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Welcome from the Science Director

Welcome from the Science Director

Dr. Usha Varanasi Dr. Usha Varanasi

In the Pacific Northwest, marine resources like salmon and killer whales are an important part of our region. At the Northwest Fisheries Science Center we try to answer some of the most critical questions about the Pacific Northwest's marine resources, like "how many yelloweyed rockfish are there?" and "what habitats do they live in and need to survive?" Through its research, the Center informs managers, helping them make important decisions about how best to conserve, protect and recover these valuable resources so that they can be wisely used by this and future generations.

The Center is an exciting place to work: there are many challenging questions that need to be answered. Please read the short overview About the Center to find out more about the Center and its studies. I hope it piques your interest.

Dr. Usha Varanasi
Science and Research Director
Northwest Fisheries Science Center

last modified 06/07/2004

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