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NASA CERCLA Program Web Site at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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CERCLA Overview


Welcome to the NASA CERCLA Program Web site at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). This page provides community members wider, more convenient access to information associated with environmental cleanup activities at the JPL.

Picture of JPL with the San Gabriel Mountains in the background. 

Features of this Web site include: the ability to search the Administrative Record and retrieve documents in a portable document format (pdf),  an up-to-date contacts list, a schedule, and the ability to submit questions via the discussion room.


New Visitors

New visitors are encouraged to read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before using the remainder of this site.

Documents and reports available in this Web page are in Adobe portable document format (PDF).  The free Adobe software can be downloaded by selecting the link below.

Action Memorandum and Summary

NASA's decision to fund a treatment system to remove perchlorate from groundwater affecting two Lincoln Avenue Water Company drinking water wells near the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has been detailed in a document called an "Action Memorandum," which is available for public comment. A summary of the Action Memorandum is also available in English and Spanish.

To access the full Action Memorandum document, click here.


To access the Summary of the Action Memorandum in English, click here.

Groundwater Treatment Plant Begins Operating

Lincoln Avenue Water Company recently inaugurated a NASA-funded Ion Exchange System (see Action Memorandum and Summary) to remove perchlorate from groundwater. The new treatment plant began operating on July 28, 2004 and will treat 2,000 gallons per minute. Click here for a summary of the event that marked the opening of the system.

August Newsletter Now Available - one more way to learn more about NASA's clean up progress!

Click here for all the latest news concerning NASA's efforts to remove chemicals in groundwater beneath and around JPL.  Our bilingual August newsletter, Boletín Bilingüe, is another way that NASA is taking steps to communicate with the public as thoroughly as possible with regard to its groundwater cleanup project.  We hope you find it interesting and helpful.

Recent News from the Groundwater Cleanup Program


Project Update, May 2004


Community Meeting on Health Summary, April 2004


January 2004 Newsletter with Spanish Insert, January 2004


A book authored, and referred to, by Dr. Thomas Mack at the April 21, 2004 "Community Meeting on Health" is now available in the reference section of the Pasadena Public Library. The book is titled "Cancers in the Urban Environment." The book number is R 615.5999 MAC.

Sección en Español