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Cover of the October issue.

October 2004

The Laboratory in the News

Award-Winning Technology in the National Interest
Commentary by Michael R. Anastasio

Detecting Bioaerosols When Time Is of the Essence
Livermore scientists develop a fully automated system that can rapidly detect and identify biowarfare agents.

Getting the Big Picture
Chromium software is proving to be the most effective graphics infrastructure for PC-based, parallel supercomputing clusters.

Laser Burrows into the Earth to Destroy Land Mines
A new solid-state laser uncovers and neutralizes land mines with extremely powerful pulses of light.

Shutting Down Genes in Cancer, Bacteria, and Viruses
Livermore’s hybrid gene-silencing technology may provide an effective treatment for cancer and other diseases.

Magnetically Levitated Train Takes Flight
Inductrack will provide a versatile, energy-efficient system for high-speed intercity and urban travel.

The Power of Partnership
Livermore researchers are forging strategic collaborations with colleagues from other University of California campuses to further science and better protect the nation.


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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy

UCRL-TR-52000-04-10 | October 8, 2004