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Training Resources

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The Training Resources and Data Exchange (TRADE) program is a regionally based network designed to foster the exchange of fire-related training information and resources among Federal, State, and local levels of government.

TRADE was initiated in 1984 to address the difficulties that State and local fire training systems were experiencing in disseminating quality-training programs effectively. The essential components of the TRADE system are the 10 regional networks that correspond to the existing Federal regional boundaries. These networks provide a mechanism for the exchange of resources and materials within and among Regions. Regional TRADE co-chairs, one selected from the State fire training systems and the other from the metropolitan fire services in each Region, serve as the points of contact for both intraregional and interregional networking activities.

The TRADE network consists of the directors of the 50 State Fire Service Training Systems and senior executive training officers from the Nation's largest fire departments. Metropolitan fire department TRADE representatives are from the largest fire departments in each State or those fire departments which protect populations greater than 200,000 and/or have more than 400 uniformed personnel.

Subscribe To TRADENET

TRADENET is sponsored by the USFA's National Fire Academy. The objective of this listserv is to provide a method of information exchange between members of Fire Service organizations. If you have a question or comment for inclusion in the TRADENET listserv, please send it and your contact information to Your comment/question will be posted to the listserv. USFA reserves the right to edit content submitted.

Subscribe To TRADENET

The objectives of TRADE are to:

Every 2 years all participating members are invited to attend a national TRADE conference, held at NFA, which provides structured opportunities for the exchange of fire-related training and educational materials, as well as peer networking. On alternate years, there is a meeting of the 20 regional TRADE co-chairs. Each regional network meets periodically with its membership for the same purposes.

The next TRADE conference is scheduled for early November 2004. For further information, contact the TRADE Program Manager at (800) 238-3358, ext. 1483, or Email the TRADE network.

Last Updated: June 23, 2004 01:35 PM