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Space Station Science Ops News: Breaking news and background information on Space Station experiments and payload operations

Gravity Probe B News: the Gravity Probe B experiment will test unverified portions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity

Chandra X-ray Telescope News: The most current discoveries from the world's most powerful X-ray telescope

National Space Science and Technology Center News: A partnership between NASA, universities, industry and other federal agencies to further future research endeavors

Diversity News: Information on how Marshall is advancing the opportunities for many diversified groups

NASA Hurricane Photos: A current gallery of NASA hurricane photos and animations; a continuing feature from NASA's CAMEX-4 hurricane study

Starship 2040 News: NASA’s vision for the future of commercial spaceflight

Marshall Traveling Exhibits News: Information on the Marshall Center's traveling exhibits and how to request a visit to your area

DART News: Developed by Orbital Sciences, Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology (DART) will flight demonstrate in-orbit autonomous rendezvous and close proximity operations.

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KingNASA'S New Mission
Moon, Mars to be first stops on our journey through Solar System

by David A. King, Director NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

The new Vision for Space Exploration calls for NASA to return humans to the Moon, where they will lay the groundwork for exploration missions to Mars and beyond. Robotic missions will come first, but later human crews will explore our Solar System. Imagine traveling through space and setting foot on other worlds, then living and working there. That gets the heart pounding, doesn't it?

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Hurricane Jeanne, seen from Space Station on Sept. 25, 2004
Hurricane Jeanne

Marshall Headlines

Motions in nearby galaxy cluster reveal presence of hidden superstructure

Gravity Probe B mission begins collecting science to test Einstein's theory

This is a great and challenging endeavor we are engaged in, one that exemplifies our nation's pioneering spirit, and NASA wants every American to share in the excitement and the benefits every step of the way.

We in NASA are already hard at work to enable safe, affordable human missions beyond Earth orbit. First, we will safely return the Space Shuttle to flight, getting back to the business of flying people to and from space. We will use the Shuttle to complete the International Space Station, where we will study the effects of long-term space exposure on the human body, preparing our travelers for the journeys to come.

Then we will return to the Moon - not as a final destination, but as a stepping stone to other worlds. On its surface, we will learn to live and work in otherworldly environments. We will make use of lunar resources and develop the capabilities we need to conduct sustained robotic and human missions anywhere in the Solar System.

From the Moon, we will set our sights on Mars, our nearest planetary neighbor - and the one most like our own. Did the Red Planet once support life? Will it again? This question has captured the human imagination for centuries. We intend to answer the first question as visitors, and the second as inhabitants.

But Mars is just one possible objective. Other destinations could include the icy moons of Jupiter, which might conceal oceans capable of sustaining life, and even asteroids that could reveal new secrets about the origins and makeup of the universe. We also will identify sites for large, deep-space observatories - descendants of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory - that will open new windows into the cosmos, revealing to humanity the secrets of the stars.

These are challenging objectives, ones only a great nation can take on and accomplish. We Americans are bold in spirit but also practical; we want to know what is the value of this mission of exploration and discovery, and how will we pay for it. First, the value.

To begin, we need only look at the many thousands of jobs nationwide that result from space activities. Add to that millions of dollars in NASA research grants to colleges and universities, and contracts to industry. Money the nation invests in NASA is spent on Earth, not in space. And that investment produces real, tangible rewards. Since the 1950s, NASA has been a leader in our nation's technological progress. Medical procedures, wireless telephones, satellite television, household smoke detectors, dental braces, cordless power tools - these are just a few of the advances made possible by the U.S. space program. And as NASA advances the current state of technology to enable our new exploration initiative, many new innovations will emerge, and will be applied in business and industry to improve our economy and our quality of life.

Perhaps most importantly, the Vision for Space Exploration will inspire our nation's youth as only NASA can, motivating whole generations to study math, science and engineering and to pursue careers in aerospace and other technical fields. Our nation's future prosperity and security depends on maintaining a technically competent national workforce. Our youth are our inheritors, the beneficiaries of our investment in the future, and we owe them a future rich in purpose and possibility.

So how much will this ambitious program cost the average taxpayer? Today, NASA receives less than one penny of every American tax dollar. The budget associated with the Exploration mission does not change that. Most of the necessary funding will come from the reorientation of NASA's existing budget, focusing our resources on this mission of exploration and all its associated requirements. This is no small challenge, but we are meeting it head-on, resolved to make every American proud of their investment in our future in space.

I am tremendously excited to be part of this effort, especially in light of the benefits that will result from it: knowledge of the universe, and our place in it; technological advances that will make life on Earth better and safer for everyone; and the fulfillment of our destiny as a nation of explorers seeking new frontiers.

For half a century, our accomplishments in space have been a source of great pride for America. But for all our achievements, the space age is still very much in its infancy. Now we will resume our journey beyond Earth, and in the years to come will take greater strides than ever before. Now we embark on a journey of discovery to distant worlds -- one that promises to increase our knowledge, ignite our imaginations and make our spirits soar.

For more information, contact:
June Malone (256) 544-0034

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