Drug & Alcohol Regulations:

About the Drug and Alcohol Regulation
Anti-Drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Self-Assessment Program
OPS Forms

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Drug and Alcohol Regulation

The drug and alcohol testing regulations require operators of gas, hazardous liquid and carbon dioxide pipelines, other than operators of master metter systems and liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities to have anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention programs applicable to persons who perform operating, maintenance, or emergency-response functions covered by the DOT pipeline safety regulations in 49 CFR Parts 192, 193 or 195, and to conduct drug and alcohol testing in accordance with the regulations. Drug testing under Part 199, Subpart A is to be conducted prior to employment, after an accident, randomly, upon reasonable cause, and upon the return to duty of an employee who fails or refuses a drug test conducted under Part 199. Alcohol testing under Part 199, Subpart B is to be conducted upon reasonable suspicion, upon the return to duty of an employee who fails or refuses an alcohol test conducted under Part 199.


Anti-Drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Self-Assessment Program

Policy (Revised 04/20/98)

The appropriate region will conduct a headquarters inspection on an interstate operator's Anti-Drug and/or Alcohol Misuse Prevention Plan (this includes operators that have corrected violations found in hdqtrs. inspections conducted prior to the effective date of the policy). This will be done to assure OPS that the operator is in compliance. Once determined the operator is in compliance with the regulations the operator is eligible to participate in the self-assessment program. The operator will receive a letter from the OPS headquarters office stating the procedures for them to enter into OPS' voluntary self-assessment program. The letter (example attached) will inform the operator that they have 180 days from the date of the letter to fill out and submit the attached self-assessment form, failure to do so will result in a routine on-site inspections. Once the OPS headquarter office has received the form, they will review it for compliance. OPS may need to call the operator to verify, check and ask questions about the information submitted (the first year OPS may randomly call operators to get feedback about the program). This same process will be followed in 2 year increments. The self-assessment data will be entered into a specific section of OPS' database. An operator must submit a self-assessment form for their headquarters and each field office to the OPS headquarters office. An operator can continue in the self-assessment program for an indefinite amount of time, pending their continued compliance with the regulations.

View sample letter that operators receive when they are eligible to participate in the program.

Download the Anti-Drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Self Assessment Form (Word 97 format).


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