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The Country Reports

The Russia Report (2000):

Covering a ten-year span, from 1991 to 2000, the Russia Report examines the critical period after the fall of the Soviet Empire and explores how American policy failed to capitalize on our victory in the Cold War. More...

North Korea Report (1999):

The Report of the Speakers Task Force on North Korea, on which Chris Cox participated as Chairman of the House Policy Committee, was the first published U.S. government account of North Korea's clandestine uranium enrichment program for nuclear weapons. North Korea did not admit the existence of this program until October 2002. More...

The China Report (1998):

The unanimous report of the bipartisan Select Committee that included among its membership the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee was completed in December 1998. This unclassified three-volume version, with many redactions, led to the creation of the National Nuclear Security Administration in 2000 to improve security at the national weapons laboratories. The findings in Chapters 5 and 6 on violations of export control laws by U.S. companies led to the 2002 payment by Loral and the 2003 payment by Hughes of the largest penalties in the history of the Export Control Act.. More...

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