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Success Stories: Rural Development to the Rescue!

Outline of Need:

In August 2003, Judith and Ernest Hutton applied for assistance from USDA Rural Development for some much needed repairs to their home in Wheelwright, Kentucky (learn more about this program). The siding on the north side of their house had decayed, which allowed inclement weather to rot the framing and destroy the insulation. The Huttons also needed a new door, gutters, downspouts and other minor repairs. Mrs. Hutton stated she could feel air coming in around the wall.

How Rural Development Helped:

Mr. and Mrs. Hutton were not strangers to our agency. They had received USDA Rural Development's assistance in the past and did not hesitate to call on us when their home was once more in need of repair. Rural Development is glad to have people like the Huttons who have had such success with our programs and continue to use those programs when needed.

Unfortunately, before the loan could be funded, tragedy struck. On August 21, 2003, Mr. Hutton unexpectedly passed away.

Even though Mrs. Hutton was grieving, she knew the repairs had to be done. The USDA Rural Development staff in the Prestonsburg local office continued working with her Hutton to ensure that her home would be repaired.

The Results:

Mrs. Hutton on the porch of her newly repaired homeThe repairs have now been completed. "My home looks so good," says Mrs. Hutton. Now she doesn't have to worry about the winter air creeping in through the wall. Mrs. Hutton is quick to tell neighbors and friends that USDA Rural Development is the place to call if they need help with repairs to their homes.

(September 2004)

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Rural Development is within the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administers rural business, cooperative, housing, utilities and community development programs.

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