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Earth's Water

As the saying goes ... "water, water, everywhere." Well, how much water is there; where is this water; how does it move around? This section of Water Science for Schools tells the story of where, how much, and in what forms water exists on Earth. The dripping pipe below lists the main topics in this section. Select "Menu of all Earth's Water topics" to see a more complete list. A text menu is provided below the dripping pipe.

Earth's water main water topics (also at page bottom) Where is Earth's water? How much water is on Earth? Earth's water distribution. Follow a drip through the water cycle. Surface water. Ground water. Rain. Glaciers and icecaps. Rivers Rainfall runoff. Measuring streamflow. What is ground water? Ground-water wells. Aquifers Sinkholes Menu of all Earth's water topics

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The URL for this page is http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/mearth.html
Comments? Contact Howard Perlman
Last Modified: Aug 22, 2003
Glossary of water terms.
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