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Archived Webcasts:
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October, 2004
(Go to this year's past events)

Oct. 14
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Unprecedented Look at Mars

Oct. 15
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Unprecedented Look at Mars

November 2004

Nov. 18
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic:  To See or Not to See... Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders in Space and on Earth

Nov. 19
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: To See or Not to See... Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders in Space and on Earth

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December, 2004

Dec. 9
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Peering into the Universe: Discoveries with the Keck Interferometer

Dec. 10
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Peering into the Universe: Discoveries with the Keck Interferometer

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January, 2004

Jan. 2
  Stardust encounters Comet Wild 2

Jan. 4
  Spirit arrives at Mars

Jan. 16
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: The Northridge Earthquake -- Ten Years After

Jan. 24
  Opportunity arrives at Mars

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February, 2004

Feb. 19
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Artificial Life: Life NOT As We Know It

Feb. 20
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Artificial Life: Life NOT As We Know It

Feb. 27
  Launch of the Rosetta Orbiter carrying JPL's Microwave Instrument has been delayed

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March, 2004

Mar. 18
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Return to Sender: The Stardust Sample Return Mission

Mar. 19
     Topic: Venus Transit and the Search for New Worlds

Mar. 19
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Return to Sender: The Stardust Sample Return Mission

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April, 2004

Apr. 15
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Control in Space
Apr. 16
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Control in Space

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May 2004

May 15 - 16
  JPL Open House

May 20
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Step by Step, Robotically at the Red Planet

May 21
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Step by Step, Robotically at the Red Planet

May 25
     Congressional Town Hall

May 27
     Spitzer Space Science Update

May 27
     JPL's 7th Briefing for Industry, Pasadena, CA

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June, 2004

June 2
     Mars Rover Briefing

Jun. 10
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Finding Planets and Searching for Life: Worthy Goals for 21st Century Science

Jun. 11
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Finding Planets and Searching for Life: Worthy Goals for 21st Century Science

June 30 (July 1, Universal Time)
  Cassini arrives at Saturn

July, 2004

July 15
  Launch of Aura spacecraft carrying two JPL instruments: Microwave Limb Sounder and Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer

Jul. 15
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: The Rings of Saturn

Jul. 16
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: The Rings of Saturn

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August, 2004

Aug. 18
  Mars rover briefing

Aug. 19
  Genesis pre-sample return briefing

Aug. 19
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: The Global Carbon Cycle

Aug. 20
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: The Global Carbon Cycle

Aug. 31
  NASA Science Update: Extra-Solar Planets

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September, 2004

Sept. 7
  Genesis mission briefing

Sept. 8
  Genesis spacecraft returns solar wind samples to Earth

Sept. 16
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Catching a Piece of the Sun: The Genesis Sample Return Mission

Sept. 17
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Catching a Piece of the Sun: The Genesis Sample Return Mission

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