Technical Reports
The following reports prepared as an account work sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Operations Office are available on-line. (Please refer to U.S. Department of Energy, Science and Technology Information for additional on-line resources.)

  FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 1 - Methods; SAND2003-1071P, April 2003 (PDF, 2.7MB)
  FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 2 - Tables, Charts, Worksheets, Glossary, References; SAND2003-1072P, April 2003 (PDF, 4.4MB)
  FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 3 - Pre-assessed Default Scenarios; SAND2003-1073P, April 2003 (PDF, 4.8MB)
  FRMAC Monitoring and Analysis Manual, Radiation Monitoring and Sampling, Volume 1, Revision 1, dated September 2002, DOE/NV/11718--181-VOL 1 (PDF, 1.2MB)
An Aerial Radiological Survey of Abandoned Uranium Mines in the Navajo Nation, dated August 2001, DOE/NV/11718--602 (PDF, 1MB)
Final Environmental Assessment, Atlas Relocation and Operation at the Nevada Test Site, May 2001 (DOE/EA-1381) (PDF, 1.1MB)

Radiological Emergency Response Health and Safety Manual, dated May 2001, DOE/NV/11718--440 (PDF, 1.3MB)

DOE/NV/11718--036, Federal Radiological Response in the United States, dated 1996 (PDF, 23KB)
Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center Advance Party Phase Response Actions, dated 1997 (PDF, 29 KB)
  Environmental Management EM UPDATE, Spring 2004, DOE/NV-972 (PDF, 1MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Rulison Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--950-DRAFT2 (PDF, 1MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Central Nevada Test Area Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--954-DRAFT2 (PDF, 2MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Gasbuggy Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--953-DRAFT2 (PDF, 2MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Gnome-Coach Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--952-DRAFT2 (PDF, 2MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Test Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--958-DRAFT2 (PDF, 5MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Rio Blanco Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--951-DRAFT2 (PDF, 1MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Salmon Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--949-DRAFT2 (PDF, 3MB)
  U.S. Department of Energy Project Shoal Site Risk-Based End State Vision, Draft Version 2, May 2004, DOE/NV--955-DRAFT2 (PDF, 1MB)
  Preapproval Draft Environmental Assessment for Activities Using Biological Simulants and Releases of Chemicals at the Nevada Test Site; April 2004, DOE/EA-1494 (PDF, 1.4MB)
  Annual Site Environmental Report - 2002, dated October 2003, DOE/NV/11718-842 (PDF, 3MB)
  Annual Report FY 2003 - Radioactive Waste Shipments To and From the
Nevada Test Site (NTS), January 2004, DOE/NV--947 (PDF, 1MB)
  Annual Report - FY 2002, Radioactive Waste Shipments To and From the
Nevada Test Site (NTS), January 2003, DOE/NV--871 (PDF, 483KB)
  Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 2001, dated October 2002, DOE/NV/11718--747
  Proceedings from the Remediation of Radioactive Surface Soils Workshop, August 14 - 15, 2001, Las Vegas, NV; DOE/NV--798, January 2002 (PDF, 3MB)
Annual Report - FY 2001, Radioactive Waste Shipments To and From the Nevada Test Site (NTS), February 2002, DOE/NV--808 (PDF, 583 KB)

Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 2000, dated August 2001, DOE/NV11718--605

Nevada Test Site Radionuclide Inventory, 1951 - 1992, September 2001, LA-13859-MS (PDF, 791KB)
Annual Report - FY 2000, Radioactive Waste Shipments To and From the Nevada Test Site (NTS), March 2001, DOE/NV--688 (PDF,972KB)
Nevada Test Site 2000 Data Report: Groundwater Monitoring Program, Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Site, dated February 2001, DOE/NV/11718--514 (PDF, 2.2MB)
Nevada Test Site Waste Acceptance Criteria, October 2003, DOE/NV--325-REV 5
Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year - 1999, dated October 2000, DOE/NV11718--463
Ecological Monitoring and Compliance Program - Fiscal Year 2000, dated September 2000, DOE/NV-11718--484 (PDF, 5MB)
Project Execution Plan, Waste Management Division, Nevada Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy, April 2000, DOE/NV--612 (PDF, 380KB)
DOE/NV/11718--138, Nevada Test Site Environmental Data Report for Calendar Year-1996, dated 1998
DOE/NV/11718-138, Nevada Test Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year -- 1996, dated October 1998
DOE/NV--471, Corrective Action Decision Document, Second Gas Station, Tonopah Test Range, Nevada (Corrective Action unit No. 403), Revision 2, dated November 1997 (PDF, 3.2MB)
DOE/NV--477, Regional Groundwater Flow and Tritium Transport Modeling and Risk Assessment of the Underground Test Area, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, dated October 1997 (PDF, 1.4MB)
The Nevada Test Site Development Corporation's Desert Rock Sky Park at the Nevada Test Site, March 2000, DOE/EA--1300 (PDF, 3.4MB)

Last Updated June 25, 2004
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