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Searching the Database

The basic search functionality queries the ATP Status Report database for any relevant matches. The advanced search offers the user a greater variety of search criteria.

Drop down menus and a full text search option are provided for the user. The menus and full text search can be used individually, or simultaneously. The use of both functionalities simultaneously will result in a more refined list of query results.

In order to receive a list of ALL status reports available in the database, simply click the "Query Database" button at the bottom of the Advanced or Basic Search page while leaving all menus set at "No Selection".

Search by Text

The search by text input box is a full text search of all status reports in the database. The user can type in a keyword, and the engine will search the text of every status report available in the database and produce a list of relevant matches.

ANY and ALL Words
The "any words" and "all words" options are also available. This feature is helpful if the user enters multiple words (i.e Status Reports). If the "any words" option is selected, all reports containing either "status" or "reports" will be displayed in the list of results. If the "all words" option is selected, only reports containing both words will be displayed.

Using Quotation Marks
Quotation marks can be used in order to query for words in the exact sequence that they appear in the document. For instance, if the user is looking for all reports containing a name (i.e Advanced Technology Program). By enclosing the words in quotation marks, only reports that contain the words "Advanced Technology Program", in that order will be displayed.

Category Definitions

State: ATP awardees are restricted to companies located in the 50 states, including U.S. territories and protectorates.

Performance Rating: The project performance rating system was constructed primarily from a set of common project outputs: 1) knowledge creation and dissemination; 2) commercialization progress; and 3) overall project performance. These variables are also used as performance metrics in partial fulfillment of the reporting requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

The ratings for overall performance are converted to a 0 to 4 star rating and offer insight into the potential for commercial success. Four-stars is the highest performance score, and Zero-stars is the lowest.

Technology: ATP assembles proposals under the following taxonomy.

  • Advanced Materials/Chemicals.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Electronics/Computer Hardware/Communications.
  • Information Technology.
  • Manufacturing (Discrete).
  • Other Technology.

Competition Year: This refers to the fiscal year in which the proposal was submitted to ATP and is incorporated in the project proposal number.

Project Number: The proposal tracking number includes the fiscal year in which the proposal was submitted. There may, at times, be a discrepancy between this date and the year in which the project began due to funding cycle incongruities. The project number also includes a technology taxonomy code.

Competition Name : Competition name represents multi-year efforts aimed at specific, well-defined technology and business goals. These programs, which involve the parallel development of a suite of interlocking R&D projects, tackle major technology problems with high payoff potential which cannot be solved by an occasional project coming through the general competition. By managing groups of projects that complement and reinforce each other, ATP can have the greatest possible impact on the economy. For additional information refer to the following website:

Project Manager: ATP project managers are the primary contacts for all award related issues and are responsible for a variety of administrative functions during the funded project's tenure. Some responsibilities include: 1) conducting project kick-offs and close-outs; 2) monitoring progress towards both technical and business milestones through quarterly and annual reports, and site visits. (more informal means, e.g., phone conversations, are also employed); 3) conduct annual project renewals; 4) provide approval for changes in the technical scope of the project; and 5) serve as a contact for additional NIST resources.

Each project has one project manager who may either have a technical or a business background.

Project Total: The total dollar amount of the project including the amount of funds requested from ATP and the direct and indirect amount of funds supplied by the awardee.

Single Applicant: A single small, medium, or large for-profit company. (Note: A legal entity such as an LLC is considered a single company.) The single company must be substantially involved in the R&D, with a leadership role in programmatically steering the project, and facilitate definition of the research agenda. A single company can receive up to $2 million for R&D activities for up to 3 years. For additional information refer to the following website:

Joint Venture Applicant: At least two separately owned for-profit companies, both of which are substantially involved in the R&D and both contributing towards the cost sharing requirement. Most ATP joint ventures consist of companies who formally agree to collaborate on the R&D and establish an effective plan to commercialize the technology if successful. In addition to two separately owned for-profit companies, the joint venture may include additional for-profit companies and other organizations which may or may not contribute funds (other than Federal funds) to the project and may perform research. A joint venture can receive funds for R&D activities for up to 5 years with no funding limitation other than the announced availability of funds. Joint ventures must cost share more than 50 percent of the yearly total project costs (direct plus indirect costs). For additional information refer to the following website:

Organization Size/ Type: Small company, a company with less than 500 employees. Medium company, a company with more than 500 employees but not a member of the Fortune 500. Large company, a company with more than 500 employees and a member of the Fortune 500.

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