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New Feature

Note: This feature is for Organization Administrators Only

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Instructions for Organization Adminstrators (OA) to Run Reports

Logon to CPS ( using your Login ID and Password

If you have more than one role assigned, click on the radio button labeled "CPS - Organization Administrator".  Click "Continue".  The CPS will open to the OA "home" page.  If you do not have more than one role assigned the CPS will open to the OA "home" page automatically.

Click on the tab labeled "Admin Functions".

Click on the radio button labeled "Report Queries" on the Administrative Functions screen.

Click "Continue".

Click the down arrow to "Select a report query to run" on the Report Queries List page.  The question mark (?) gives a description of what is listed on the selected report.  See below for a listing of the reports available and their description:

  • List the Contractor Reps used by your Organization
     ? = List of Contractors used by your organization on in-progress and/or finalized evaluations.  Displays organization abbreviation, CO's last and first name, phone number, extension, email address, Contractor name, TIN, DUNS, Alternate Contractor name, street address, city, state and zip code.

  •  List Users for your Organization
     ? = List of users registered in your organization.  Displays organization abbreviation, user's last and first name, phone, extension, role, Login ID and email address.

  •  List your Organization's Contracts Received from FPDS w/o Evaluation
     ? = List of contracts, for your organization, received from the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) that do not have evaluations in CPS.  Displays the organization abbreviation, Contract and Order number, Contract completion date, NAICS, SIC, Contract type, Contractor name and address.

  • List your Organization's Evaluations
    ? = List of In-Progress and Finalized Evaluations for your Organization.  Displays Agency, Contract Office, Contract and Order number, start and end date of evaluation, Contractor name, Alternate Contractor name, Type of evaluation (interim/final, Standard/Construction), Status description, Assigned to and Evaluation started by.

Select the report you wish to run by clicking on it.

Click "Continue".

Depending on your Agency/Department structure a new window may appear prompting you to choose the organization you wish to run the report for.

  • If this window appears, click the button labeled "Choose Organization".  Wait for the pop-up window to appear.  Click on the organization you wish to run the report for and either click the "finished" button or click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up window.

Click "Continue".

The report will appear.  You have the ability to save the result in an Excel spreadsheet if you so desire.  You can also choose to run it for another organization from this screen by clicking on the "Choose Organization" button, choosing the organization you wish to run the report for, and clicking "Continue". 

Click "Cancel" when finished.  This will take you back to the "Report Queries List" page.

From here you can either select to run another report (by following the above instructions) or go back to the OA "home" page by clicking on the blue tab labeled "Home".

  • If the window does not appear, the report will appear.  You have the ability to save the result in an Excel spreadsheet if you so desire.

Click "Cancel" when finished.  This will take you back to the "Report Queries List" page.

From here you can either select to run another report (by following the above instructions) or go back to the OA "home" page by clicking on the blue tab labeled "Home".