
IBIDS Database: Journal Information

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* NOTE: Journals that are identified as 'peer reviewed' in the IBIDS database have a peer review or referee board that evaluates research articles prior to acceptance and publication. A journal is listed as being peer reviewed if:

  • it is designated as being 'refereed' in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory;
  • the journal publisher provides this information in personal communication;
  • or it is indicated on the journal's Web site.

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Due to copyright laws, IBIDS does not provide full-text articles. Full-text articles of IBIDS citations may be available from the journal publisher or document delivery services.

Document Delivery
Document delivery services may provide full-text copies of the journal articles you found cited in IBIDS. We have listed some of these services below and indicated when services emphasize subject-specific resources. Most charge a fee for supplying documents and include payment information on their Web sites. We have provided this listing as an informational resource only. Please note that inclusion on this list does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by IBIDS or the U.S. Government.

Services at Educational Institutions
Bibliographic Databases Offering Document Delivery
Other Document Delivery Services
Federal Government Document Delivery Services

Educational Institutions

    Biomedical Information Service
    Bio-Medical Library, University of Minnesota
    A fee-based document delivery service. The library reports an extensive collection of health sciences literature.
    Delivery Methods: First class mail, Federal Express, fax, World Wide Web, Ariel, and courier.
    Eligible Users: Persons who are not current students, staff or faculty at the University of Minnesota.

    Lehigh University Libraries’ Corporate Information Service
    A document delivery service for subscribers.
    Delivery Methods: Fax or mail.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and others not-affiliated with the library.

    Michigan Information Transfer Source (MITS)
    University of Michigan
    A fee-based document delivery service. The MITS collection is reportedly strong in nutrition, medicine & health, biology, science, chemistry, biotechnology and more.
    Delivery Methods: UPS, mail, international mail, Federal Express, fax, World Wide Web, Ariel, and paratransit.
    Eligible Users: Primarily corporations and industry.

    Monash University
    A fee-based document delivery service.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax, express post, courier, and e-mail.
    Eligible Users: Corporations, organizations, and professionals.

    Purdue Technical Information Service (TIS)
    Purdue University Libraries
    A fee-based information service specializing in scientific, technical, and management information.
    Delivery Methods: e-DOC, fax, UPS, or Fed Ex.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and others non-affiliated with the library.

    RAPID Services (Research and Professional Information Delivery)
    The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
    A fee-based document supply service. The UNSW Library has extensive collections in science, technology, medicine, law and in various areas of the social sciences and humanities.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, express post, courier, mail, or electronically.
    Eligible Users: Business, industry, government, academia, and individuals.

    University of Colorado Technical Research Center (CTRC)
    A fee-based information service of the University Libraries. CTRC accesses an international network of suppliers which includes national and international libraries such as the British Library Document Supply Centre, Library of Congress, and the National Technical Information Service.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, Federal Express, or mail.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and professionals.

    University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries & Information Center
    A fee-based information service staffed by trained health-information specialists.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, mail, PDF email, PDF web, or other specified delivery.
    Eligible Users: University of Washington affiliates and non-affiliates.

    Wisconsin TechSearch
    University of Wisconsin – Madison
    A fee-based information outreach program of the Kurt F. Wendt Library, which has large collections in science and engineering.
    Delivery Methods: Electronic, fax, mail, UPS or Federal Express.
    Eligible Users: Businesses, industry and industry.

Bibliographic Databases Offering Document Delivery

    The British Library Document Supply Centre
    A fee-based service providing remote document delivery covering scientific, toxicology, technical, medical and human knowledge areas in many languages. Full-text copies of documents, including those indexed in BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts, Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings), BasicBIOSIS, Zoological Record, Abstracts of Entomology and Abstracts of Mycology.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, courier, fax or Ariel.
    Eligible Users: Business, research, academic and individuals.

    CAS DDS – Chemical Abstracts Service Document Detective Service
    A fee-based document delivery service. Available material extends beyond what is selected for CAS databases and publications.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, mail, UPS, International delivery by airmail, domestic or international courier.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and industry.

    A fee-based document supply service. Infotrieve services the medical sciences and pharmaceuticals industries and EMBASE.com users. Toxicology materials are available through this service.
    Delivery Methods: E-delivery, fax, mail, and standard courier.
    Eligible Users: Scientific, medical, technical and academic communities.

Other Document Delivery Services

    A fee-based document delivery service. Their network includes the National Library of Medicine.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax, electronic via Portable Document Format, overnight delivery and courier.
    Eligible Users: Bio-tech industry and general businesses.

    BioDox Document Delivery Services
    A fee-based document delivery service specializing in the pharmaceutical, chemical and biological sciences industries.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax, courier, or electronic.
    Eligible Users: Corporations and institutions.

    Capitol District Information (CDI)
    A fee-based information delivery service specializing in information retrieval from federal libraries, courts and agencies.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax, courier or email.
    Eligible Users: Businesses, law firms, financial firms, government and individuals.

    Carolina Library Services (CaroLib)
    A fee-based document delivery service.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax or express mail.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)
    A fee-based document delivery service. CISTI specializes in scientific, technical, medical, toxicology and agricultural resources.
    Delivery Methods: Ariel, fax or overnight courier.
    Eligible Users: Businesses, organizations and individuals.

    FOI Services, Inc.
    A fee-based document supply service. FOI maintains a private library of over 160,000 Food and Drug Administration documents.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, UPS or electronic.
    Eligible Users: Businesses, organizations and individuals.

    German National Library of Medicine/ZBMed
    A fee-based document delivery service. Holdings focus on biomedical journals in all languages, especially in German and English languages.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax or email.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    Infonetwork, Inc.
    A fee-based document delivery service. Infonetwork specializes in obtaining Japanese information to the U.S. as well as to other countries throughout the world.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, email or electronic.
    Eligible Users: Businesses.

    INFORM Research Services
    Minneapolis Public Library
    A fee-based document delivery service. INFORM uses the extensive collections at the Minneapolis Public Library and suppliers around the country.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, email, mail, CD-ROM, Federal Express or courier.
    Eligible Users: Individuals, businesses, corporations, public relations professionals, media organizations, and law firms.

    Information Express (IE)
    A fee-based information delivery system. IE reports extensive coverage in the areas of coverage in the areas of science, technology, medicine, businesses, and management.
    Delivery Methods: Mail and fax.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and academic institutions.

    Kessler-Hancock Information Services, Inc.
    A fee-based electronic document delivery service in a broad range of disciplines.
    Delivery Methods: Ariel and via email as a Portable Document Format file or Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) file.
    Eligible Users: Business and individuals.

    Library Scout
    A Division of ACCESS/Associated Information Consultants (AIC) Services
    A fee-based document search and delivery service.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, overnight delivery or mail.
    Eligible Users: Individuals, corporations and law firms.

    Linda Hall Library Document Services Department
    Fee-based document delivery service.
    Delivery Methods: Email, Ariel, fax, mail, Federal Express, and international fax.
    Eligible Users: Businesses, academic institutions, government agencies, and individuals.

    LMS Information Services
    A fee-based document delivery service. Toxicology materials are available through this service.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, mail or electronic via Portable Document Format.
    Eligible Users: Individuals and corporations.

    Penco Information Retrieval, Inc.
    A fee-based document delivery service. Penco Information Retrieval, Inc. specializes in retrieving medical, scientific & legal literature, law reviews and patents.
    Delivery Methods: Courier, fax, mail, UPS and Federal Express.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    Research Associates
    A fee-based company providing international medical, legal, toxicology and scientific research document retrieval services.
    Delivery Methods: Courier, mail, fax and Ariel.
    Eligible Users: Corporations and law firms.

    Research Solutions
    A fee-based document delivery service. Toxicology materials are available through this service.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, email via Portable Document Format, UPS, Federal Express or mail.
    Eligible Users: Biotechnology companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, special libraries, universities, researchers and individuals.

    TDI Library Services, Inc.
    A fee-based document delivery service.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, fax, international fax, Federal Express or courier.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    The Research Investment, Inc. (TRI)
    A fee-based document supply company that cites excellent coverage in science, technology, medicine, toxicology and pharmaceuticals.
    Delivery Methods: Email via Portable Document Format, Ariel, Federal Express, international fax, fax, mail, Federal Express, and courier.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

Federal Government Document Delivery Services

    Loansome Doc®
    National Library of Medicine (NLM)
    A document ordering feature of PubMed® and NLM Gateway that enables users to obtain documents found in MEDLINE®.
    Delivery Methods: Fax, mail, pick-up, email as a Portable Document Format file or Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) file, World Wide Web.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
    U.S. Department of Commerce, Technology Administration
    NTIS is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering and related business information by or for the U.S. government and complementary materials from international sources.
    Delivery Methods: Mail, downloadable Portable Document Files, CD-ROM, express delivery or courier.
    Eligible Users: Businesses and individuals.

    National Agricultural Library Document Delivery Service
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
    Delivery Methods: Email post to Web, email attachment, Ariel, Fax, and express mail.
    Eligible Users: U.S. Department of Agriculture employees, libraries, institutions, and
    eligible food and nutrition patrons.

    Don't see an article cited in IBIDS? Please note that IBIDS is updated quarterly. As a result, there may be a slight lag between the time an article is published and its appearance in the IBIDS database. You can check our Updates page for the date of the most recent additions. If it is an older citation that you believe we may have missed, kindly send the information to us using the form below. Please note that while we will review all citations that are submitted, we cannot guarantee their inclusion in the IBIDS database.  
Your Name:
Email Address:
Title of Citation:
Journal Name:
Volume & Page Number:
Publishing Year: