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Nevada Test Site
[ Photograph ] Nevada Test Site A unique national resource, the Nevada Test Site is a massive outdoor laboratory and national experimental center that cannot be duplicated.  Larger than the state of Rhode Island, approximately 1,375 square miles, making this one of the largest restricted access areas in the United States. The remote site is surrounded by thousands of additional acres of land withdrawn from the public domain for use as a protected wildlife range and for a military gunnery range, creating an unpopulated land area comprising some 5,470 square miles.

Established as the Atomic Energy Commission's on-continent proving ground, the Nevada Test Site has seen more than four decades of nuclear weapons testing. Since the nuclear weapons testing moratorium in 1992 and under the direction of the Department of Energy (DOE), test site use has diversified into many other programs such as hazardous chemical spill testing, emergency response training, conventional weapons testing, and waste management and environmental technology studies.

Last Updated September 04, 2002
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