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Latest Rover Images
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit collected data on morphology, composition, and mineralogy
Layered Outcrops in Gusev Crater
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit acquired the images that went into this color composite with its panoramic camera
Layered Outcrops in Gusev Crater
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit took this false-color image
Layered outcrops in Gusev Crater (False Color)
panoramic camera image
Hole in 'Ebenezer'
Data on graph
Composition of 'Ebenezer' and 'Clovis'
Image taken by the rover's navigation camera
Spirit's View of 'Columbia Hills'
Panoramic Camera Image
'Tetl' Rock
Stunning image mosaic
'Cahokia' Panorama
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Latest Rover News
10/7/04 - Mars Rovers Probing Water History at Two Sites
NASA's Spirit and Opportunity have been exploring Mars about three times as long as originally scheduled. The more they look, the more evidence of past liquid water on Mars these robots discover. Team members reported the new findings at a news briefing today.
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Latest Daily Update
Short summaries on rover activities.
10/13/04 - Opportunity
Working towards 'Wopmay'

Opportunity is making its way toward an odd-looking rock called "Wopmay" and has passed the one-mile mark.
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Latest Flight Director Update
Near-daily video updates on rover status, given by rover flight directors.
10/12/04 - Slipping and Sliding
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  Susan Watanabe
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