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JPL Profiles:

Coming Down From the Clouds
Dr. Michelle Santee studies clouds - in particular, polar stratospheric clouds, which have an important role in the development of the "ozone hole" over Antarctica.
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Aryen Moore-Alston Aryen Moore-Alston, Spelman College Senior
In this video profile, Aryen describes her summer spent working at JPL.
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Chris Martin Notes from the Galaxies
Chris Martin is a physicist. It might have been otherwise. As a life passion, music has always been a close second. Now, as principal investigator for the Galaxy Evolution Explorer project which studies the universe in ultraviolet light, Martin is a scientist and manager by day, classical pianist by night.
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Mark Helmlinger From the Field
Take a group of strangers, put them in a harsh environment, and give them a challenging mission to accomplish -- scientists who do field research have much more experience with this than reality television producers ever will.
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Jennifer Long Jennifer Long, Science Planning Engineer
In this video profile, Jennifer Long discusses her role in the Cassini spacecraft's mission to Saturn.
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Dr. Jorge Vazquez Dr. Jorge Vazquez, Oceanographer
When a friend asked Jorge Vazquez to speak eight years ago to a group of high school students about his job and Earth science, the JPL oceanographer reluctantly said yes.
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Dr. Edward Tunstel Dr. Edward Tunstel, Robotics Engineer
Senior robotics engineer Dr. Edward Tunstel describes how rovers are developed and tested on Earth and how the current Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, are put to work on the red planet.
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Dr. Shyam Bhaskaran Dr. Shyam Bhaskaran, Mission Navigator
Before the Stardust spacecraft's successful encounter with comet Wild 2 on January 2, JPL mission navigator Dr. Shyam Bhaskaran gave a preview of the navigation know-how required for such a mission.
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Dr. Mark Adler Dr. Mark Adler, Spirit Mission Manager
Excitement and anticipation are increasing at JPL with the approach of the Mars Exploration Rover landings in January 2004. Dr. Mark Adler, Spirit mission manager, tells what is in store for the twin rovers once they reach the red planet.
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Dr. Jean Dickey Dr. Jean Dickey, Physicist
The television program "As the World Turns" is an apt description for JPL physicist Dr. Jean Dickey's line of work: observing Earth's rotation and the factors that affect it.
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