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For Immediate Release
Thursday, April 10, 2003
Contact: Bailey Wood

Policy Chair Announces Subcommittees, Chairmen

House Policy Chairman Christopher Cox (R-Calif.) today announced the chairmen and jurisdiction of the Committee’s seven 108th Congress subcommittees.

“In the 108th Congress, the Policy Committee will continue to advance the vision of the House Majority,” Chairman Cox said. “The seven subcommittees will build on the Policy Committee’s record of forward-looking achievement, which has run the gamut from tax scoring reform, the establishment of North Korea and Russia policy, and spending control, to making education, tax relief, national security, and retirement security national GOP priorities. We have enhanced the Policy subcommittee structure to address the priorities for our nation’s future. The new subcommittees reflect the vision of the House Majority for the current and future Congresses.”

The new Policy subcommittees and chairmen will be:

· Tax Reform: Kenny Hulshof (R-MO)

· Civil Justice: Mike Pence (R-IN)

· Biotechnology, Telecommunications, and Information Technology: Jerry Weller (R-IL)

· Freedom, Civil Liberties, and Human Rights: Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

· Health: Ernie Fletcher (R-KY)

· National Security and Foreign Affairs: Heather Wilson (R-NM)

· Redesigning Government: David Vitter (R-LA)

“The Tax Reform Subcommittee will continue the work initiated by Rep. John Sununu and Rep. Hulshof in the 107th Congress to reinvent the means by which the federal government finances itself, reduce its drag on the economy, control unfunded future liabilities, and improve international competitiveness,” Chairman Cox said. “With his experience on the Ways & Means and Budget committees and his proven ability to work with every Member of Congress, no one is better suited than Chairman Hulshof to help the Majority move toward consensus in considering the myriad issues raised by tax reform proposals.”

“Recent Republican successes beginning to control frivolous lawsuits inspired us to create the new Civil Justice Subcommittee,” Chairman Cox added, “which will focus on legal reform issues. Rep. Pence, who has had a long career in policy development, is ideally suited to help us think ‘outside the box’ when it comes to restoring the rights of average citizens to have their cases decided in court.”

“Now more than ever, Congress must work to create an environment to restore America’s technology advantages,” Chairman Cox said. “As chairman of the Biotechnology, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Subcommittee, Rep. Jerry Weller will help coordinate the work of our standing committees to enhance technological innovation and create new jobs. America’s long-term economic health has always depended on innovation in technology. In advancing legislation, few are as innovative as Jerry.”

“Lincoln Diaz-Balart’s service as chairman of the Americas Policy Subcommittee in the last Congress led us to expand his jurisdiction to extending the founding Republican principles—freedom and civil rights—around the world. Lincoln’s experience in the battle against the dictatorship in Cuba and his passion for justice and human rights uniquely qualify him to lead the new Policy Subcommittee on Freedom, Civil Liberties, and Human Rights. Even the fact that he shares a name with our Party’s founding President is a reminder of what the GOP stands for today.”

“Health Policy Subcommittee Chairman Ernie Fletcher enjoyed tremendous success in the 107th Congress, when the President endorsed his Patient’s Bill of Rights,” Chairman Cox said. “He also initiated Medicare and Medicaid reform efforts that will ultimately mean better health care for more Americans. In this Congress, the Secretary of Labor has already joined him to support Associated Health Plans. AHP’s will be part of a larger Healthcare Pact with America that the Committee hopes to finalize and implement this year. We’re very pleased to have Ernie continue to lead these vital efforts.”

“National Security and Foreign Affairs Chairman Heather Wilson also hits the ground running,” Chairman Cox said. “Her report on nuclear policy earlier this year helped unify Congressional and administrative policy and applying her skill, intellect, and thoughtfulness to other transformation issues will serve the nation well.”

“Chairman David Vitter’s success on election reform and continuity of Congress in the 107th Congress have left him with a broader and even more challenging mission as well,” Chairman Cox said. “His Redesigning Government Subcommittee will examine both Congress and the Executive Branch to find ways to save taxpayer money, streamline taxpayer service, and make Congress better reflective of the nation’s policy priorities.”

The Congressional Policy Advisory Board, which has operated since 1997 and counted among its members Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Economist Milton Friedman, former Attorney General Ed Meese, and many others will continue to operate as it did in the 107th Congress, with each Subcommittee nominating its own Board membership. Board members will continue to include academics, analysts, industry experts, consumers, and other citizens who can provide expertise in each area of proposed federal legislation. Service on the Congressional Policy Advisory Board will remain on a volunteer basis. Chairman Cox, working with the subcommittee chairmen, will make appointments based on recommendations from Policy Committee members.

The Policy Committee, established by the House GOP in 1949, is the Majority’s principal forum for discussion of specific and forward-looking legislative initiatives, for the enunciation of official priorities, and for the resolution of inter-jurisdictional policy disputes.

The 107th Congress Policy subcommittees and chairmen were: The Americas, Chairman Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL); Biotechnology, Telecommunications, and Information Technology, Chairman Jerry Weller (R-IL); Environment, Resources, and Agriculture, Chairman Doug Ose (R-CA); Health, Chairman Ernie Fletcher (R-KY); National Security and Foreign Affairs, Chairman Heather Wilson (R-NM); Political, Educational, and Legal Reform, Chairman David Vitter (R-LA); Retirement Security, Capital Markets, and Tax Policy, Chairmen John Sununu (R-NH) and Kenny Hulshof (R-MO) (Chairman Hulshof was appointed to fill the term of Chairman Sununu during now-Sen. Sununu’s successful Senate campaign.).

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