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Chair: Rep. Michael C. Burgess

Making quality health care more accessible and affordable for America is among Congress' top goals-and the Health Policy Subcommittee's mission. Patients' rights, prescription drug benefits, better treatments, fewer medical errors, and healthier Americans require thoughtful policy leadership--the Health Subcommittee provides it.

For activities of Chairman Ernie Fletcher's Policy Subcommittee in the 107th Congress, see the archives.

Burgess Encourages Men to Get Check-Ups for National Men’s Health Week More... New!
Burgess Named Chairman of the Health Subcommittee for the Republican Policy Committee More... New!
House Approves Prescription Drug Benefit More... New!
Dr. Fletcher Successfully Fights for Bi-Partisan Diabetes Screening Provision in Medicare Modernization Legislation; Amendment Requires Medicare Coverage for Diabetes Screening for High Risk Individuals
Dr. Fletcher's Bi-Partisan Healthcare Legislation Overwhelmingly Passes U.S. House of Representatives; Small Businesses, Farmers and Self-Employed Would Receive More Affordable, Accessible Healthcare
2002 Health Subcommittee Report More...
Health Policy Subcommittee Chairman Fletcher Calls on Senate to Act to Help Uninsured More...
Briefing Series on Medicaid Reform More...
Briefing Series on the Uninsured More...
Chairman Fletcher Joins Commerce Committee More...
President Bush Announces His Intent to Sign Chairman Fletcher's Patients' Bill of Rights. More from the White House...
Patients' Rights: Speaker Hastert Calls Dr. Fletcher's Bill "a True Patients' Bill of Rights Because It Makes Our Health Care System More Accessible, More Affordable and More Accountable by Allowing People to Get the Care They Need When They Need It." More...

Bullet - Arrow Oct 15, 03 Health Subcommittee Luncheon: Reforming Long-Term Care. Discussion panel to include Rep. Michael Burgess; Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; Rep. Nancy Johnson, Chairwoman of the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee; and Ron Jordan, President, Modern Health Systems, Inc.
Bullet - Arrow Oct 08, 03 Health Subcommittee Luncheon Briefing: Problems with Employer-provided Health Care. 12 noon-1 pm, HC-7, the Capitol

The Policy Subcommittee on Health has jurisdiction over House GOP policy as it affects public and private health facilities; healthcare tax policy; the Medicare and Medicaid programs; healthcare activities of the Department of Health and Human Services; and activities of the National Institutes of Health.

Burgess on Health
Commerce Subcommittee on Health
United States Department of Health and Human Services
Ways & Means Subcommittee on Health
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