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Date Update Applied
October 05, 2004Added/replaced CMC documents for Photometry and Radiation (APMP countries)
October 05, 2004Replaced CMC documents in Acoustics&Vibration; for Poland, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom
September 29, 2004Updated CMC document for for Photometry and Radiometry (China).
July 07, 2004Added new CMC documents for Temperature and Humidity (Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, United States, Uruguay) and replaced CMC Document for Ionizing Radiation (Russia).
June 28, 2004Added new CMC document for Themometry (Temperature) declared by 7 countries via APMP.
June 23, 2004Added a new CMC document for Photometry and Radiometry (Belarus).
June 21, 2004Added/updated CMC documents for Length for Brazil, Mexico and United States via SIM.
May 25, 2004Publication of first sets of CMC documents in Thermometry (Temperature) declared by 19 countries via EUROMET
May 18, 2004Replaced CMC document for Mass and related quantities --pressure (South Aftrica).
May 12, 2004Publication of updated CMCs in Electricity and Magnetism declared by 21 countries via EUROMET (Round 2).

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Web Page last modified: Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Web Page created: Wednesday, June 20, 2001