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Chair: Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart

According to a recent Freedom House survey:

· 85 “free” countries recognize basic political rights and civil liberties—representing 41% of the global population, or 2.5 billion people.

· 59 “partly free” countries have only limited respect for political rights and civil liberties—representing 24% of the world’s population, or 1.5 billion people.

· 48 “not free” countries lack basic political rights and deny basic civil liberties—representing 35% of the people on earth—2.2 billion human beings. More than half of the world’s people live under governments that do not respect freedom.

The Subcommittee on Freedom, Civil Liberties, and Human Rights is working to advance the founding Republican principles of individual freedom, human equality, and civil rights at home and abroad. It is continuing the work of the Americas Subcommittee of the 107th Congress to combat dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere, to promote free trade among free peoples, to protect and consolidate threatened democracies, and to spread political and economic freedom around the world where democracy does not exist. It is working with all Republican Representatives to ensure that GOP legislation is fully consistent with these fundamental principles, to develop new legislation, and to recommend appropriate oversight.

For activities of Chairman Lincoln Diaz-Balart's Policy Subcommittee in the 107th Congress, see the archives.

Chairman Diaz-Balart Helps Lead House Support for Freedom in Hong Kong More... New!
Diaz-Balart Commends President Bush for Extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Hondurans and Nicaraguans More...
Diaz-Balart and Colleagues to Take Resolution Condemning Cuban Regime’s Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Movement to the Floor Today More...

Bullet - Arrow Jun 24, 03 The Committee met with world chess champion Garry Kasparov, who has written extensively on foreign policy, and with representatives of the National Endowment for Democracy and Radio Free Europe on threats to civil liberties in Russia.
Bullet - Arrow Jun 19, 03 The Committee considered the GOP Civil Rights Agenda with Deana Bass of the House Republican Conference; Pamela Mantis of the Republican National Committee; Phyllis Berry Myers of the Centre for New Black Leadership; and Michael Zak, the author of "Back to Basics for the Republican Party".
Bullet - Arrow Jun 12, 03 Meeting with Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi on freedom in Iraq.
Bullet - Arrow May 15, 03 USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios and Under Secretary of the Treasury John Taylor meet with the Committee to consider Afghanistan and Iraq reconstruction.

Equality of Opportunity for All Americans: From the Senate Republican Policy Committee
House Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights
Freedom House
House International Relations Committee
Liberation of Iraq
National Endowment for Democracy
State Department Human Rights Report
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