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GCMD Portals

AGROS > Agriculture Research Data Directory
CLIVAR > Climate Variability and Predictability International Research
GCOS > Global Climate Observing System

GOFC > Global Observation of Forest Cover

AMD > Antarctic Master Directory
AMD-AR > Argentina Antarctic Center
AMD-BE > Belgian Antarctic Program
AMD-CA > Canadian Polar Commission/Canadian Committee for Antarctic Research
AMD-CH > Swiss Committee on Polar Research
AMD-EE > Estonian Antarctic Data Center
AMD-FI > Finnish Antarctic Programme
AMD-JP > Japan's National Institute for Polar Research
AMD-US > US Data Centers/US Antarctic Data Coordination Center
human dimensions

Human Dimensions
SEDAC > Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

WWF > World Water Forum
land surface

Land Surface
GISD > Geographic Information for Sustainable Development
GTOS > Global Terrestrial Observing System

Portal for Model Output Data

OPeNDAP > Open-source Project Network Data Access Protocol
GLOBEC > Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamic Program
GOOS > Global Ocean Observing System
RSMAS > Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

Research Programs and Organizations
CEOS > Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
ESIP > Earth Science Information Partners
GOSIC > Global Observing System Information Center
IAI-DIS > Inter-America Institute for Global Change Research - Data and Information System
JAXA > Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
NASA > Geospatial Framework Portal
NASA > GSFC GES Distributed Active Archive Center Portal
NASA ESE DAACS > NASA Earth Science Enterprise Distributed Active Archive Centers Portal
NASA GIS > NASA Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Server Portal
NCAR > National Center for Atmospheric Research
NOAA > National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Remote Sensing for Conservation Portal
UN > United Nations Earth Science Data
WDC > World Data Centers
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Responsible NASA Official: Lola Olsen    Curator/Content Owner: Gene Major    GCMD User Support    Privacy, Security, Notices