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International Metrology

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Date created:04/15/04
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What's New

Standard Reference Materials

NIST Human Cardiac Troponin Complex

Below is a link to a article on the new SRM 2921 Human Cardiac Troponin Complex.

Article on Human Cardiac Troponin Complex

Standard Reference Data

NIST Standard Reference Database 46
NIST Critically Selected Stability Constants of Metal Complexes: Version 8.0

Calibrations Highlights:

The Optical Technology Division now offers a calibration service for 0 degrees/45 degrees industrial color standards under Special Test number 38091S. Because color often plays a major role in the acceptability of a product, this service is designed to meet a demand for improved measurements and standards to enhance the color matching of products.


Measurement Services
Technical/Website inquiries:
Contact Us
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Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2320

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