The International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) is a graduate research internship and foreign practicum sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the American Nuclear Society.  The program is administered by Argonne National Laboratory. The ISEP Program trains graduate students in the scientific and technical areas of mutual interest to the U.S. and host country by working in research laboratories in the host countries.  The program supports this exchange for graduate student research in areas that are nuclear engineering related or which support underpinning scientific research related to support such activities.  Practicum sites are available in France, Germany, and Japan. This year the program may be expanded to include additional countries. Student stipends are very competitive.  Travel awards for U.S. participants will be made to foreign internship sites.
Eligibility: U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien enrolled in a graduate program; resume, transcripts, and two letters of recommendations; oral and written skills; available for a 2-3 month commitment to the foreign research practicum phase. 
Schedule: Notification of Acceptance  Continuing
  Practicum Commences  Upon Acceptance


French Projects

German Projects

Japanese Projects


To obtain an application, please click on the application link above. For additional information, please e-mail Indicate country and project on your application and include two references and a copy of your transcript.

International Student Exchange Program
Division of Educational Programs
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4845

Sponsored by the United States Department of Energy
Argonne National Laboratory and the Department of Energy are Equal Opportunity Employers

Committed to Affirmative Action
The Division of Educational Programs: