point, that it


  7   would be very hard to interpret these in small


  8   studies without any kind of controls.  So it seems


  9   that that's one important thing that one should


 10   keep in mind in any kind of clinical study that's


 11   going to be done--right?


 12             Go ahead.


 13             DR. MURRAY: From the point of view of


 14   ethics--and science, here--there's one absolute


 15   requirement: namely, the study would have to offer


 16   interpretable results--right?  We've talked about


 17   that.  You cannot justify doing trivial things to


 18   human subjects if the design is basically never


 19   going to yield anything of any value and you know


 20   that going in.


 21             The other thing you want to do--and as I'm


 22   understanding the situation, is it's going to be


 23   very difficult to get a good signal-to-noise ratio


 24   so that you can actually pick out what the actual


 25   effects of the intervention are.  So there's a need




  1   to maximize sensitivity to be able to pick those


  2   out, and the discussion that's gone on about, you


  3   know, what to look for here has been very helpful


  4   for that.


  5             Even in small numbers you'd want to have


  6   some sense--we don't usually do power calculations


  7   on small sizes, but we probably--we ought to do the


  8   best calculations we can in these so, again, so


  9   that we have some assurance that we will have


 10   interpretable results.


 11             I don't think it will be easy to design


 12   studies that will be ethically clearly acceptable


 13   with the placebo design Phase I studies here.  But


 14   I suspect it's the way we have to try to go.  And


 15   I'm going to count on the creativity of the


 16   investigators and the courage of the subjects.


 17             CHAIRMAN RAO: Go ahead, Dr. Borer.  I


 18   thought--did you want to make a comment?


 19             DR. BORER: About placebo, I did.


 20             The issue of doing a placebo-controlled


 21   study and then offering, as the benefit, a


 22   crossover--or I would--it's not a crossover, it's a


 23   dropout--at the end of a certain period of time, if


 24   the treated group actually shows benefit is very


 25   attractive, but we may not have information that




  1   would support doing that from early small trials,


  2   or early small studies.  So I'm not sure that that


  3   would be the out.


  4             I think that one has to think creatively


  5   about some other types of controls.  And I do like


  6   the multi-dose design, because that does allow you


  7   to know, if you see a dose response, that, in fact,


  8   there is, by definition, an effect.  In that


  9   situation, you know, everybody gets something.


 10   And, of course, we don't know going in what's


 11   better and what's worse; whether there is a dose


 12   relation, whether there's a maximal dose that's


 13   effective and above that you have safety problems.


 14   You don't know that.


 15             So I think that that might be some--a


 16   creative approach to dealing with this need for


 17   comparators.  And maybe a placebo-controlled


 18   approach would be the appropriate way.  I don't


 19   know.


 20             I'm just suggesting that we have to be


 21   more creative about the thinking about study design


 22   to provide appropriate comparators.  And then I'd


 23   get back to what we all discussed before, which is


 24   that since multiple small studies will be done with


 25   these agents, the designs and data collection




  1   strategies should be compatible--sufficient


  2   compatible--with one another so that you can pool


  3   some data and eventually come up with some


  4   information that might be more interpretable than


  5   the data from any single study alone.


  6             So, just sort of overarching thoughts.


  7             CHAIRMAN RAO: In some ways we've been


  8   trying to answer this question but it's been a


  9   little bit different from the way it's been set up


 10   there.


 11             I mean, it seems to me that, listening to


 12   all the experts in the field, is that they seem to


 13   feel that selection of patients, and the design of


 14   the experiment, in terms of the controls, or the


 15   placebo used, was really as critical as sort of the


 16   readouts.  And, in fact, nobody seemed to feel that


 17   there weren't enough adequate readouts which were


 18   non-invasive and that it would not be possible to


 19   design them.  It was just simply that you will have


 20   to design them adequately, depending on the type of


 21   patient you chose and the kind of, you know,


 22   disease you were treating.


 23             And I think the two points that were made


 24   to me which were really important was that you're


 25   going to have to follow up for certain things for a




  1   long time.  It's not an aggressive follow-up, but


  2   you need to follow them up because you have to


  3   learn something from these things.  And that the


  4   other was that in this trial itself there should be


  5   some urgency, or some selection so that you could


  6   have the option of performing an autopsy because


  7   that might work really well, given that the choice


  8   of patients is such that they are relatively sick,


  9   and that that might be a really important thing to


 10   keep in mind.


 11             Does that seem to capture?   Does the FDA


 12   think that that addresses some of the issues on the


 13   clinical trial?


 14             DR. GRANT: Yes.


 15             CHAIRMAN RAO:  In that case, it's amazing.


 16   We actually finished on time.


 17             [Laughter.]


 18             Well, thank you for all the people who


 19   stuck out here to the bitter end.  That was useful


 20   And I thank all the experts who gave the time to


 21   come to this.  It couldn't have been done without


 22   them.


 23             [Whereupon, at 3:00 p.m. the meeting was


 24   adjourned.]


 25                              - - -