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NOAA Fisheries Enforcement logo National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Office for Law Enforcement

NMFS Alaska Enforcement

NOAA Fisheries Enforcement badges

Alaska Enforcement patrol vessel in Petersburg

Welcome to the Alaska Enforcement Division's website.  The NOAA/NMFS Office for Law Enforcement is dedicated to the conservation and protection of our nation's natural resources.  In Alaska, we have a diverse and large area to cover.  The industries we regulate are the largest in the United States and the species we protect are numerous.  I hope this website will provide you with enough detail to understand better who we are and what our mission is all about.  If you have suggestions for our website, or questions about our agency, please feel free to contact me or any of our Enforcement offices.
Jeff Passer
Special Agent in Charge
Latest News
bullet  Charter operator cited for harassing Stellar sea lions near Seward, Alaska
bullet  NOAA Fisheries wins halibut pre-sorting case
bullet  Two commercial fishermen indicted for falsely reporting fisheries catch information
more news

Addresses &
Phone Numbers


Job Opportunities




Office Info & Photos

Report a Violation


Frequently Asked Questions About VMS    Updated 6/4/04 

VMS Guidelines for IPHC Area 4 Halibut Clearance Exemption


Alaska Enforcement Organization Chart

Penalty Schedules

Suggestions or questions about this web site may be sent to AED.Webmaster@noaa.gov.

Last updated 08/05/04                              URL:  http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ole/Alaska/index.html