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#426Hands-On Bioconductor Workshop

This presentation is about the Bioconductor project. This project produces an open source software framework that assists biologists and statisticians working in bioinformatics.

The class will mimic an analysis of Affymetrix data from two populations using Bioconductor tools. It will start with six cell files (3 replicates from each replication) and work its way down to a list of candidate genes. It will make an annotated report for the genes in the list.


Who should attend:
NIH staff with some knowledge of the S language (R or SPlus).

Dr. Rafael A. Irizarry, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University

Time Required:
3 hours

Sections Available:
426 -04F November 15 1:00 - 4:00 Building 12A, Room B51

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