Home Contact Us Search HMO Cancer Research Network
 About the CRN
  * Overview
  * Participating Health Plans &
Research Center Sites
  * How to Work with Us
 CRN Areas of Research
  * Behavioral Research
  * Cancer Biology & Etiology
  * Screening Research
  * Cancer Care & Treatment Research
  * End-of-Life Care
  * Health Services & Outcomes Research
  * Survivorship Research
 Scientific & Data Resources
  * Facilitating Conduct of CRN Research Studies
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  * Publications
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 Links to Related Sites & Projects
  * Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium
  * Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium
  * Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
  * HMO Research Network
  * More...
  CRN Highlights  
 Report Examines Physician Response to Tobacco Control Efforts in Managed Care
 Study Finds High Retention of Cancer Patients in CRN Health Care Systems
 CRN Connection - Current Issue
National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services