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The on-line query system to analyze health statistics and information on hospital stays at the national, regional, and State level.
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HCUPnet has been redesigned. Click here to enter the new HCUPnet.

The new HCUPnet is more user-friendly and provides more information, more definitions, and more background information.

The query system has been enhanced and is now split into two paths - a simpler path for lay users and a more complex path for researchers and medical professionals.


For instructions on how to use the query system, enter the new HCUPnet, look under First Time Visitor, and click on "How does HCUPnet work?".

To bypass the query system, go directly to Quick Statistics to access ready-to-use tables on commonly requested information.

HCUPnet is an on-line query system that gives you instant access to the largest set of all-payer health care databases that are publicly available. Using HCUPnet's easy step-by-step query system, you can generate tables and graphs on national and regional statistics and trends for community hospitals in the U.S. In addition, community hospital data are available for those States that have agreed to participate in HCUPnet.

New features of HCUPnet include:

Better user interface: easier to use, more user-friendly
  • More intuitive query system
  • New option to rerun a specific query on another database without having to go through each query step
Separate paths for lay users and researchers
  • Lay path provides key information without a lot of "clutter" that only researchers are typically interested in
  • Lay path includes separate vocabulary and query terms

Improved output to Excel and printing

More information and more detail:
  • Standard errors allow for significance testing of differences
  • Cost data for year 2000 in the NIS and the KID
  • More patient info: e.g., % of patients admitted from the ED for specific conditions, % admitted from nursing homes
  • Completely sort-able Quick Tables (e.g., can sort diagnoses by number of discharges, mortality rate, length of stay)
  • De-duplicated all-listed diagnoses and procedures means that users will get counts of all discharges with any mention of diagnoses and procedures (rather than counts of diagnoses and counts of procedures)
  • Information on all diagnoses associated with principal diagnoses and procedures
  • Information on all procedures associated with principal diagnoses and procedures
  • Less stringent reporting thresholds so more information on rare conditions (but still in compliance with agreements with HCUP states)
Better documentation
  • More definitions
  • More links to information