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Special Edition | May 29, 2004

X-Press Special Edition

11 Seconds into the Unknown, Entering the Hypersonic Frontier.

11 Seconds into the Unknown, Flight of the X43A.
Cover design by Jay Levine

When the X-43A successfully completed its mission March 27 it marked the beginning of a new era in hypersonics research.

Counterclockwise from bottom left, the cover of this special edition features the aircraft on the ground under the wing of its host NB-52B with crew members (clockwise from bottom) Mark Davis and Dale Edminister of NASA and Boeing's Duoc Tran. The next frame shows the "stack's" air launch from the NB-52B mothership. The booster portion of the stack ignites, center, and finally, a combination of explosive bolts and pistons on the rocket booster sends the X-43A on its way to a successful flight (top three panels).

This special edition is a tribute to the X-43A, to the pioneers of hypersonic research and to the men and women who make it all happen.

Inside This Edition

Forging New Frontiers

X-43A 101

Exploring the Hypersonic Realm

From the Beginning

Preparing for Success

Practice Makes Perfect

Readying for Flight 3

A Song for Unsung Heroes



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Last Modified: June 4, 2004
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