HCAHPS Sources

Diverse sources were drawn on in development of the preliminary Hospital CAHPS® (HCAHPS) CMS Pilot Test Questionnaire. The sources and the processes involved are summarized below.


Developing the Preliminary HCAHPS Questionnaire
Responses to the Federal Register Notice
Identifying Submissions that Influenced the Preliminary Questionnaire

Developing the Preliminary HCAHPS Questionnaire

The HCAHPS Instrument Team reviewed items from three sources:

  1. CAHPS® core survey items.
  2. Items submitted by organizations that responded to the Federal Register notice Call for Measures published July 24, 2002.
  3. Literature review conducted by the HCAHPS Team of relevant English language literature on hospital questionnaires and survey methods.

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Responses to the Federal Register Notice

We are grateful to organizations that responded to our request for measures. Seven sets of questionnaire items were submitted by nine organizations (three organizations submitted together). By submitting items or item sets, organizations agreed to these conditions:

The submissions were from:

*Submitted together.

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Identifying Submissions that Influenced the Preliminary Questionnaire

To identify items submitted in response to the Federal Register notice that influenced the preliminary Hospital CAHPS CMS Pilot Test Questionnaire, the following process was developed:

A team comprised of Coder 1 (who originally assessed the influence of submitted items), Coder 2 (who assessed them independently), and staff from AHRQ, RAND, and Westat reviewed a comparison between the original and second assessments to reconcile differences between the two.

Agreement between coders was defined as one of the following:

Each item in which the coders did not agree was reviewed. Coders gave their rationales for their coding choices. The team arrived at a consensus about a final coding of the items.

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In this analysis, the team did not include screeners, demographic, and descriptive items. These are standard in the field and do not reflect the patient assessment of health care (reports and ratings) that will be used to compare hospitals.

Of the 294 items submitted that dealt with assessment of health care, 78 items influenced the preliminary HCAHPS CMS Pilot Test Questionnaire. In the preliminary questionnaire, there are 38 items on patient assessment of health care. Of these, 22 were influenced by items from more than one submitter.

Of the 294 items, the two independent coders initially differed on 40 items regarding whether they influenced the preliminary questionnaire. The process of determining the influence of items on the preliminary HCAHPS Questionnaire was subject to some coder judgment and the resulting attributions were imperfect. However, the reasonably high agreement between the two coders (86.4 percent) indicates a high degree of objectivity in the assessment process.

The adjudication resolved these differences. Using the final adjudicated data base, items that reflect the reports and ratings of respondents in the preliminary HCAHPS questionnaire were identified (Table 1).

Table 1. Influence of Submitters' Items on Preliminary HCAHPS Questionnaire

Vendor Total Number of Patient Assessment Items Submitted Number of items which influenced the draft HCAHPS instrument
Avatar 59 19
Edge Health 691 19
HFMA 92 0
Press Ganey/Jackson Organization/PRC 9 3
NRC 663 20
Peace Health 28 6
SSM 54 11
CAHPS 3.0 Core   114

1Edge Health submitted two surveys for consideration. The total number of items submitted is the number of unique items across both surveys.
2All items from HFMA deal with billing issues not in the preliminary HCAHPS questionnaire.
3Only items from the NRC Adult Inpatient Survey were counted.
4This count does not include demographics questions. Total items pulled from CAHPS 3.0 including demographics are 21.

Total number of items in draft HCAHPS Instrument: 66.
Total number of items submitted by vendors: 294.
Total number of items submitted and coded either 1,2,3 or 4: 78.

In summary, the HCAHPS survey consolidates a wide range of items submitted by various organizations for possible inclusion in the preliminary instrument and the CAHPS® Core items.

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The analysis of the items in HCAHPS is not meant to endorse or should it be construed to mean that one instrument, based on the number of items accepted for HCAHPS use, is better, or is worse than any other instrument submitted or any that were not submitted. Likewise, inclusion of items in the final HCAHPS questionnaire is not a reflection of the utility or quality of unused items for purposes other than set out for HCAHPS, nor is the use or adaptation of particular items for the CMS and HCAHPS objectives, meant to endorse or otherwise promote a specific organization. Inclusion of selected validated items in the final HCAHPS questionnaire will be based on the results of the CMS pilot test and of additional testing by AHRQ as well as the current literature available.

These items are currently being evaluated for validity and reliability through various mechanisms such as the CMS pilot test and additional testing conducted by AHRQ.

Current as of July 2003

Internet Citation:

HCAHPS Sources. July 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/cahps/hcahpitem.htm

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