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WAN/IP Load Balancing and Web Site Mirroring
Supporting the National Hurricane Center's mission to provide critical storm-related information to the public.

NOAA Webcasting
Using web multi-media technologies to deliver information to the public and NOAA community.

SSMC Web Farm Virtual Hosting Services
Testing and evaluating web site consolidation within NOAA.

Universal Access
Making computing and networking technologies accessible to everyone.
HPCC Workshop held in October 2001 - view abstracts and videos of presentations.

collage with pictures of computing related objects

The High Performance Computing
and Communications (HPCC) Office
provides NOAA-level management, coordination, and integration of NOAA's Information Technology Research and Development and the High Performance Computing and Communications Program.
Key Attributes
National Program Relationship

banner - announcements

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arrow High-end Computing - Expediting improved weather and climate models.
arrow Internet and Web Support - Using advanced networking technologies to enhance NOAA data collection and dissemination to the Public.
arrow Next Generation Internet (NGI) - Using advanced networking technologies to enhance NOAA data collection and dissemination.
arrow Disaster Planning, Response, Recovery and Mitigation - Exploring advanced wireless and information technologies to provide near-real time support for disaster planning, response, recovery and mitigation.
arrow Scientific Visualization - Using advanced visualization technologies to increase understanding of NOAA research.
arrow Collaboration & Intelligent Agents - Providing NOAA researchers with seamless technologies to collaborate with colleaques around NOAA, the university community and the world.
arrow Digital Libraries - Developing advanced methods of cataloging, searching, viewing and retrieving NOAA data distributed across the web.

Publication of the Office of the CIO/HPCC, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce

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Last Updated: December 2, 2003 1:57 PM