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Keck Interferometer team to make stars 'disappear'

Keck Interferometer team to make stars 'disappear'
A new instrument has been installed as part of the Keck Interferometer that can make stars disappear almost completely from a telescope's view and reveal the close-in regions where planets may have formed. This fall, astronomers will continue integration and test of the instrument, called the "Nuller," which will contribute to NASA's search for planets around other stars.

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Race to the impossible: SIM's technology breakthroughs (September 30, 2004) - To determine the feasibility of the proposed SIM Planet Finder mission, NASA set forth eight milestones, or technology gates, to be completed in the laboratory before the mission could move forward. Although many outside of NASA considered the goals impossible, all but one have now been achieved, paving the way for a 2009 launch of the most powerful space telescope ever devised.

Scientists discover first of a new class of extrasolar planets (August 31, 2004) - Astronomers announced today the first discovery of a new class of planets beyond our solar system about 10 to 20 times the size of Earth - far smaller than any previously detected. The planets make up a new class of Neptune-sized extrasolar planets.

Small telescope finds giant planet (August 24, 2004) - Astronomers on Tuesday announced the discovery of the 124th planet outside our Solar System -- and the first to be discovered using a small, 4-inch-diameter telescope. (External press release)

NASA to consider giant planet census (August 19, 2004) - A complete census of giant extrasolar planets for all types of stars in our galaxy is among nine projects selected by NASA for further study as possible future mission concepts with its Astronomical Search for Origins Program. Each of the selected studies will have eight months to further develop and refine concepts for missions. (External press release)

Planet survey: Knocking on heaven's door (August 2, 2004) - The Milky Way is a big, diverse neighborhood. And if you're hoping to find Earthlike planets that may harbor life, you'll need to figure out a way to narrow the search. That's where the SIM planet finder, scheduled for launch in 2009, comes in.

Astronomers discover orbiting brown dwarf pair (July 19, 2004) - Astronomers have announced the discovery of a unique pair of newborn brown dwarfs in orbit around each other. Brown dwarfs are planet-like objects that are too small to ignite hydrogen fusion and shine as stars, yet too big to be considered planets. (External press release)

An 'alien Earth' in Saturn's backyard (June 25, 2004) - When the Cassini mission's Huygens probe plunges through the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, it will provide a glimpse behind the veil of what many astronomers consider the most Earthlike body in our solar system. It may also provide vital clues in NASA's search for habitable planets around other stars.

Scientists directly measure brown dwarf mass (June 15, 2004) - An international team of astronomers has measured for the first time the mass of an ultra-cool star and its companion brown dwarf. The two stars form a binary system and orbit each other in about 10 years. Brown dwarfs represent a class of intermediate objects between giant planets, like Jupiter, and "normal" stars less massive than our Sun. (External press release)

Venus Transit demonstrates planet-finding method (June 8, 2004) - On Tuesday, the planet Venus crossed the Sun's disc for about seven hours, an event not seen since 1882. The transit demonstrated a key technique being used to detect planets orbiting stars outside our solar system. (External press release)

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Extrasolar planets, NASA exterrestrial extrasolar planets around nearby stars. SIM Space Interferometory Mission. Keck Interferometer. Terrestrial Planet Finder. Extrasolar planets, or exoplanets. Extraterrestrial. Exo-planets life space, outer space.

Extrasolar planets. Exo-planets. Searching for extrasolar planets. Searching for exo-planets. Earth-like planets in the Milky Way. Exoplanets and extra-solar planets, or exoplanets and extra-solar planets. Planets around others stars are called extrasolar planets. What is an extrasolar planet? Astronomy, or astronomy and finding planets. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Website California Institute of Technology Website JPL Website Home Page JPL Website - Earth JPL Website - Solar System JPL Website - Stars and Galaxies JPL Website - Technology Keck Interferometer Mission Space Interferometry Mission Terrestrial Planet Finder Mission Michelson Science Center Kepler Mission LBTI Mission