Berkeley Lab

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Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Panorama of the Bay Area from Berkeley Lab

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About Berkeley Lab

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has been a leader in science and engineering research for more than 70 years. Located on a 200 acre site in the hills above the Berkeley campus of the University of California, overlooking the San Francisco Bay, Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory managed by the University of California. It has an annual budget of nearly $480 million (FY2002) and employs a staff of about 3,900, including more than a thousand students.

Berkeley Lab conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines with key efforts in fundamental studies of the universe; quantitative biology; nanoscience; new energy systems and environmental solutions; and the use of integrated computing as a tool for discovery. It is organized into 17 scientific divisions and hosts four DOE national user facilities. Details on Berkeley Lab’s divisions and user facilities can be viewed here.

The Lab was founded in 1931 by Ernest Orlando Lawrence, winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize in physics for his invention of the cyclotron, a circular particle accelerator that opened the door to high-energy physics. It was Lawrence’s belief that scientific research is best done through teams of individuals with different fields of expertise, working together. His teamwork concept is a Berkeley Lab legacy that has yielded rich dividends in basic knowledge and applied technology, and a profusion of awards, including nine Nobel Prizes -- five in physics and four in chemistry. A history of Lawrence and his laboratory can be viewed here. The story of Berkeley Lab’s Nine Nobel Laureates can be viewed here.

Image of Steven Chu

The Director of Berkeley Lab is Steven Chu.





Image of Pier Oddone

The Deputy Director For Scientific Programs is Pier Oddone.





Image of Sally Benson

Berkeley Lab's Deputy Director For Operations is Sally Benson.