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Congressional Research Service Issue Briefs

The Congressional Research Service provides research on various issues to pending before Congress.   Until recently, these "Issue Briefs" were only available in writing from congressional offices.   Because of a change in regulations, these Issue Briefs are now be available via congressional websites.   Here are the Issue Briefs Policy Committee staff find most helpful.


Budget and the National Debt

Budget: Appropriations for FY2002

Congressional Budget Actions in 2002

The Debt Limit: The Need to Raise It After Four Years of Surpluses


Appropriations for FY2002

Homeland Security: Coast Guard Operations

Tactical Aircraft Modernization

Combating Terrorism: Are There Lessons to Be Learned from Foreign Experiences?


Missile Defense: The Current Debate

Peacekeeping: Issues of U.S. Military Involvement

Economic Security:

Child Welfare: Federal Program Requirements for States

The Current Economic Recession: How Long, How Deep, and How Different From the Past?

Long-Term Economic Growth and Budget Projections

National Security:

Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy

Intelligence to Counter Terrorism: Issues for Congress

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