
FOIA Request
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NASA Management Office
Jet Propulsion Laboratories
NMO FOIA Officer: Dennis Mahon

Freedom of Information Act
Passed in 1966, the Freedom of Information Act provides the public and industry a means of acquiring information about Federal Government activities.

Guide for FOIA Requestors
The Guide provides instructions on obtaining information through the Freedom of Information Act and several links to information and/or documents that are useful to the requestor. Click here to submit a FOIA request
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
The DOJ Guide to the Freedom of Information Act; Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974, Your Right to Federal Records, FOIA Updates, FOIA Annual Reports.

Electronic Reading Room Index
The Electronic Reading Room contains a list of categories of documents or information specifically identified for inclusion by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), (i.e. the Current Annual Report) as well as documents or links to information for which we have received multiple FOIA requests (i.e. Columbia FOIA Released Documents). The number of items in the Reading room undoubtedly will grow.
NASA History Office
The Headquarters History Department is a very useful resource for major events in the History of NASA.

NASA FOIA Contacts
List of NASA FOIA contacts including Center, name, address, telephone number, fax number and appropriate procurement contract number.

NASA's Office of Procurement
The Office of Procurement provides general information, active contract listing, etc.
NASA's Federal Register Notice
NASA's Regulations concerning FOIA (Availability of Agency Records to Members of the Public).