Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Search Index Contents

Not Yet Implemented

This Index facility will provide both a `browsable' index, much like the traditional index included in books, as well as a searchable index. Both types of indices will be based on the same underlying information derived from
Attributes will be assigned to sectional units and equations characterizing them. The attributes will be derived from a controlled vocabulary including features such as defines Airy function or addition theorem. Provision for multi-level attributes will also be made.
A table of notations will be integrated into the index.
A glossary defining terms will likely also be integrated into the index.
From these data, a multilevel permuted index will be constructed which can be browsed or searched. In either case, once an appropriate term is found, links will take the user to relevant sections, equations and definitions.

A hint at the kinds of attributes we have in mind can be seen on some of the `About' pages (extra information about sections and formulas) in the sample chapter.

We also will incorporate Notations within this index, or possibly as separate Table of Notations reached through this page.

Last Modified Thu, Oct 14, 2004