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Fire Growth and Smoke Transport Modeling with CFAST/FAST

There is a discussion forum hosted by Seneca College in Ontario, Canada. There are user groups for both CFAST and FDS. This is not hosted by NIST, but we do contribute to the discussions. You can find out problems that other users are having the the solutions that have been found. There is a posting for a wish list of new features for FDS, CFAST, FAST and Smokeview.

Please download the new version of ToSmokeView. It has better file handling (diagnostics for files which are missing).

There are three version of CFAST/FAST available:

The most recent version of the model is 5.1 and includes capabilities such as corridor flow and horizontal heat transfer. This version supports Smokeview and the Advanced Fire Service Interface formats. 

The last version with a complete graphical user interface is  version 3.1.7. The source files are in v317.zip. The source in the zip file includes the graphics calls for on screen plotting. Most developers will want to remove these calls (displayc and below) and compile and run the basic model. For anyone who wants to implement the full model complete with run time graphics, please download the Device.lib distribution. The download page also has a link to the replacement for the Windows 2000 and XP command dialog boxes.

If you need compatibility with Hazard I, version 2.0.1 is appropriate. The source files in in v201.zip.

If you request the CD, the version is 3.1.6 and requires a patch. This patch updates the CD ROM distribution, dated 11/1/1999, and applies three fixes to the software. Download the update file into the directory where CFAST/FAST is installed, and run the setup program (entitled updto317.exe) and it will update version 3.1.6 to 3.1.7. 

Reference documents for FAST/CFAST (these require the Adobe Acrobat reader).

Frequently Asked Questions has notes which explain specific algorithms. If you need information or help with features not covered here or in the Technical Reference or User's Guide, please send the request to cfast@nist.gov.

We have an overview of the CFAST fire model, and an explanation of the naming convention and version history for the fire models and related products (An Acrobat version of this file is available) . This document describes the differences between FAST, FASTLite and CFAST.

Hazard I provides an overview of this implementation of fire modeling. How to get the software.

A database of fire modeling software available from Combustion Science and Engineering.

Examples of the use of the model with sample input files and graphic outputs.

CFAST input file format, shows a brief list of the data needed for a simulation.

Fire on the Web, is a database of test data, from small-scale to real-scale.

Publications available electronically from the Building and Fire Research Laboratory.

Additional fire modeling software developed by the Building and Fire Research Laboratory.

FIREDOC, a web searchable database of publications in the Fire Research Information Service.

For new applications of our fire modeling software, please check out the advanced fire alarm panel project.


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Date created: 3/12/2001
Last updated: 5/4/2004