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Photo by Diane Knudson
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is an interesting place to visit...because what we do is such great work! Conservation of fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats is very meaningful to us...and, we hope, to you too! We've provided a number of links to help you understand the work and organization of the Fish and Wildlife Service -- our history, our mission, our locations, and our people. We invite you to explore the Fish and Wildlife Service. And, when you do, we hope you will consider joining us as an employee or a volunteerl.

We work for you...by encouraging you to become part of America's conservation work!
horizontal rule
Office Directory

- Regional Director

- Deputy Regional Director


strategic plan, Government

Performance and Results Act



guidance for implementing

management direction...


how you can participate...

information about Region 2...

Who We Are

a short overview of what we do...

as included in the

Department of the Interior

budget information...


significant events throughout

the year...

Careers & Jobs

how to find a job and start a

career in the Service...


the heritage of fish and wildlife



legislation that guides what

we do...


a virtual newsroom, including

news releases back to 1914...
Questions? Please see our answers to the Frequently Asked Questions, and try the Index/Site Map and the Search Engine, before you contact us.