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Chairman urges colleagues to sign letter to President

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Chairman Cox is urging his colleagues to co-sign a letter to the President, pledging to sustain a veto on any bill that would result in unnecessary spending. The letter states:

"Dear Mr. President: To help you control spending during the remainder of the 108th Congress, we will vote to sustain any veto you exercise on the basis that the legislation you veto would result in unnecessary spending."

A simlar letter was sent to the President by Chairman Cox in 2002 and had 150 co-signers. 2002 Letter and Signers

146 Members are need to sustain a veto and as of Tuesday, April 6, 2004 there were 108 signatures.

Akin, Todd
Barrett, J.Gresham
Bartlett, Roscoe
Barton, Joe
Beauprez, Bob
Blackburn, Marsha
Blunt, Roy
Boehner, John
Brady, Kevin
Burr, Richard
Burton, Dan
Camp, Dave
Cannon, Chris
Cantor, Eric
Carter, John
Chabot, Steve
Chocola, Chris
Cole, Tom
Collins, Mac
Cox, Chris
Crane, Phil
Cubin, Barbara
Culberson, John
Davis, Jo Ann
DeMint, Jim
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln
Diaz-Balart, Mario
Doolittle, John
Dreier, David
Dunn, Jennifer
Feeney, Tom
Flake, Jeff
Forbes, Randy
Franks, Trent
Gallegly, Elton
Garrett, Scott
Gibbons, Jim
Gingrey, Phil
Goode, Virgil
Goodlatte, Bob
Graves, Sam
Green, Mark
Gutknecht, Gil
Hall, Ralph
Hart, Melissa
Hayworth, J.D.
Hefley, Joel
Hensarling, Jeb
Herger, Wally
Hoekstra, Pete
Hostettler, John
Hyde, Henry
Isakson, Johnny
Issa, Darrell
Istook, Ernest
Jenkins, William
Johnson, Sam
Jones, Walter
Keller, Ric
Kennedy, Mark
King, Steve
Kingston, Jack
Kirk, Steven
Kline, John
Kolbe, Jim
Lewis, Ron
Linder, John
Manzullo, Donald
Mcinnis, Scott
McKeon, Buck
Miller, Jeff
Musgrave, Marilyn
Myrick, Sue
Neugebauer, Randy
Norwood, Charlie
Nussle, Jim
Ose, Doug
Otter, Butch
Paul, Ron
Pence, Mike
Pitts, Joseph
Pombo, Richard
Puntam, Adam
Radanovich, George
Ramstad, Jim
Reynolds, Tom
Rogers, Mike (AL-3)
Rohrabacher, Dana
Royce, Ed
Ryan, Paul
Ryun, Jim
Schrock, Ed
Sensenbrenner, James
Sessions, Pete
Shadegg, John
Shays, Christopher
Shimkus, John
Smith, Nick
Souder, Mark
Stearns, Cliff
Sullivan, John
Tancredo, Tom
Terry, Lee
Tiahrt, Todd
Tiberi, Patrick
Toomey, Pat
Vitter, David
Wilson, Joe

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