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[ Photograph ] Researcher
Our researchers are using holograms to "see" how materials react at the moment they begin to break apart. This glass plate holds a tiny portion of the particles and images needed to create a scientific hologram.
DOE Nevada comprises the Nevada Test Site and its related laboratories and facilities in California, Maryland, Nevada, and New Mexico. Bechtel Nevada manages and operates the work at the test site and its related facilities for the U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office. Bechtel Nevada is a consortium of three companies: Bechtel Nevada Corporation; Johnson Controls Nevada, Inc.; and Lockheed Martin Nevada Technologies, Inc.

We have a cadre of architectural engineers, construction professionals, craftsmen, engineers, miners, nuclear physicists, scientists, technicians, and other professionals. We have many technologies and skills. Our people are experts in developing specialized sensors and sensor systems, instrumentation and high-speed recording systems, data analysis, and data communications. We have more than 40 years experience mining underground tunnels and drilling some of the world's deepest, widest shafts.

Our professionals also perform aerial radiation and environmental surveys of government sites, industrial nuclear power plants, and mining sites around the world to measure the levels of background and man-made radiation near the areas. We are part of the Department of Energy's nuclear emergency response program, and our people play a vital role in America's ability to respond to a wide range of nuclear emergencies.

Our people can take the lead on a project, or they can serve as part of an integrated, multifaceted team. We do whatever it takes to get the job done right. And we go wherever we're needed, whether it's in the frigid Arctic Circle, behind the fallen Iron Curtain, or in the parched Nevada desert. We fill technological niches by finding distinctive and creative solutions that solve difficult technical problems.

Nevada Test Site related organizations:

Last Updated November 20, 2003
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