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Keyword Search Tips

Maximize your Job Search
Follow these helpful tips to create a powerful search and find the exact jobs you are looking for.

Boolean Operators Examples Result



banking AND services

banking & services

banking development

Using these operators will return only the results with both the words banking AND services in either the title or the description.

Note: If you don't separate your search words, AND is implied by default.




banking OR services

banking | services

banking, services

Using any of these operators will return results that contain either banking OR services in the title or the description.


banking AND NOT services

Using AND NOT will return those results that contain the word bankingbut will exclude those that contain the word services.

(  )

Utilize parentheses to separate keyword subsets

(banking OR services) AND NOT teller Using the parentheses to separate keyword subsets will result in a more refined search. You can use any of the Boolean Operators to separate your search criteria.

" "

Utilize quotation marks to identify phrases

"banking services" Use phrases in Search when you want specific words or numbers to appear together in your results. If you want to find an exact phrase, use "quotation marks" around the phrase when you enter words in the search box.

Utilize an asterisk as a wildcard character

bank* Using * after a root word will bring back any results that contain a variation of that root word in the title or description. In this example, the search would return any results that contain the words bank, banking, banker, etc.

Note: Do not use other operators or punctuation marks in your query. Periods (.) are ignored, while semi-colons (;) and colons (:) could block your search from being executed at all.

If you enter A B C D as a query, we will search for A AND B AND C AND D as opposed to the phrase "A B C D" (words next to each other). You can still search for phrases by surrounding the terms in double-quotes, for example, "chief technology officer" or "technical writer."

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